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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Yes, thanks for putting a spotlight on a good near neighbour option country. There should be a combined thread for surrounding country gold standard care at fraction of Thai prices... Thailand is a bit spicy pricey but not according to the yanks with their eye-watering domestic health care costs. I'm in UK now and NHS stuff I'm getting is pretty great and fast at the level I'm interacting with and 'free' in the tax payer funded sense - of which I'm one.
  2. So finally it was self murder then - to line up with the headline.
  3. I guess spending of a card like WISE is technically bypassing on-shoring that money as it just goes directly into purchases after being deposited in the UK wise account and converted to Thai Baht on the wise internal currency conversion system...and hopefully it is as simple as that for living costs on tap not attracting this new tax.
  4. OK..and then do you expect to have that income tax in Thailand, if resident and it coming in through the banking system from UK ? This new development is so messed up.
  5. But your rental income does it not get taxed under UK laws as an onshore invesment ? i'll have to halt the bus on a 2nd property investment to see what is what with this new tax law. Been away from Thailand for a while due to "family stuff" back in UK...lovely brisk 1 degrees today..wakes you up at least going out the door !
  6. Even if its been taxed already in the likes of the UK ? I had been looking at passive income from overseas from rent which is taxed under UK law as an onshore UK income obviously. Are we talking double taxation now ?
  7. right side thread links still not clickable....
  8. It's good to give an update on twitter during down periods. I though the centre of my online world last 10 years was gone....
  9. So get a prescription and you can stIll buy buds in shops..is thst long and short of it ?
  10. For the time being...Rishi may make the UK join USA soon....GM food coming, reverse baseball caps and opioid pill mills... and and a thousand nukes for Putin's ass.
  11. As soon as you sip alcohol you are getting drunk...as soon as you inhale weed you are 90% there my firiend.
  12. links still not opening on right side...ADMIN ?
  13. Does that just mean they cannot provide buds for smoking in the shops but buds can still be sold for personal behind closed doors consumption ? As always ill-thought out rules in Thailand get amended...this country is worst for U-turn uncertainty. Next will be U-turn on the new taxing resident 180-days+ foreigners laws or an amendment to it. Land of ceasless rule changes...fatiguing..this is a real core issue with Thai goverment culture.. Badly applied new laws and rules.....indicates none-to-smart that implement these changes...
  14. ...almost like good old 2000s days of exiting into a sunny morning wrecked !
  15. You are a part of God masquerading as an atheist....
  16. Up in Chiang Mai can get Fish and Chips buffets for maybe 200 baht...was also pizza/pork/salad but main thing was breaded fish...and it was not a bad fish n chips taste at all..but yes, those would be prices for good genuine UK style fish supper...
  17. Browser dependent then good to know...they should fix that glitch soon I guess.
  18. It would have interfered with brown envelope collections..haha.
  19. Yes, you have to reload the page to be able to click links on the right side...they won't open on first load of the page on firefox macOS anyway....
  20. With all the tabs on the application website did you just upload blank photos or something or has the application website also been simplified ?
  21. Probably the loudest protesters buy that age the same night.
  22. In that scenario - multiple guys and cameras.... de-escalate. Only the penalty/fine issuing local govt. body benefits.
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