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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. You guys are missing the point. 40 didn't take drugs. That's great. And all over 18 or 20 whatever the age they are enforcing now. And considering there are about 300 people working on Soi Six actually capturing 100 was good. Since there are at least 10 exits from Soi Six the people who got caught by blocking the two ends were probably not the brightest of the bright.

    At least 10 exits from Soi 6, thats handy to know if the missus ever decides to pay a visit to try and catch me out! What are you doing up there anyway at your ripe old age, you should be ashamed of yourself!rolleyes.gif
  2. I get the impression you live between the pages of a textbook, written (while drunk I assume) by a left-leaning philosopher...

    Not at all, minimum wages have been introduced all over the world, by countries left and right leaning. As for being drunk, well, a little early in the day, but a rather poor attempt at a personal attack it would appear.

    Minimum wages are a way to stop exploitation of workers. Even Henry Ford worked that out a long time ago. The effects of moving large populations of under minimum wage workers into countries has been studied for a long time, and the problems about what to do with this "new" population has been studied for ages and it does present difficulties. I would suggest that if the companies want to use Cambodian or Burmese labour, they should relocate over there.

    Thailand and many other countries have a minimum wage, and have had for many decades, so I don't know why you are suggesting that preventing exploitation in and of itself is a bad thing. As for the effects, if you allow the minimum to be circumvented legally by importing labour, I would suggest that the increase in unemployment and social problems associated with this outweighs the overall economic benefits of compelling companies to pay the local labour force, rather than resorting to importing labour.

    Why not import all foreign labourers into the country, for all jobs, so that the Thai's can sun themselves on their deck having a beer whilst all the jobs are done by others? Oh of course, that would mean the country would have to provide for 100 million people.

    We are forever told that Thailand is for Thai's, unless of course you are a minimum wage worker, where you face unemployment because your job will be taken by an import. Hardly the point of the policy at all.

    Nothing to do with political philosophy left or right, just basic humanitarian common decency. Why not just take it to it's logical conclusion, Cambodian workers on fishing boats washed up after being thrown overboard to save paying them. Cambodians on construction sites working for weeks and then not being paid even their pitiful wages when the contractor does a runner, or more usually throws them in to immigration, and then imports another bunch of poor mugs. But hey, this is just market forces at work. In the world KerryK inhabits, nothing wrong with slave labour just as long as he can have cheap hotel rooms and cheap shirts. Classy!

    Yup me and Henry Ford. Classy! BTW Henry just opened a new Plant in Rayong that will produce 500,000 new cars a year and employ thousands of Thai skilled and unskilled workers. But common decency. Henry never had a lick of it. OH BTW how many thousands of Thai nationals do you support as opposed to good old Henry? Yes folks Henry Ford is the reason Ford is in business in Thailand. Henry was not a nice guy and neither was Henry Ford II. I knew them both and speaking from personal experience they were both JERKS with capital letters.

    You must be knocking on a bit if you knew Henry Ford and was old enough to make judgements on his character and business practices. He's been dead for 65 years. Respect.
  3. i feel pretty sorry for wolves and blackburn fans as they've both been on the receiving end of stupid decisions by idiot club owners in recent times. the venky's people at blackburn in particular do seem to be absolutely useless.

    think the very likable chris hughton seems to be odds-on for the west brom job doesn't he?

    I think that might depend on how Birmingham do in the play offs.
  4. I get the impression you live between the pages of a textbook, written (while drunk I assume) by a left-leaning philosopher...

    Not at all, minimum wages have been introduced all over the world, by countries left and right leaning. As for being drunk, well, a little early in the day, but a rather poor attempt at a personal attack it would appear.

    Minimum wages are a way to stop exploitation of workers. Even Henry Ford worked that out a long time ago. The effects of moving large populations of under minimum wage workers into countries has been studied for a long time, and the problems about what to do with this "new" population has been studied for ages and it does present difficulties. I would suggest that if the companies want to use Cambodian or Burmese labour, they should relocate over there.

    Thailand and many other countries have a minimum wage, and have had for many decades, so I don't know why you are suggesting that preventing exploitation in and of itself is a bad thing. As for the effects, if you allow the minimum to be circumvented legally by importing labour, I would suggest that the increase in unemployment and social problems associated with this outweighs the overall economic benefits of compelling companies to pay the local labour force, rather than resorting to importing labour.

    Why not import all foreign labourers into the country, for all jobs, so that the Thai's can sun themselves on their deck having a beer whilst all the jobs are done by others? Oh of course, that would mean the country would have to provide for 100 million people.

    We are forever told that Thailand is for Thai's, unless of course you are a minimum wage worker, where you face unemployment because your job will be taken by an import. Hardly the point of the policy at all.

    Nothing to do with political philosophy left or right, just basic humanitarian common decency. Why not just take it to it's logical conclusion, Cambodian workers on fishing boats washed up after being thrown overboard to save paying them. Cambodians on construction sites working for weeks and then not being paid even their pitiful wages when the contractor does a runner, or more usually throws them in to immigration, and then imports another bunch of poor mugs. But hey, this is just market forces at work. In the world KerryK inhabits, nothing wrong with slave labour just as long as he can have cheap hotel rooms and cheap shirts. Classy!
  5. Not just Thailand, this happens all over the world.Certainly in The UK employers have been importing cheap immigrant labour for years, undercutting and driving down the wages of the local population. Most large building projects, like the Olympic site, roads, hospitals etc have been built with cheap immigrant labour. Go to any town and the bus drivers, taxi drivers, even ambulance drivers are not local. They even have to have sat navs to do the job properly. There have even been cases where public contracts awarded by the Government, ie, the taxpayer, only allow foreign workers to apply for the jobs. For these workers the rates of pay represent a small fortune compared with what they would earn in their home countries. The local population cannot realistically compete, for example, i know a few guys who are heavy goods vehicle drivers, class 1, who's hourly rate is now less than it was twenty years ago. But it is now "Take it or leave it i'm afraid".

    But the companies run a risk if they pay below British legal minimum wage at least. Thai companies shouldn't be allowed to pay below minimum for imported labour. The system has to be to create a minimum for ALL labourers irrespective, or you create an economic and social mess.

    There is a thriving black economy in The UK, as i suspect there is in most developed countries. Loads of companies flouting the minimum wage laws paying cash in hand at below the minimum wage. Even on publicly funded contracts. Governments just turn a blind eye.
  6. Terrorist are defined by those who are terrorized.

    I must say it is not easy to work out what the US and NATO strategy really is ?ermm.gif

    U.S. officials confirm release of senior Taliban prisoners

    Up to 20 high-level insurgent prisoners have been released from NATO custody in Afghanistan over the past two years in an effort to boost peace negotiations with the Taliban in various regions of the country, according to U.S. officials.


    There is no US/NATO strategy. They give every impression of making it up as they go along, with disastrous results. Absolutely clueless.
  7. Not just Thailand, this happens all over the world.Certainly in The UK employers have been importing cheap immigrant labour for years, undercutting and driving down the wages of the local population. Most large building projects, like the Olympic site, roads, hospitals etc have been built with cheap immigrant labour. Go to any town and the bus drivers, taxi drivers, even ambulance drivers are not local. They even have to have sat navs to do the job properly. There have even been cases where public contracts awarded by the Government, ie, the taxpayer, only allow foreign workers to apply for the jobs. For these workers the rates of pay represent a small fortune compared with what they would earn in their home countries. The local population cannot realistically compete, for example, i know a few guys who are heavy goods vehicle drivers, class 1, who's hourly rate is now less than it was twenty years ago. But it is now "Take it or leave it i'm afraid".

    • Like 1
  8. Why the fascinating and weird sympathy for the shooter Zimmerman? Is this because of the "gun rights" issue?

    Why the fascination for Trayvon? Is it because he was such a "cute boy"?


    No, it is because an unarmed man was killed by an armed man (not involving a home invasion) and the initial reaction of the police was to let the killer go without being charged with anything. That was clearly unjust.

    As I stated in my question which you chose to reply with a snarky, insinuating irrelevant question, everyone knows would NEVER be asked of a heterosexual man, the GUN RIGHTS issue is indeed core to the right wing sympathy for Zimmerman. This is no secret, I thought it was relevant to bring up.

    There is no doubt that part of the press and sympathy for the victim arised from the fact that he was a young man rather than an old man. That always makes it more tragic. We see this kind of thing all the time in the media, more often involving pretty young women, such as the case in Aruba with the pretty young blonde girl. It's much more unusual for a MINORITY young man or woman to be subject to this kind of public sympathy, that's for certain.

    About the nauseating and transparent right wing sympathy for Zimmerman because of the GUN RIGHTS connection:

    Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign, says that despite Zimmerman’s arrest record and record of violence, because of the efforts of the NRA and others, he had a gun permit. Florida is the closest to the NRA vision of an “armed utopia,” he says.

    Read more: http://www.care2.com...l#ixzz1u5AunkQD

    Yes, Zimmerman was legally carrying a gun and that's a crying shame!

    I have to say i admire your stance on this Jingthing.

  9. I don't blame him for pleading not guilty - I'd do the same if locked up in Norway - have you seen his prison conditions? The Norwegian authorities have 'incarcerated' him in not one, but three adjoining 86 sq ft cells; a bedroom, a gym, and a study with a computer, games console and a family package of 15 TV channels. He has fresh food for meals and outside exercise after lunch, plus he can write letters and request items like cigarettes be brought to his cell! I can't imagine how the families of his victims feel about this - they are living in a country which in 2009 granted prisoners access to legal pornography in their cells. It's really strange to me that a free, democratic society would treat someone like Breivik so compassionately after committing such a heinous crime.

    Norway is a clon country, dont forget NIN, Norway is Norway

    Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is a "Clon" country?
  10. Blame US, blame NRA, blame politicians, blame Mexico or ???

    The reality is these people are frickin animals and have absolute no morals or conscious. They routinely beat people to death with base ball bats, skin people alive and cut off body parts including genetial while people are alive.

    There is no way to integrate people like this back into a normal society so no matter what is done, there is no real way to fix the problem. They will be even more vicious, like a pack of wild hungry dogs, if you cut off their money supply. Unfortunately, we have almost an entire culture that is so detuned and desensitized from shocking, egregious, and unacceptable human behaviors there is pretty much no hope of ever rehabilitating or solving the Mexico problem.

    I never was for border closing stuff that came from fanatical red neck gun totting NRA white trash until I saw first hand what conduct this culture is capable and accepting of. Seriously, time to shut it down, air drop a lot of small arms weapons and let them solve their own problems. This won't stop unless common man can and is willing to rise up against cartels and take back control of their country. Right now they rely upon US and a corrupt Mexican legal/military force.

    US cannot reason with dudes and dudettes who cut off alive victims genitals and heads and skin people alive. Seriously don't want them migrating to US and walking around our streets so only solution is pretty apparent.

    So the question remains, if these people are so evil, cutting off genitals etc, skinning people alive as you claim, why are the American Government supplying them with weapons? This question won't go away. Eric Holder, the Attorney General, and Barack Obama would like it to go away, thats for sure. I think the bottom line is that most Americans are in denial, don't want to believe that their government are involved in such things. But they are. Ignorance is bliss.
  11. Just come into this one. The question that has to be asked Blether is, why do you feel the need to know? Are you bored? Lonely? Can't believe this has run to four pages already. I can see from your previous posts that you consider yourself a bit " Wacky". "Cutting edge". I accept that it strikes a chord with some posters on here, fair enough. But for those of us with an IQ bigger than our boot size it is a bit puzzling! Just saying!

  12. Many people just dismissed 10cc as a run of the mill pop band, but there was a lot more to them than that. Saw them live a few times in the 70s and 80s, they really could produce live. This was the song that always brought the house down. Nearly 15 minutes, in three movements, great harmonies. Superb bass solo from Graham Gouldman towards the end, followed by Eric Stewart emerging from behind the keyboards with his Les Paul for a tasty lead solo. My favourite 10cc track.

  13. However potentially offensive Jatuporn's appointment might be, the lack of reaction suggests that only Thaksin's personal fate is the real bone of contention in this country.

    Reds can get themselves the government, they can appoint themselves to Cabinet, they can write a constitution for themselves - no one really cares, let them screw themselves over with imaginary inflation and Chinese tablets, it's only Thaksin that is truly untouchable - they can have any kind of democracy they want as long as they don't let Thaksin off the hook. That's the real truth about "reconciliation".

    The cynic in me suggests that appointing Jatuporn to the cabinet would indeed ruin hopes for a reconciliation, which is exactly why the government would appoint him. They don't want reconciliation, which would require compromise, they are not prepared to compromise on the only issue that matters for them, ie the return of Mr Thaksin with the slate wiped clean.
  14. Shame, Liverpool played some good stuff in the last half hour, deserved extra time at least. Suarez was uncharacteristically anonymous most of the game, Stevie Me was dreadful.

  15. Does the US appoint the government of Mexico? Does the US hire the police in Mexico?

    Does the US supply weapons to these drug gangs? Weapons that have been used in many murders, including at least one American Federal Agent, a border guard. Operation "Fast and furious", which The Obama administration, especially Attorney General Eric Holder are still desperately trying to cover up. To suggest that The US bears no responsibility for the ongoing situation in Mexico regarding the drug cartel related violence is naive in the extreme.
  16. Are the two that were killed listed by the group that keeps track of journalists killed in the line of duty?

    Interesting question. Seems the answer is no:


    al-Awlaki was the content provider/preacher and Samir Khan is noted as "editor".

    Though technically neither were journalists.

    Technically very few of the so called journalists making up stories for the MSM in the West are 'Proper Journalists'!smile.png
  17. After reading this i had to check to make sure it isn't April 1st! Reminds me of G W Bush's mission accomplished speech on the aircraft carrier. Is there an election in the US coming up by any chance? "Defeat of AL Qaeda is within reach"? How does Obama square this with Nato's military support for Al Qaeda in Libya, which has resulted in Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc running the show there now with chaotic results? Surely he is deluding himself. And as for the Taliban in Afghanistan, he has already very kindly told them that we will be leaving them to it in 2014. Within a short while after that things will be back to square one, The Taliban running the show, the useful idiot Karzai long gone, spending more time with his bank accounts in The West. The adventure in Afghanistan has been a disaster for The US and the coalition, thousands of service personnel killed, many thousands more coming home maimed, without limbs, blinded etc. This is still happening on a daily basis, and will increase in the build up to 2014. Their ultimate sacrifice will have achieved nothing in the long run, the Politicians responsible for sending them there should hang their heads in shame. It will end in humiliation, no matter how much positive BS spin Obama tries to put on it. Will the last one scrambling aboard the helicopter on the embassy roof in Kabul close the door behind them.

  18. Shouldn't this be on the Gay forum?rolleyes.gif

    Good question. Should it be? I see the camp factor of course.

    I do know that in The UK The Eurovision song contest is the viewing highlight of the year amongst the gay communities. Eurovision parties are held, where gays watch it together, squealing and making bitchy remarks about the costumes. A complete mystery to me. But so is the obsession with Shirley Bassey, Barbra Streisand and Kylie. Could someone enlighten me?

    Totally understandable. Sounds like the Oscar party phenom in the U.S. Making predictions is fun and it is common for there to be some kind of game with a prize for whoever predicts the most correct winners. I only know about Babs, so you'll have to ask someone gayer than me for your specific question.

    You mean you have never heard of the great Burly Chassis JT? Oh dear, you would never pass muster in Old Compton Street, in London!
  19. Shouldn't this be on the Gay forum?rolleyes.gif

    Good question. Should it be? I see the camp factor of course.

    I do know that in The UK The Eurovision song contest is the viewing highlight of the year amongst the gay communities. Eurovision parties are held, where gays watch it together, squealing and making bitchy remarks about the costumes. A complete mystery to me. But so is the obsession with Shirley Bassey, Barbra Streisand and Kylie. Could someone enlighten me?
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