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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. How can­ Downing with his 36 games no goals and no assists get­ into an England team im sure even Rio has better stats­ than that. Adam Johnson would have been a better­ choice despite his lack of starts, would have been a­ good player to bring on, if a quick goal was needed.

    Tim Howard has scored more goals this season than Downing! Joke selection. And the carthorse instead of Crouch? At least Crouch can play football, and has proved he can score goals at this level. It will be typical Hodgson football, hoof it up to Carroll and hope for the best. Excruciating and embarrassing to watch.

  2. Flying ,Any chance of producing a link concerning any Christian Country in Europe were Muslims suffer from persecution, are murdered and their places of worship are burned to the ground , please do not write about modern day religious zealots because its all one way traffic ,looking forward to reading your linkssmile.png

    Certainly not all one way traffic. G W Bush was a religious zealot who thought he was on a mission from God to kill Muslims in Iraq. Hardly ancient history. Note how Donald Rumsfeld attached warlike quotations from the old testament on the briefing papers to Bush on the progress of the war.


    Exsexyman please Read my post again I plainly said Christian Europe .and the war was caused because Hussian Invaded another Islamic Country, Kuwait who GW Bush liberated .

    Are you serious? G W Bush liberated Kuwait? Ha Ha. Oh dear, i think you need to go back to school! And your post clearly stated that modern day religious zealotry was one way traffic. And Koheesti, so you are saying that Chirac was lying, the senior professor of theology at Lausanne University was lying, many journalists from respected publications from The Guardian and Times in the UK to many in France who reported this are all lying? The only one who is all knowing is Koheesti who doesn't believe anything that doesn't conform to his tunnel visioned, bigoted view of things. Sounds a bit like religious zealotry to me!
  3. Flying ,Any chance of producing a link concerning any Christian Country in Europe were Muslims suffer from persecution, are murdered and their places of worship are burned to the ground , please do not write about modern day religious zealots because its all one way traffic ,looking forward to reading your linkssmile.png

    Certainly not all one way traffic. G W Bush was a religious zealot who thought he was on a mission from God to kill Muslims in Iraq. Hardly ancient history. Note how Donald Rumsfeld attached warlike quotations from the old testament on the briefing papers to Bush on the progress of the war.


  4. I've heard it several times. The reasons are pretty obvious, but now for the never discussed before question why are white folks called farangs ?

    More to the point ive been building a house for 2 months and despite me telling the staff I have a name and telling them my name they keep saying farang .

    I just gonna call em asians or summat

    Why are you building a house that you never ever will own ?

    Possibly.....maybe....like I did.....to sell and make 6mil on it.

    6 mil? In your name? Sure, then you woke up and fell out of bed!
  5. A couple of questions to the OP. Are you black? I suspect not. Are you trying to show how politically correct you are? I suspect so. Believe me most black people hear far worse from their countries of origin.

  6. I did not ask these 2 questions to start an argument or to be verbally abused.

    I have been accused of trolling, posting a rhetorical question and have been told I am as "thick as a post" and "stupid"

    There are 2 questions in my original post. The second part of the question has been covered and most likely correctly answered. No surprise there, as it has been pointed out to me.

    But to date, not one person has been able to answer the first and most difficult question. Nor can I.

    The history or origin of the use of the term."Chocolate" has not been answered or even mentioned.

    Perhaps the exact origin is not known and never will be. If that is the conclusion, fine, so be it.

    But not knowing the answer and then abusing the person who asked the question... I will allow you to come to your own conclusions.

    It's not rocket science. They say chocolate man because they have dark skin. Is that so hard to grasp? Jeez! A difficult question? Take your medication and go and lie down in a darkened room for a few hours. You will feel so much better afterwards.
  7. I did not ask these 2 questions to start an argument or to be verbally abused.

    I have been accused of trolling, posting a rhetorical question and have been told I am as "thick as a post" and "stupid"

    There are 2 questions in my original post. The second part of the question has been covered and most likely correctly answered. No surprise there, as it has been pointed out to me.

    But to date, not one person has been able to answer the first and most difficult question. Nor can I.

    The history or origin of the use of the term."Chocolate" has not been answered or even mentioned.

    Perhaps the exact origin is not known and never will be. If that is the conclusion, fine, so be it.

    But not knowing the answer and then abusing the person who asked the question... I will allow you to come to your own conclusions.

    It's not rocket science. The
  8. I have often heard Thais referring to black guys as "chocolate man. Bar girls often call out"hello chocolate man" if a black guy walks past. I don't think they intend it to be offensive, more like a term of endearment. Most black guys i have seen it happen to just grin to be honest. At least they don't use the N word like some ignorant farangs do!

  9. It's getting nasty this, it seems the world is slipping into a major conflict but I have my doubts the West has really worked out either an exit plan, entry plan or even whether any intervention will lead to a decrease in human suffering.


    The shocking impact of the twin explosions which killed 55 people and injured almost 400 in Damascus Thursday, May 10, galvanized Bashar Assad’s allies, starting with Iran, into frenetic activity. Within hours, Tehran had ordered its Lebanese proxy Hizballah to open up its arms stores and run quantities of weapons and military equipment across the border to the Syrian army – a striking reversal of the routine direction of arms supplies.

    It is reported on the BBC website today that the Islamist group al- Nusra Front have released a video claiming responsibility for the suicide bombings in Damascus during the rush hour on Thursday, which killed 55 people and injured many more. Initially the rebels claimed that government forces were behind the explosions, obviously a blatant lie. Like it or not the West must take some responsibility, they have been financing and arming these so called rebels for a long time in an attempt to overthrow the Assad regime and replace it with one that is more receptive to their agenda. Notice the deafening silence from William Hague and Hilary Clinton about recent terrorist activity in Syria, in complete contrast to their daily outpourings of rhetoric against the Assad regime before. The West are playing a very dangerous and hypocritical game here, on the one hand condemning and fighting Islamic terrorists, and on the other financing and arming them when it suits their agenda. They seem to have got away with it in Libya, even though the result of their activities has left the country in anarchy and chaos. But it appears Syria is not going to be so easy. Time for the Western powers to make their minds up, are they for Islamic terrorists, or against them? They can no longer have their cake and eat it.

    Yeah I agree its make your mind up time ,maybe now they know just who is replacing what as you have noted there may be a change of attitude !,

    Sadly, i won't be holding my breath.
  10. It's getting nasty this, it seems the world is slipping into a major conflict but I have my doubts the West has really worked out either an exit plan, entry plan or even whether any intervention will lead to a decrease in human suffering.


    The shocking impact of the twin explosions which killed 55 people and injured almost 400 in Damascus Thursday, May 10, galvanized Bashar Assad’s allies, starting with Iran, into frenetic activity. Within hours, Tehran had ordered its Lebanese proxy Hizballah to open up its arms stores and run quantities of weapons and military equipment across the border to the Syrian army – a striking reversal of the routine direction of arms supplies.

    It is reported on the BBC website today that the Islamist group al- Nusra Front have released a video claiming responsibility for the suicide bombings in Damascus during the rush hour on Thursday, which killed 55 people and injured many more. Initially the rebels claimed that government forces were behind the explosions, obviously a blatant lie. Like it or not the West must take some responsibility, they have been financing and arming these so called rebels for a long time in an attempt to overthrow the Assad regime and replace it with one that is more receptive to their agenda. Notice the deafening silence from William Hague and Hilary Clinton about recent terrorist activity in Syria, in complete contrast to their daily outpourings of rhetoric against the Assad regime before. The West are playing a very dangerous and hypocritical game here, on the one hand condemning and fighting Islamic terrorists, and on the other financing and arming them when it suits their agenda. They seem to have got away with it in Libya, even though the result of their activities has left the country in anarchy and chaos. But it appears Syria is not going to be so easy. Time for the Western powers to make their minds up, are they for Islamic terrorists, or against them? They can no longer have their cake and eat it.
    • Like 1
  11. Actually Exsexyman and JT I was looking for a response to Nigel Farage's speech , for me the UK in between the Tory's and the opposition they have both failed,maybe just maybe its high time for a change and give someone a chance who puts us in the UK first .(for a pleasant change) and of course (both of you) if you think for a second that Socialism is the "way to go" just spit it out and say so! wink.png

    I can only answer for myself,(i wouldn't dare speak for Jingthing, although i will say i do admire his principled stance on topics like the young black lad who was gunned down in the US). My personal view is that we live in a capitalist world, that is never going to change. Even failed communist regimes like China and Russia have faced that reality, and are coming to terms with it. It is the only game in town, fact. But there are degrees of capitalism, at one end there is what, i think, Harold Macmillan called "The unacceptable face of capitalism", which is what we are seeing now i think, with the unfettered greed for money shown by bankers and their ilk, to the exclusion of the interests of the vast majority. The ilk includes most politicians sadly, as evidenced by the recent expenses scandal. At the other end of the scale there is what is sometimes referred to as caring capitalism, where the interests of the vast majority are taken into consideration. People like nurses, dustmen, roadsweepers etc, who by the very definition of their job do not make a profit for anyone, but do a vital job without which everybody's day to day life would be a lot harder. Also the sick, disabled, mentally ill, even inadequates should be taken care of, there but for the grace of God etc. After all there are more than enough resources to do this if there was a bit less greed from the tiny minority, and a lot less waste from governments, ie spending billions on pointless wars around the globe. As for Hollande, he is clearly no socialist in the true sense of the word, he has three houses for Gods sake, and a few million euros in the bank! Tony Blair called himself a socialist, how laughable is that? I think at the last count he had eight houses and forty odd million quid in the bank. Makes Maggie Thatcher look like Dennis Skinner! So my view is that the word socialism is pretty meaningless really, it is just a word that is sometimes used as a term of abuse by those who wish to denigrate people who have a social conscience, and stick up for and try to improve the lot of the have nots and social minorities. As for Nigel Farage, i like him, is principled, calls it as he sees it, a superb orator. Don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but agree with a lot of it. Realistically though, i think that UKIP will always be a minority party, a receptacle for protest votes. Shame really, because most of what he says makes a lot of sense and it would be interesting to see some of it put into practice. Have you seen the youtube clip of him in the European parliament debate telling President Von Rompuy his pedigree? Hilarious, Von Rompuy's face was priceless as he had to sit there and suck it up!
  12. we don't know all the circumstances here but I do notice just how many motorcyclists

    come tearing along a slip road or even a junction with the presumption that everything will be clear for them

    instead of slowing down with the presumption that something is coming

    and if the road is clear that is a pleasant surprise.

    I really believe Thai motorcyclists think completely diametrically to meblink.png

    Buddah will take care. I am sure they really do believe this.
  13. I would just offer as an anecdote that when the 'rebels' captured Homs the first thing they did was expel the entire Christian population confiscating all their belongings.


    Have a look at the link and bear in mind that the Wahhabi brigade expelling the Christians are of the same ideology as the Saudis and Qataris who have joined western forces for 'military exercises' in Jordan.

    Intervention in Syria will not stop the suffering but just result in persecution on a sectarian basis by the most populous against the minorities. Such as the concept of democracy exists in the middle east this is how it manifests itself. It is also worth noting that Assad although he is vile is also a secular tyrant, which is a much easier task to control than anarchy or religious fundamentalism.

    Thanks for the Link Dan ,this puts a whole different slant on the situation ,I just hope that those who are bent on the deposing of Assad are fully aware of all the real facts as to just what he will be replaced with.

    Yes, a very good link Steely, and a very good post if i may say so. The problem i have with this, is that if the West were trying to get rid of Assad for purely altruistic reasons, because they were genuinely concerned about the suffering of Syrian citizens, i would be applauding. But they are not are they, they really don't care about that, it is just a fig leaf to justify their actions. The (not so covert now) financing and arming of these jihadists are for their own self interested reasons. The West were more than happy to put up with Assad's vileness for years when it suited them, rendering people there to be tortured etc. Now suddenly they are wringing their hands in a totally hypocritical manner, saying what an evil man he is. And as you say, no thought has gone into what would happen to a large proportion (as you say mainly christian) of the Syrian population if Assad is replaced by these islamic insurgents. They really don't care, the ends justify the means. If Assad falls, the Syrians who are not fundamentalists will meet the same fate as their counterparts in Libya, where thousands of non believers and black skinned Libyans have disappeared, been strung up etc, leaving what was by the standards of the region a prosperous and stable country in chaos and anarchy, with many cities in ruins. To use an old English expression, 'Swapping the devil for old nick'. There surely needs to be a radical rethink of Western policy regarding The Middle East before it all ends in total disaster. But sadly, i won't be holding my breath!
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  14. In the last 10 years I bet that less than 100 US civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks world-wide,

    That is because bigger attacks have been prevented by the very security measures that so many are complaining about on this thread.

    Pure supposition on your part. How do you know? Because the security services say so? In the light of recent events if they told me it was raining i would go outside and double check!
  15. Sick Bastard.

    Proof that there is at least 1 bad Farang who deserves to go to hell together with Thaksin.

    Congratulations. You managed to bring Thaksin into it! I am no fan, but <deleted> has he got to do with this topic. You are clearly a man obsessed, take some of your medication and go and lie down in a darkened room for a few hours. You will feel much better afterwards!
  16. A post was put on their facebook page today asking about this and it's been deleted. I'm going to say it's 99.9% probable that they've parted ways. Now stuck with that sleep aid Johnny Diamond...

    Not Johnny Diamond please. How on earth does somebody who struggles to string a sentence together end up as a broadcaster? Come back Mick The Hammer, all is forgiven!
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  17. Well, since this thread apparently doesn't have to be Thai related, I'll throw in this tidbit of Southern lore as well: Before the SCOTUS declared all state laws banning same-sex intercourse to be unconstitutional, in Texas at the time, bestiality was legal (not a criminal offense) but homosexual intercourse was not. So apparently, the good people of Texas thought that sex with animals was okay but sex between two humans was not. Go figure?

    Isn't Dubya Bush from Texas? Ah,that explains the simian features, and the way his knuckles dragged on the floor when he walked. All has become clear!
  18. This is getting very weird indeed. Two days ago we had Obama hailing 'our incredible security services', for foiling a dastardly Al Qaida plot to blow up an aeroplane with an underpants bomb. Now it turns out that the bomber is an employee of the US government. Whisked aboard the plane, bypassing passport and immigration checks, by these same CIA / FBI 'incredible security services', then arrested in a fanfare of publicity. The whole thing planned and carried out by the CIA, in order to justify their existence, and their budget, not to mention their desire to step up operations in Yemen. Why on earth would any right minded person believe anything they say anymore? I mean, really, fabricating terrorist threats and expecting us all to be frightened. In an earlier post Steely Dan suggested it was a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale to believe that the 'incredible security services' could be capable of this kind of thing. Well, it might be wise for the CIA, FBI, Obama and the rest of them to educate themselves by reading some Hans Christian Anderson themselves, paying particular attention to the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf! American tax payers must be really thrilled that their hard earned dollars are being spent so wisely! Just as an afterthought, maybe this could all be a plot by the CIA to humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

    During election year I could believe the incumbents to be capable of just about any sort of false flag operation. But those who cast aspersions about for example the failed Iranian bombings in Bangkok must also surely recognize that for a false flag operation this was unbelievably clumsy and incompetent, even by the standards of the current administration. Not that it really matters as I can't see anyone being gullible enough to vote for Obama on the strength of his foreign policy.

    To be honest i don't think Obama really has much say, these sort of things go on under all administrations.The CIA have their own agenda and are out of control, a law unto themselves. The same applies to their counterparts in the UK, as recent events there have shown. I hope this latest false flag debacle will cause people to open their eyes, and more importantly, their minds, and realise how they are being manipulated by lies and manufactured terrorism threats. And hopefully ask the question, why? Of course nobody can deny that the CIA have a record of excellence second to none in thwarting their own terrorist plots, and arresting their own agents!
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  19. This is getting very weird indeed. Two days ago we had Obama hailing 'our incredible security services', for foiling a dastardly Al Qaida plot to blow up an aeroplane with an underpants bomb. Now it turns out that the bomber is an employee of the US government. Whisked aboard the plane, bypassing passport and immigration checks, by these same CIA / FBI 'incredible security services', then arrested in a fanfare of publicity. The whole thing planned and carried out by the CIA, in order to justify their existence, and their budget, not to mention their desire to step up operations in Yemen. Why on earth would any right minded person believe anything they say anymore? I mean, really, fabricating terrorist threats and expecting us all to be frightened. In an earlier post Steely Dan suggested it was a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale to believe that the 'incredible security services' could be capable of this kind of thing. Well, it might be wise for the CIA, FBI, Obama and the rest of them to educate themselves by reading some Hans Christian Anderson themselves, paying particular attention to the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf! American tax payers must be really thrilled that their hard earned dollars are being spent so wisely! Just as an afterthought, maybe this could all be a plot by the CIA to humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

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