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Posts posted by threelegcowboy

  1. Pics from today show 3 color bricks used at far north start of project. Not much done but something to look at and get some idea.

    Maybe 20 meters brick laid with 100 more ready for bricks. The grading for road/sidewalk is already down to Soi 5. Sure there are trees and other things being uprooted all down the beach but still have good access in those areas.




  2. Pictures from today show the first landscape area at far north end which is very narrow. The concrete has been laid for the walkway and bricks have been delivered to site to be overlaid. The concrete rectangle bricks are all grey or all marine blue painted (same as Walking Street was?)

    Note the location of palm trees that do not allow for a straight sidewalk at this location.

    I did not get the feeling that there will be proper drainage of the sidewalk and will have pools of standing water after rain.




  3. I saw him Friday(yesterday) near the beach causing problems. He was not a quality tourist. The Thais eventually sent him on his way a number of times. Thais were very patient. I did make contact with him.

    He was not drunk but seemed mentally distressed. I did warn him about the Thais and tried to find out where he lived. I did tell him to go home. He then did the best dissapearing act ever.

    I did the best I could without getting involved.

    • Like 1
  4. The construction has not stopped. It is being done in sections. This is to allow for beach access by walking around the construction. The end currently is at Markland Condo.

    Some of the next section has been marked etc. Palm trees are being removed as they can be replanted etc. I am told by native it will all be done eventually.

    Narrow parts on beach will still allow for lanes and sidewalk which will extend out of/over the water.

    Enjoy now the Old Patters Beach Experience.


  5. A few years ago I went to Ko Si Chang via Sri Racha ferry. I was able to rent a motobike and drove every road on the island.

    There are limited hotels and resturants and a few temples etc. On the far side from the pier is a resort and beach access etc. Dont remember what the conditions would be there for snorkeling. Maybe as clean as its going to get.

    Clean water is what you might be interested in. On the pier side to the mainland is where the large ships anchor. Some spilled STUFF in that area.

  6. What it could turn into and I hope it doesnt. Just my wildest guess.

    Yes more lanes added for more traffic and many times more people and business. Then the harness of this traffic. Across Thailand are ACCESS FEES to parks including beaches. All it takes with this new construction is to put up a wall (between the street and new beach walkway) and have controlled access to collect fees to the beach.

    So the problem of jet ski scams may go away as the new business model is to make EVERYBODY PAY to access the beach. Currently a falang with a Thai driver license pays the same rate as Thais and the tourist pay much more to enter parks etc.

    Just my wildest guess.

  7. Tonight I took a walk to North Patters Beach. Construction workers are at it at night time, so looks like construction will be 24 hrs maybe. Traffic on two lanes without any parking, traffic was moving. Currently work in progress in front of Holiday Inn.

    Looks like they are taking everything out from the road to the sea wall. All trees etc will be gone. That is enough for three additional lanes or maybe two with a wide sidewalk ? Looks like they are taking out alot of shade trees.

    This is just my 10 min observation and your views may be different.

  8. I had a problem years ago with the cashier. I tried to buy a cheap item with B1000 and the cashier did not want to make change and wanted smaller notes. So I said no and left the item on the counter. I get my change from the larger stores etc. I kind of took it personal. But I did get over it and have contimued for years with good service.


  9. And yet another friend has some bad burns on his legs. This was caused by a message with an ointment, maybe a tiger baum type. So maybe these problems are caused by hands that have had this ointment on them and then touched tender skin. Maybe you have just touched contaminated objects with this ointment then touched yourself.

    • PBPM is NOT a fad diet. There are 46 pages of ref materical for the book PBPM. Nora G wrote the book and spent her professional life sorting through all the research material.

    I asked her about the Blood Type diets and I think she will not mind me relaying this info:


    Next to nothing.

    The Blood Type diet theory is seriously flawed and twisted. The idea of blood type as a nutritional guide seems seductively scientific on the surface of things and in the absence of any accompanying logic has taken its shaky and bizarre foothold in areas of the natural health care consciousness. A whole set of marketing gimmicks (supplement lines, processed candy bars, etc) have been spawned by Peter D'Adamo to monetize his shaky theories, though a lot of that has gone by the way of most fads since the book's hey-day in the early 1990's. Still, some lore around this book seems to linger.

    I am a "type A" blood type eating what can ostensibly be termed (in D'Adamo's language) a "type O" diet. --Doing quite well, thank you! In fact, a disproportionate number of Baltic people groups have a type A blood type....nestled nearly along the edge of the Arctic Circle as they are. According to D'Adamo they all should be vegetarians. There is also evidence that all blood types have been around pretty much all along which squashes D'Adamo's theory before it even leaves the gate. BTW--there is no such thing in primitive terms as a vegetarian culture...and the rates of Celiac disease are growing just as fast in the Middle East (where agriculture and wheat growing was first developed) as they are anywhere else. I've got too many examples to get into here, but you might find an article on the WAPF site interesting called "Blood Type Hype" (or something like that) for a good read on the subject. "

  10. In recent days I have noticed changes in baht bus trends that seem to be from this High Season.

    Short changed.

    Baht Bus not stopping for B10 fares. Must be drivers are catering to door to door custom service, more money.

    Driver loosing temper from traffic jam (after fireworks).

    Anybody know where I can buy Russian logo type clothing so the drivers will stop for me ?

    • Like 1
  11. I beg to differ with both of the last posters. "Primal Body Primal Mind" is the name of the book I recommend. I gave a link


    that shows an overview of the book and some advice. On the right side is advertisment not related to this book. The book goes in debth with the biology etc. You can google this name and a wealth of info is listed, also on youtube.

    This other poster talks about Marks Daily Apple is not what I know about.

  12. "What would happen to people such as myself who's blood sugar, blood pressure and weight are normal to begin with ?"

    For myself I had health conditions that improved. Respiratory, sinus, etc. The book also explains how lack of nutrition brings on a long list of ailments and disease including cancers. Proper nutrition can prevent and reverse many diseases.

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