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  1. What's that got to do with the issue at hand...no one has problems that use a credit card so your input doesn't help
  2. I just installed my first Aircon 3 weeks ago. A 9000btu inverter in my bedroom. For health reasons it's best I maintain temperature of 21c. My bedroom is 18sqm so 9000 btu is perfect. My bill is in a Thai name and she is currently unable to be contacted..However to work out my monthly cost what could be easier simply deduct last months bill for my new reading and it should give me a good idea of how much extra I can expect to pay per month....only one problem for the first time in 2years my electric bill has not turned up and it was due in my post box a week ago. Now I have no way of contacting them to complain because I don't have any old bills and I don't know my house address... luckily I can pay it next month when my next bill arrives...if it does arrive...only in Thailand๐Ÿ˜ธ
  3. Lazada use them.absolute crap service.....no other words to descride them
  4. I have union pay debit card from Bkk bank..absolutely useless as no one accepts it online in my world which includes Lazada Shopee and anyone else that I have tried...I am going to my branch and hopefully they will issue a visa one
  5. The idea is if I change my car ot bike I dont have to travel 240km to immigration and back the get a motorbike to the DLT to register it which is 200km round trip......kinda hard to enjoy that at my agae
  6. Proof of residency from Immigration is a requirement unless you have a Yellow Book. To get a yellow book if renting you need Proof of residency from the British Embassy which in my case is a 2 day trip. The British Embassy have absolutely no idea where you live in Thailand unlike Immigration thats how messed up Thailand is
  7. Because I rent the local Tesseban want a letter from the British Embassy before they will issue a yellow book. I'll be 76 this year have COPD and I live 120km from the nearest Airport. So I need 2 taxis and a flight just to get there. Then I have to stay overnight then make my way back home. Apart from the cost and the fact I am ill the British Embassy don't have the foggiest Idea where I live. Whereas immigration certainly do. Typical Thai bloody nonsense they really are clueless at times.
  8. It gets lost n translation. You handsome man is almost impossible to translate into Thai. However after some in depth research the nearest we could get to it was "You Old Fuddy Duddy"
  9. Thousand are with their Thai wives they met in a bar until the day they die Thousands are not. Men usually cause the break ups Thai girls are pretty loya. Thai girls who work in offices etc can be 10 times worse than bar girls with their giks
  10. How on earth did they ever catch on to an ordinary looking citizen like him๐Ÿ˜
  11. If you are lucky enough to have a Kasikorn Bank account it is simple. Download Kplus app to your mobile and you are set to go. Wait 24 hours after your meter has been read. open the app and click on PAYMENT. Enter your pin number. Go to top of page on the left click on back arrow...this takes you back to the first page. At the bottom of the page there's 5 choices in a row click SCAN. Scan the qr (that's the square right of the bar code) you bill details and the amount will pop up...proceed to pay and your done.
  12. Bangkok Bank is the retail bank leader with over 17 million customer accounts but they don't have the PEA on their app so customers can easily pay their electricity.......Would Ricky Gervais have a field day with that or what?๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
  13. I live 120km from the nearest Immigration office and 3 hours driving and an hours flight from Bangkok. I recently applied for a yellow book. Took along my landlady her daughter. Lease passport translated by a notary. Wasn't good enough I was told you must get the British Embassy to stamp it. Nevermind I have been doing 90 day reports had letters from immigration who knows exactly where I am it has to be the Embassy who don't know Diddly squat about where I live. So I have to drive 120km to Udon Airport fly to the new airport get a taxi to and pay for a hotel etc etc...how messed up in the head are these peop
  14. I live in Sakon Nakhon and they refused me a Yellow Book insisting I get a translated copy of my passport stamped by the British Embassy. I had a copy stamped by a BKK notary but that wasn't good enough..........a total nonsense they expect me at 75 years of age to go 1400 km round trip to BKK and back never mind the expense.
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