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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. i think even a seventh grade school kid would have worked out this is

    what is really happening whistling.gif

    “What are the US and NATO doing? They are provoking disturbances in the country, they are looking for artificial opposition, are financing and arming it and killing civilians with their own hands,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky said. “And then they are laying the blame on the official authorities as was the case in Iran, for example. All this ends up with troops being brought in so as to ‘defend’ civilians.”


    It looks like at least one seventh grader has worked it out.

    And a super dooper tinfoil hat.

    Seriously, what can any rational person say in response to another conspiracy allegation that has absolutely no supporting evidence?



    Of course i realise that The Washington Post staff all wear tinfoil hats!

  2. If the French and Brits are being quiet it's probably because they are getting sorted out as these 2 nations have a distinct way of doing business when required and it doesn't need shouting about....

    The French and British are probably not shouting out of acute embarrassment, what with being instrumental in replacing a neutered despot with Islam & Co whilst ludicrously saying it was a good idea. Ahem, let the democracy begin. smile.png

    Great post, which sums up the situation perfectly.
  3. or sit in a bar and join in with the circular conversations about driving skills, service levels, who has just been scammed, who is going to be scammed next, racial and religious intolerance etc while listening to my liver slowly dissolve.

    So to protect your liver....you listen to these same topics on TV then ?.....biggrin.png

    Have you ever watched him trying to protect his liver ?

    It is not a pretty sight and it is NOT effective burp.gif

    To quote the late Oliver Reed, "The liver is EVIL and must be punished"!
  4. Reports in UK broadsheet newspapers today that William Hague has finally had to admit that Al Qaida insurgents are operating in Syria, and have been for many months. Drip by drip the truth is coming out. There have been reports for a long time of thousands of these insurgents entering Syria through Turkey,(a NATO member), fresh from fighting in Libya where of course they were our allies, NATO's troops on the ground. Interesting that these foreign terrorists in Syria are still referred to as 'Syrian rebels' by the Western media and government spokespersons! If i or anyone else was to take up foreign supplied arms against the British or American governments and their armed forces, i would be shot in the head immediately and i doubt if i would be called a rebel! Funny old world!

  5. as a matter of interest what do American members think of this video? EDIT, maybe its time to put Country first and individual politics second , just a thought or is this too much to ask ?

    Yes all true & I have often said two wings of basically the same corrupt bird.

    Americans are given the illusion of choice all the while never realizing both wings

    are tied firmly to the same strings.

    Anyone who does speak up in favor of reality is quickly ignored or worse...

    Sadly I for one think it is too late & have acted accordingly

    Two wings of the same bird? Is that the same as two cheeks of the same ass, which would surely be more appropriate for this topic?smile.png

    I would be inclined to think it depends on your ethnicity and/or purpose for posting. The thread is rather innocous unless one is trying to make a point not included in the OP.

    It depends on my ethnicity? I'm afraid you've really lost me there.
  6. Hmm, From ignoring ongoing carnage a few months ago to now fearing future not yet occurred massacres, how the worm has turned.

    The general public in the West are being led by the nose by thoroughly dishonest reporting from the mainstream media regarding what is happening on the ground in Syria. Here is a rare example giving eyewitness accounts of a totally different scenario to the official version of events. This is a respectable publication i think, among its contributors is Charles Krauthammer, who i think has credibility with some on this forum. Likewise the German daily newspaper which is the source of this report is a respectable newspaper. This sort of thing is rarely reported by the Western media who are acting as propagandists and never deviate from the official government line. If the West is not very careful they will open a can of worms in Syria and leave the country controlled by various Islamic terrorists who have no love of us. Pretty much like Libya now. Be careful what you wish for!


    • Like 1
  7. as a matter of interest what do American members think of this video? EDIT, maybe its time to put Country first and individual politics second , just a thought or is this too much to ask ?

    Yes all true & I have often said two wings of basically the same corrupt bird.

    Americans are given the illusion of choice all the while never realizing both wings

    are tied firmly to the same strings.

    Anyone who does speak up in favor of reality is quickly ignored or worse...

    Sadly I for one think it is too late & have acted accordingly

    Two wings of the same bird? Is that the same as two cheeks of the same ass, which would surely be more appropriate for this topic?smile.png
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  8. They got rid of Ghaddafi because he was going to set up a gold dinar as a currency for oil, bypassing the dollar.

    At least you have a good sense of humor. laugh.png

    Given the stability of the Ghaddafi regime and the fact that there was no guarantee that he would not de-link such a currency on a whim, I can just seeing some of the foolish people flocking to buy that dinar.

    The Iraqi Dinar was highly valued at one time too. It was held by a lot of people in the Middle East. Saddam just wiped out one of the notes. He decided a 500 Dinar note would no longer be honored.

    The Libyan plan was oil for GOLD, not paper. Libya had an awful lot of gold, but i expect its been 'Liberated'. I wonder where it is now!
  9. If we did not mastermind Libya could you explain why we got involved?

    Gaddafi was a scumbag who was slaughtering his own people and we knew that we could beat him easily and fairly cheaply. We are avoiding getting involved in Syria because it is not a slam dunk like Libya was.

    The idea that NATO got involved in Libya for altruistic reasons, ie to save innocents is risible. America and NATO don,t give a toss about innocents being slaughtered, after all they have done enough of it over the past fifty years. They got rid of Ghaddafi because he was going to set up a gold dinar as a currency for oil, bypassing the dollar. And to set up a Western central bank. Sarkozy was the main cheerleader for the Libyan adventure, interesting now that his immunity from prosecution for various financial scandals is revoked because he is no longer President he will have to explain why he accepted millions of dollars from Ghaddafi to fund his election campaign. Dead men tell no tales, and his son will never be allowed give evidence at the Hague. My money is on him being killed while attempting to escape from prison in Libya! The so called opposition in Syria have been living in the West for years, where they have been financed and supported ready for this moment. The West's motto when it comes to their geo political interests in the Middle East is,'The ends justify the means'.
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  10. I guess this is what you get when NATO and the US team up with terrorists to overthrow a sovereign nation. I do hope they do not harm the ICC people.

    One would assume from your post that the Arab spring was masterminded by the "Evil Empire" and NATO. It was not. Whether anyone should have gotten involved or not is subject of much debate, but either way, the outcome was not going to be a good one. The same with Egypt. Do you think either NATO, the US or any Western government is better off without him? They aren't. But they had little control over the events.

    It makes one wonder what will happen in Syria once the "dust has settled " !http://www.bbc.co.uk...e-east-18384287 what a bloody mess!

    Another situation for which there is no positive outcome. If Assad stays there will be bloodbath and a huge amount of revenge extracted on the civilian population. The outsiders suspected of helping the rebellion will be long gone with little consequences. If Assad goes, there will be a power struggle of epic proportions and none of the Western governments are likely to be pleased with who takes power.

    What a large assumption from such a short sentence,

    No, my comments were nothing to do with the 'Arab Spring', as you elude to in your reply to Colin, there was outside help in Syria, and there was a LOT of outside help in Libya. The outside help was nothing more than paid for terrorists, many of whom have now decided to stay put in Libya. If we did not mastermind Libya could you explain why we got involved? We don't seem to have got involved in Syria, or Zimbabwe, or DRC or anywhere else, so the excuse that we suddenly found Gaddafi a bad guy after 3 decades won't wear, so try another explanation.

    But of course the West is involved in Syria, financing and arming the same Islamic militant terrorists we backed in Libya. The so called rebels have some serious weaponry, they didn't get it out of thin air! Like Libya this is all about regime change, and the Western powers have no qualms at all about using Islamic terrorists, suicide bombers even, as proxies to get the required result. Look at the anarchic chaos in Libya now, every man and his dog is armed to the teeth. Syria won't be as easy though, the Russians won't get fooled again. The West needs a compliant Syria before the next step, ie Iran.
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  11. So finally we have Roy's explanation regarding the Rio Ferdinand saga. Basically the gist of it is that he didn't call him up as a replacement because he is too good! Don't think he really thought that one through somehow. Maybe just to enter into the spirit of the thing, Laurent Blanc could be persuaded to leave Ribery out to make things a bit fairer!

    Perhaps Benzema instead but hey ho!!

    Can't you just imagine Laurent's response! "Well Roy, an interesting concept. Tell you what, you play Downing, Milner and Carroll and we'll play with nine men to even things up"!

    On a more serious note i find it insulting that we supporters are expected to swallow this crap. Footballing reasons my arse. No doubt in my mind that this is one of the reasons Roy got the nod. Once the FA had persuaded the courts to delay the Terry case until after the Euros, he had to be picked, come what may. Otherwise they would have looked even more stupid and inept than they are. Roy is obviously happy to go along with this interference in team selection matters, a yes man. It's an open secret that JT divides the dressing room, hardly surprising considering his history, shagging a team mates lady in his team mates bed when he was away etc. Plus the doubts over his fitness. i'm not necessarily a huge fan of Ferdinand but you will never convince me that he is not a better player than the ones called up.

    • Like 1
  12. So finally we have Roy's explanation regarding the Rio Ferdinand saga. Basically the gist of it is that he didn't call him up as a replacement because he is too good! Don't think he really thought that one through somehow. Maybe just to enter into the spirit of the thing, Laurent Blanc could be persuaded to leave Ribery out to make things a bit fairer!

  13. I think that parking a car in a place that clearly impedes customer entrance to a bar, restaurant etc is obviously unacceptable. But parking on a public road where parking is allowed, but doesn't impede customers in any way, is surely up to you. Not for some bar or restaurant owner to dictate where you can or cannot park! It's not just Thais either, i was with a friend on Second Rd when he parked on the street with a pavement between the road and a bar, not impeding anyone, he was popping across the road to an office to pick some papers up, would have been 2 minutes. The Falang bar owner came flying out of his empty bar, all attitude and started screaming,"You can't park there". When it was politely pointed out to him that it was a public road the cheeky sod actually said, "If you park there i'm going to scratch your car"! My friend stared at him and told him,"If you scratch my car i'm going to smash your bar up"! Of course he backed down and slunk back into his bar as these types usually do when fronted up.

  14. I'm not sure if this is a thumbs up or a thumbs down, but if Pattaya's most famous restaurant critic says to try it, I think it is worth checking out! smile.png

    It's not really either a pro or con. It is what it is. I think it will satisfy many people some of the time. I wouldn't like people who don't know Iranian food to conclude they offer the best of the Iranian table, because they definitely do not, nor are they pretending to. When I went the place was packed with Persians and they seemed happy with the bargain feed. You might think of it at the same general level as the 200 baht-ish Indian buffets for Indian tourists in town. There are a number of Iranian restaurants in town where you can get the classic stews and kebabs, just not here.

    A bit confused here JT. In your OP you said it was the only Iranian restaurant in town. Then in your follow up post you said there were a number of Iranian restaurants in town! Never had Iranian food. My Brother in Law is Iranian, has had a fish and chip shop in the Uk for many years, the best fish and chips in Dorset, bar none.
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  15. good on the dude for fessing up ..my mate switched drinks in his room he was a bit suspicious he pretended to be sleepy ..and she helped him to the bed ..thirty seconds later he heard a thud she was out cold ........he said in the next five hours or so he ran out of articles to read whilst waiting for her to wake up .... when she finally did he pretended to have been asleep as well.. the look on her face as he ushered her out was priceless .....his brother a trained medic says it can be fatal especially if u have a heart condition ...

    Great story but if the Thai sex worker had died, your mate would likely be sent to the monkey house ...w00t.gif

    As you say, great story. Nuff said!
  16. Iran are obviously working on nuclear weapons in my view, and they see it as their right to do so. My opinion on the Iranian leadership both clerical and political, is that they see themselves as 'above' the IAEA and infact above most of the world. It is not only Israel they look down upon and disrespect, it is most of the secular world. I am talking mainly about the leaders and hardliners, I have an Iranian friend who is neither of those things and he loves western people and hollywood movies etc. and many normal Iranians do not share the extreme views of the leadership.

    However, the leadership remind me of Mugabe in the sense that even while their own country is failing in so many ways, and crippled by oppression, they still sneer at the international-community and genuinely "look down" on other nations which have much more sophisticated and efficient societies and happier people. I think the nuclear issue is just an extension of this superiority complex, Iran's leaders have a blind-spot when it comes to accepting their failings, and instead look down on more successul powerful nations and therefor will not listen or discuss nuclear issues openly with the community.

    Since the Islamic revolution, huge numbers of Iranians have been lifted out of poverty, health and education have both improved, but that has to be put alongside extremely high income from oil. Traditionally Iranians hold wealth-accumulation in high disregard, it is not seen as the purpose of life. This means that the state can and does withhold a lot of money without it being seen as an affront. And this money is certainly enough to fund a nuclear weapons programme. The truth is that we don't know what the normal majority of non-hardline Iranians think about all this, but my guess is that they don't want this conflict with the international community and would yield to the IAEA if they were in power.

    In Your view.l Fortunately your view doesn't count for much.
  17. I am not happy about hearing this, but then again we seem to have WAY too many people and WAY too few tigers left.

    The only good poacher is a dead one!

    I think this is great

    And after that the bodies should be fed to them.

    Indeed a splendid idea and leave their carcasses where they may drop so as they become part of the food chain as a reward for the illegally hunted creatures in general.

    Perhaps stringing up the dead poachers bodies might also hammer home the message.

    The above quote are from "civilized" people. You gotta wonder if the people here are from some weird Australian si fi movie with Tina Turner.

    A tiger is a cat. Bigger than the ones in your house but still just a cat. I bet there are posters out there who would justify killing people without due process for killing cats too. And a cat is an animal like a rat is an animal. There is a difference between animals and people including whales and dolphins.

    No need to really worry about this new edict, just don't poach tigers! A rat might be an animal but it hardly compares to the majesty of a tiger in the same way that worm hardly compares to an Eagle. Besides there must be millions of rats and a few hundred tigers, worth preserving in my opinion--don't poach and you will not be shot.

    Not to sound foolish but are you saying it is OK to kill things that aren't majestic? So I guess how an animal looks is more important than how smart they are?

    It's a good job there wasn't a shoot on sight policy in the 50s 60s and 70s, otherwise The Duke of Edinburgh wouldn't have lasted long. He shot many tigers for fun, despite being a founder member of the World Wildlife Fund along with his friend the former Nazi SS officer Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands! Apparently the favoured method was to use a tethered goat to lure the tiger within range of the Duke's gun. Brave and classy people!
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