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Isan Farang

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  1. They send my orders to Ubon & Chiang Rai, delivered by Inter Express chilled service, never had any issues and the delivery is fast, all packages can be tracked.
  2. Just checked on BB website and the FD interest rate seems to have taken a big jump, i am wandering if depositing saving funds from HSBC offshore to open this account is going to cause an issue with the supposed new tax reporting thats floating around Deposit Terms and Interest Rates USD 4- months Fixed Deposit Account, interest rate is 4.35% p.a. USD 7- months Fixed Deposit Account, interest rate is 4.20% p.a. Promotion campaign is effective from February 3, 2025 – May 7, 2025.
  3. Previously i purchased some Avocado when we drive around Phetchabun province, just checking if any members here can let me know of any supplier who can send to me in Chiang Rai. If i can get the contact info my wife can call and check what is available.
  4. Looking to recover the seats in a 4 door pickup, anyone know a company in Chiang Rai that performs this work.
  5. It may depend on location, my last recent DL renewal in Ubon required a residence letter, previousl one they accepted copy of yellow book. They told me the rules had changed.
  6. My retirement visa expirey date is 21/03/25, due to the fact i will need to pay the 2.000 Baht fine is it worh going to the Imm office to tell them i forgot and just leave it till then. Or is it best to go perhaps sometime this month and pay the fine and receive a new date for my next 90 day report. The office is very close to my home.
  7. Thanks for the info, they usually send me a reminder online but this time no reminder. I need to flag these dates to avoid this issue.
  8. I have just noticed my 90 Day report that i do online was due on 27th September and i have forgot to submit, should i now go online and submit a late report or will i need to go to the IMM office
  9. Paul Phillips AKA Nookie passed away on Monday afternoon. Was informed It was very sudden. I had known Paul for many years and he was always on the move with his food orders. I have no idea if his buisness will continue or not.
  10. Just received some car parts sent from Poland, package was marked as 25 GBP value, postman required 77 Baht. Also purchased some LED lights from China on the Bay, was delivered by Kerry and i paid zero.
  11. I hope its fitted with a German engine
  12. Today i went to make a purchase on Lazada, and i also have been informed my account has been closed. Tried to call customer service and just being kept on hold to wait but gave up
  13. Are you doing the transfers via Bualuang iBanking Service. You state you can do the transfers online, can you indicate what type of transfers
  14. If you have a FCD $ Account with BB you have 2 options 1. Convert the USD to TB at whatever the rate on the given day 2. Take the cash in USD, there is a charge for the service When i had this account i was unable to do do anything online, all transactions had to be done at the bank, but things may have recently changed.
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