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Posts posted by falang07

  1. I am having unbelievable difficulties in getting the airport tax refunded for a few flights I did not take last year. I have gone through the tax refund process and even after several reminders and complaints, the money still was not wired to my SCB account. Every time I complain they respond that "Based from the system log, we were in the midst of processing your airport tax refund request. Kindly wait for our reply and thank you for your patience. We hope that you will grant us the opportunity to prove there are better experiences to have with us." I keep getting this response for a few months already. Anyone else having similar problems? Seems like they would like to keep those money and simply hope people will get tired and just give up.

  2. I wear silicone-hydrogel contact lenses and the quality of life is not an issue at all, they are very comfortable, I do not even feel I have them. I will be 40 in a few years and because of the inevitable presbyopia after LASIK I decided not to undergo this treatment.

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  3. I do not think that water from the air is any better than water from some lake. And would you drink water that left someones/something's lungs, or that someone coughed out before including all the bacteria? :) I better drink the filtered municipal water, the only criteria is a new machine which can be easily seen from the outside look of it and which should guarantee that the filters/UV lamps are still working. Further boiling can not spoil anything.

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