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Posts posted by falang07

  1. Actually, it would be very interesting (at least for me) to hear about experiences expats might have with using these government hospitals for some more serious health problems. I am almost sure that if you are a paying customer with a good health insurance, there will be no queue to wait in, and it would be definitely much cheaper than those 5-star hospitals which might just concentrate too much on the luxury to justify the Hilton-like prices but the actual treatment might be the same, or who knows, even worse.

  2. $20 per month in a condo? You live in a 15 square meters room? I have seen a few old condos where I would not like to live and still none of them was less than 20 baht per square meter.

    If you drive too fast, you deserve a hefty fine, they teach you in the school that driving fast is dangerous. Or do you think they limit the speed just for fun? We should differentiate between what is appropriate and what is not. Many people die in Thailand just because speeding fines are so cheap in here and many drivers think they are on a racing track.

  3. And if you do not have loads of money when you retire, your freedom will virtually evaporate, and you will be deported to your own country. So much for the freedom here in Thailand :) Some people do not want to see the reality and live in an illusion. Later, when some shit happens, they are surprised. That is why I am worried about what happens when I retire, soihok. I better plan now than just live in an illusion.

  4. Everyone should be worried about retiring, even young people. Anyway, my comment was meant to point out that the freedom of farangs is very limited in Thailand with all the 3-month reporting, uneven rights after marrying, being unable to own a company, having absolutely no right to buy even a small land (100 square meters would be OK for me, and there would be no risk for Thailand that we farangs would buy all the Thai land if they allow us to own at least the land under the structure where we want to retire), etc. Some of you might have the false feeling of freedom in here since you are able to bribe the cops which is quite hard back in Europe/USA (or maybe not that hard, just the rates are quite higher). Otherwise, I do not have the feeling of being any more free in here than in my own country where I can do literally everything I want (except for mating with underage children or doing other illegal activities, which you might be able to do in here if you pay the right price to the right people). We should call things with the right names, Thailand is great for cheap food (i.e. Thai food, western food is way expensive in here), cheap girls and great weather. Freedom is limited for farangs in here. Just simple facts.

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