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Posts posted by falang07

  1. Pay 3,000+1,900 to the Immigration your visa will be extended 90days and you have to pick it up by yourself.If you pay 1,900 bahts,you will get 15 days to check your studying at school and if you are,you will get another 75 days.
    If you don't go to school,the visa will be canceled.

    This is Thailand, no corruption whatsoever, everyone playing by the rules :-)

  2. I have a single entry non-O visa based on marriage to my Thai wife and it will expire in February.

    1. Can I go to the immigration and ask for the yearly extension in the last week of my visa validity? So if my visa is valid from 20 November till 19 February, can I go and extend it as late as on February 18th?

    2. I suppose I should get additional temporary 30 days during which my extension would be evaluated and then, after these temporary 30 days are over, I would get a full year, am I right? Or are these 30 days included in the 1 year extension already?

  3. A friend of mine who's a bit of a cheapskate flew with them last year to Europe.

    Immediately after his arrival he cancelled the return.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    What would be the reason to cancel a return flight? As far as I know, no refund is possible if the outboung leg was taken anyway.

  4. I second that. When I see advertisements without a price, the first thing that comes to my mind is that the price seemed too high even for the advertiser so he/she better did not state it. Then I do not even bother asking. Same like at a Thai market, I only buy from vendors showing the prices of their products and skip those without pricetags (since they usually try/hope to sell for more than it is worth).

  5. The question is if you are a tax resident in France. If you are (it depends on how this is defined in the French law), then have a look at the corresponding double tax treaty between France and Thailand since your tax liabilities are governed by this agreement. France is known for it's very unfair tax laws so I suspect paying in here will not spare you from having to pay the rest in France (especially since the life insurance is made in France so Thailand does not give a *** about it :-) and you can not pay tax in here even if you wanted since this income is subject to income tax in France.

  6. Are you sure? Take a look at http://www.kasikornbank.com/EN/RatesAndFees/ForeignExchange/Pages/ForeignExchange.aspx, there is a big difference between the BANK NOTES and TELEX TRANSFER, almost one Baht in case of every USD.

    Another poster noted that you'd receive a better exchange rate if you transferred an amount in Baht from your USD FCA to your THB account. That is not true. The same exchange rate is applied regardless whether you have the money transferred into your THB account or withdraw it in cash immediately. At least that's the case at Kasikorn Bank. Perhaps other banks follow a different policy. The exchange rate applied is the buying rate (the bank buys US$ from you in exchange for THB) displayed on the day of the transaction.

  7. Are you over 50? Get a retirement visa. Are you under 50? Then I suppose you must have enough money to support yourself (otherwise you better go back home and work on it :-) or work online, so you can either get married, or if you prefer to rent the girls, get tourist visa (if you do not work here) or business visa (if you work locally, i.e. not offshore). If you have even more money and prefer the added comfort, you can get investment visa, or the Elite card.

    I suppose still enough options to choose from.

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