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Posts posted by falang07

  1. The concern is the baht's appreciation against regional currencies.

    So do not hope for a large fall against the dollar or pound.

    If the baht falls in relation to regional currencies that means that the odds are overwhelming that it will also have fallen in relation to the dollar.

    definitely, if it falls, if falls against all currencies / gold and everything else

  2. As for me, this is one of the things I like Thailand for. If someone really feels the need for a sports car with a huge engine and fuel consumption, he should pay a hefty premium for it. Still, I do not think Thai roads (quality or traffic wise) are made for sports cars, trucks are the way to go.

  3. Why everyone is saying the immigration is reluctant to issue this type of visa? Has anyone tried (I doubt it)? I am sure if one asks, it should be no problem. 10M is not small money and why would they refuse it? Thailand would profit from it much more than from any other type of visa and it is a guarantee that this person has much money and will spend much in here, too. I really do not see any reason why would not they issue one for someone under 50.

  4. Do not rely on this extension until you have discussed it with Immigration. I have a condo, (over 10 million baht), and when I asked at CW if I could get an Investment Extension, they replied "no", because I hadn't purchased it from a government agency, etc., but from an existing owner. When I had to go to CW a few months later, I decide to ask again, (just in case there had been some communication misunderstanding), but this time I took all the purchase paperwork with me. Once again I got the same answer, for the same reasons.

    well, this one is definitely your fault since the rules specifically say it can not be a second hand condo.... the reason is they need to support selling of new units

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  5. Just another day in the paradise. Simple question: what is the age difference between you and your girlfriend and how much do you pay her for staying with you? If over 15-20 years and you pay less than 40 thousand a month, be realistic and stop dreaming handsome sexy man smile.png

    Why would anyone pay anything near 40K for a girlfriend?

    The answer is easy: why would a girl younger by more than 20 years stay with an old, probably fat and ugly man? Because he thinks he is a handsome man? It is a business, one side gets financial security, the other side gets young flesh. Works the same everywhere. Or do you think Thai girls simply like old men?

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