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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. this is going to be fun. smile.png


    oh in every way possible.

    a 64-year old whose sole career success was winning the swedish league title twice 25 years ago. good, progressive, planning for the future move from the FA.

    This is not planning for the future Stevie it is a Tournament appointment as there really is not a suitable candidate is there?

    I suspect it is the old sour grapes against Woy that smothers your true thoughts regarding his imminent short term appointment.

    Who else is there?

    The FA are talking about a 4 year contract, hardly a short term appointment. Apparently there is no love lost between Sir Trevor and 'Arry'. I'm sure the establishment at the FA see Hodgson as a safe pair of hands who won't make waves, or heaven forbid, have any radical ideas of his own. The sort of 'Chap' who could use the front entrance at Soho Square. 'Arry' would have been told to sneak round the back and use the tradesmen's entrance. Also i'm sure they see Hodgson as the cheap option, out of contract so no compensation to pay. After all the coffers are a bit depleted after the Capello debacle, and first class flights, hotels, restaurants and the best champagne for them and their large entourage at the Euros doesn't come cheap! It's all about priorities don't you know!
  2. every bit of me that loves football and gifted geniuses wants to find a place in the side for matt le tissier. hard though.

    100% on that. If he's just put aside club loyalty for a couple of seasons what a mark he could have left playing in one of the bigger teams.

    Best English penalty taker ever?

    But why should he have had to leave Southampton? No shame in wanting only to play for the club you love and supported all your life. I think Le Tissier worked out early on that, for him, it wasn't necessarily about winning medals and playing for big clubs. It was about the love of playing the game, he was that rare professional who cared less about how much he earned and more about the club he loved. Spent 30 minutes or so last night on youtube watching some videos of him in action. A ridiculous talent, some of his goals made Gazza's one against Scotland look like a tap in! For me the most naturally gifted player the UK has ever produced. The only player i have seen where the opposition supporters regularly applauded his goals. I saw him tear Liverpool apart once, at a time when they were top dogs, the Scousers were applauding him,( Mind you, Scousers do love and appreciate good football)! Over 100 goals in the Premiership from midfield, during one 18 month period the most prolific scorer in the Prem. But only eight caps, the powers that be in the England set up should be impeached for negligence! Look at the competition he was up against, the mighty Rob Lee 20 odd caps, "Donkey Dennis Wise" 30 odd caps, Le Tissier was twice the footballer they would ever be. In a recent interview, Xavi cited Le Tissier as his inspiration when he was young, and revealed that Barcelona sometimes watch videos of him in the changing room. And yes, for sure the best penalty taker, after missing his first, scored fifty in a row, will surely never be matched. A genuine one club man who played for the love of the shirt. Utterly symbolic of everything that is great about the game of football.
    • Like 2
  3. @Colin,

    It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

    I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

    My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.

    Sorry but this thread is all about Muslims and Jihad and the implantation of Sharia law in the West or later in Australia ,and has nothing whatsoever to do with racism , racism is the discrimination about the colour of their skins and sweet FA to do with their religious orientations , I am merely pointing out that but for our excellent security services the prisons would not hold so many Islamic extremists who seek to destroy the Christian way of life by murdering us ,you can call it what you want but what I write is the Irrefutable Truth or is attempted murder not a crime according to you? ,and I seem to recall I mentioned Martin Luther King who quoted " you do not judge a man by the colour of his Skin but by the contents of his character" which according to your yard stick that makes him my hero too , the problem being he was a negro ,so just where does your claims of me being a racist fit in to your totally groundless accusations ??whistling.gif

    So where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"?
  4. Dream The Impossible Dream

    Another One Bites The Dust

    I Cant Get No...Satisfaction


    So many great song titles to describe the Farang man-Pattaya woman relationship.

    Please add your two cents worth.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Without doubt the song that is most relevant to Pattaya has to be ' Is she really going out with him' by Joe Jackson. Opening line, "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street" says it all really! I reckon Joe must have taken a holiday in Pattaya before he became famous! I nominate this song as the official Pattaya anthem.
  5. @Colin,

    It is ironic, yet symptomatic of the times when you find yourself having to refute accusations of racism for criticizing the most racist, bigoted and discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

    I never thought of it that way Dan , but thinking on it ,I could not have put it any better , maybe others should dwell on your simple yet highly accurate description .thumbsup.gif

    My post was nothing to do with Muslims, as you well know. I was responding to you stating as a fact that the UK now has "rivers of blood", as predicted by Enoch Powell 50 years ago. I ask you for a third time, where in the UK are the "rivers of blood"? Not, ah but there would be if all the bad Muslims were not in prison. There are no "rivers of blood", and to state otherwise is clearly racist nonsense.
  6. Anybody know if it is safe to go out tonight? ermm.gif

    Its safe to go out every night...whats your problem ??

    You have a car with the windows wound tightly shut. What would you know about Songkran safety when you're one of the hazards?

    Those that complain the most and the loudest are but hazards to themselves.

    Somone wise said that.

    Well it certainly wasn't you!
  7. Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

    Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


    Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

    Are you aware that since 9/11 over 3,000 muslims have been arrested In the UK for terrorist related charges, and 92% of convicted terrorist,s are Muslim too!!.

    What is it with your paranoid obsession with Muslims? By your own admission they make up 3% of the UK population. Why dont you address the points i made about your hero Enoch Powell, or do you rely on your mate Steely Dan to do that for you? You stated as a fact that the UK has "rivers of blood". I ask you again, where? You and i both know this is racist nonsense. Your racist rants on here remind me of Alf Garnett, remember him? I seem to recall he was a big fan of Enoch. Again, do you live in Thailand, a country that is populated by brown skinned people? If so, why? If you do it must be very hard for you, given your right wing views. History has discredited Enoch Powell as a hypocritical racist bigot, considering he was the one responsible for opening the doors to immigration in the UK. So sad to see someone FIFTY years later quoting him as some kind of oracle. Pathetic.
  8. Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

    Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


    Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.
  9. Getting refugee status in Australia is not an easy affair. They hardly have an open door policy.

    The point is to provide protection for genuine refugees, who are fleeing for reasons mentioned under the Geneva convention protocols. Those who are economic migrants can be returned to their country of origin once they are determined not to be genuine refugees.

    Many so called"asylum seekers" travel through two or more Country's before risking life and limb to get to the "gravy train" of the UK social security system , Australia according to my many Aussie mates here tell me its just the same there , if they are so persecuted in their own Countrys why not claim asylum at their first port of entry? .

    Obviously because they believe that the ultimate destination will be a "better" place to live. The way to prevent more from travelling to the UK or Australia would therefore be to make them an even more unwelcoming destination than the intermediate countries. eg, why do illegals want to get from France to the UK? I can only surmise that it is because France is doing something right!

    Yeah 110% correct but try to tell that to the bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade!bah.gif and now as Enoch Powell predicted we in the UK have"rivers of blood" , today the UK, tomorrow Australia?

    Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.
    • Like 1
  10. I was working on St. Thomas and the Clinton's were due to arrive. Get off work and in my condo are 7-8 secret service agents having cocktails with a young lady that i had brought over from the mainland. She was burning a hooter while partying with Americas finest and even indulging in a few bong hits. Well this was some experience and am now quite sure that these pre party SS agents make this their normal routine. FYI I asked for their credentials and they had department of treasury badges that folded down with several other laminated identification. They were not smoking but were certainly buzzed from alcohol and having a great time on my balcony. Seeing as these were the protectors of Bill Clinton i thought this was normal. Surprised he wasn't in the room as well. Don't know what went on before i got home around midnight. Keep up the good work boys!

    But Bill wouldn't have inhaled, right? Anyone who wastes good weed would certainly waste your taxes!
  11. The biggest crack up for me was reading some of the comments on yahoo. Many of the posters blamed Obama for this. lol

    Im sure there will be a few of the usual suspects on here who have never got over the fact that a black man is President, who will blame Obama. Hurricanes, tornados, all Obama's fault! All harking back to the days when the towering intellect that was G W Bush was President!
  12. maidu, having less children is an admirable thing to do, but countries like Germany, France, Australia, UK, US, etc., have birthrates (per couple) of less that 2, but Muslims in those countries have birth rates of 8-10 per couple. It's not difficult to see where it's going, and it will only get worse.

    Can you prove to me that Muslim women in the countries you mention have a birth rate of 8-10?

    Given the history of Europe and its attitude to other cultures and religions, if I was a Muslim I would want to get the hell out of there.

    Of course he can't prove it. The average birthrate for Muslims in Europe was 2.2 in 2010. Studies estimate it will fall to 2.0 by 2030. Whilst there is undoubtably a problem with multiculturism, it doesn't help when people come out with such hysterical scaremongering nonsense like 8-10 being the average birthrate. This is partly being fuelled by so called 'experts' on youtube like the failed comedien Pat Condell, who is laughably held up by some as a guru on these matters. He makes a very good living, he knows his audience and what they want to hear, and just panders to their prejudices. Sadly they lap it up.

    Who do you "lap up" George Galloway?laugh.png

    Lack of content duly noted.
  13. .

    Let's see if we can make her crash her motorbike . . .



    And these ones aren't even that powerful, what would have happened if she got hit with water coming from one of those PVC pipe canon things. Major Disaster.

    This is why the morons aim for the eyes, hoping to cause a crash. I have seen them in Soi Buakhow, whooping and hollering, giving each other high fives when this happens. The policeman on the newsclippings thread had the right idea!
  14. maidu, having less children is an admirable thing to do, but countries like Germany, France, Australia, UK, US, etc., have birthrates (per couple) of less that 2, but Muslims in those countries have birth rates of 8-10 per couple. It's not difficult to see where it's going, and it will only get worse.

    Can you prove to me that Muslim women in the countries you mention have a birth rate of 8-10?

    Given the history of Europe and its attitude to other cultures and religions, if I was a Muslim I would want to get the hell out of there.

    Of course he can't prove it. The average birthrate for Muslims in Europe was 2.2 in 2010. Studies estimate it will fall to 2.0 by 2030. Whilst there is undoubtably a problem with multiculturism, it doesn't help when people come out with such hysterical scaremongering nonsense like 8-10 being the average birthrate. This is partly being fuelled by so called 'experts' on youtube like the failed comedien Pat Condell, who is laughably held up by some as a guru on these matters. He makes a very good living, he knows his audience and what they want to hear, and just panders to their prejudices. Sadly they lap it up.
  15. Well so far the ceasefire seems to be holding, much to the disappointment of Hilary Clinton and Little William Hague, who have spent their time since the ceasefire was announced making statements denigrating it, in a desperate attempt to throw a spanner in the works. This is the last thing they wanted. All that money and effort spent over the past few years financing, arming and training the rebels. The support and financial backing to the so called opposition leaders, who have all resided in the West for decades. This wasn't supposed to happen. But it was never a spontaneous popular uprising, it is an armed insurgency by Islamic militants who are acting as useful idiots for The West in their attempt to replace The Assad regime and install a friendly puppet government more to their liking. The unfortunate fact that these rebels have used tactics like suicide bombings, arbitary executions and general terrorist activities clearly doesn't bother Clinton, Hague, and their masters in the slightest. 'The ends justify the means' is how they see it. What disgusting hypocrites they are.

  16. Just the facts, ma'am. coffee1.gif

    your version of them.......

    Right, and if you have opinions about Mexican restaurants, why not post them, instead of going troll?

    as you well know JT, i gave Gil my opinion directly mano et mano

    i did not see fit to post it for all and sundry on this forum to pontificate over

    further, i have more going on in my life than to exercise a need to ramble on incessantly about the pro's and cons of a Mexican restaurant on a public forum.....

    Tut tut timekeeper. You CLEARLY belong with us from the LOWER orders who haven't figured out how to INTELLIGENTLY order food in a restaurant!rolleyes.gif
  17. Netanyhu said........ If the Palistinians lay down their arms today , there will be peace !

    If Israel lays down her arms today, there will be no more Israel.

    Says it all does'nt it !

    Doesn't quite say it all. Perhaps worth bearing in mind that the Presidents of France and The USA were caught on camera recently agreeing with each other that based on their dealings with Mr Netanyahu, he was a bare faced liar!
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