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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Thai officialdom - a smile for every table in the restaurant.
  2. Probably simply more visa app. rejections based on cosmetic look of foreigners in Badboy magnet - Pats.. Visible tats/gangsterish/sinister as an "officer sees fit" to reject. 800k retirement visa probably on its way out near future when waves of new retireees from developing countries getting richer crush the system. The entry requirement bar will get a lot higher like these new visas brought in last 5 years or so.
  3. Too many chicks into me - get me out of here.
  4. The only online trend I care about just now is AI generated imagery....some of it is mind-blowing..the scifi fantasy stuff is off the charts as it looks so real...it is like viewing other worlds that are inhabited. https://www.instagram.com/novosyna/ https://www.instagram.com/blumquist_/ Being jaded, this has been my first WOW moment in a long-time. Beyond that - I don't really care if a guy has a vagi-na behind his bollsack. Or some singer says "I'm neither male nor female." No need to tell the world ?
  5. You getting all your ducks lined up in advance ?
  6. Which visa are/were you on to come back U-turn ?
  7. It's wise coming in, and deemoney out for legitimately sourced money that can be traced to its origin. Wise only good up to a certain limit then after that there were other similar online transfer options.
  8. Over and over ? I have not been wheeling out any such thing repeatedly. Quote your source that they all died from covid on its own.
  9. ..and how many died 'with covid' rather than 'from covid' were bundled in those number ? A larger percentage I'd guess.
  10. In case of Bob De Niro - he gets a free pass....seems to be 2 sets of opinion rules..one for stars/famous singers and one for plebs.
  11. This is a non-story now in UK...barely makes any big news site top fold of webpage...is like that virus never happened here (I know it did for the bereaved obviously)...am in indoor place all the time and not picked it up again since around New Year...last vaccive I had was early 2022 astra.
  12. I love all the those club history pages..but sad at same time. Like milk, they all seem to have a expiry date not that long. Anyway, back to balloon body retirees having epileptic viagra fits on 18-year-olds.
  13. God...Awful. May have pulled past uncut tree branches with a blind spot as they got into the road...something like that. Just did that on my mountain bike other day at a busy bit back in UK. In retrospect, I'd have been wiped if a car was coming....
  14. Yeah, it's that lack of an agreed exclusive trading zone. I'm guessing better franchises have a single operator agreed zone.
  15. Gruesome dealings...I hate all this kind of news. Time for dancing dog videos.
  16. I'd have thought sharing of naked photos under 18 in UK to him - illegal. Is that one thing not the crux of it ? Got to be a digital trail to his phone and apps, and yet now, potential legal escalation is being dropped ? That kind of thing is black-and-white usually in UK. Weird stuff.
  17. At least the Ruskie was not naked on the bike...bit of restraint.
  18. My point is it has been the norm in Thailand to do all your violation list.
  19. = that is half the Thais on the road descriptor until up to covid...maybe rules getting enforced more now...not sure. With foreigners its a "When in Rome" phenomenon....a lot take their cue from what seems tolerated on the roads. I had an old western dude come towards me on expressway wrong way out of his gated community to short-cut to another bit.
  20. We put mesh barriers on all windows when we got our house...never seen anything like that get in the house..that is nuts...dogs would nose open the mesh sliding doors at times and they'd get it - but 1 or 2 every few days !
  21. Loss of ability to express your opinion online.
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