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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. And how much mr swiss save for online changing?

    Proberbly you pay 200 franks because you also not have a idea how to get the change cheaper !

    Follow my steps and change it here in Thailand , then you can save!!

    Not always swiss is cheaper then travel agency but sometimes !

    I have always ideas don't worry!

    But the most funny thing for a single flight no return swiss want charge 1600 franks that's more then go and back in travel agency only paid 600€ for same flight!

  2. Forget all the hard mattress , in the mean time I change to air bed ,

    Feeling like in a waterbed, soft sabai

    And not any <deleted>""" animal can go inside!

    If someone also want same bed, and sleep like in the 7th Heaven !

    Send pm!

  3. I am now on eBay since 12 years with amazon together I spend around 500 € a month , my analysis look like

    Only amazon us or eBay USA

    Add custom duty on nearly ever item and add it

    On eBay us , only when seller offers

    Worldwide postage !

    If it not specified no tax added

    If seller post worldwide tax auto added by eBay you have to ask seller

    To resend a new bill without tax

    I never let them Ebay include !

    What electronic items except video game consoles amazon send worldwide

    I not found many, only on eBay German some dvd recorders , but German amazon have a big diffrence

    In shipping costs depend on item that is defently in logical sometime postage higher then item price dvd recorder 50€ postage ps4 only 20

    What happen with banned books when someone try to import get fined or book destroyed ?

    Amazon uk

    Cheapest postage of all amazon with

    Global programm on cd and books

    Amazon Germany high book postage

    Italy amazon like uk not send video me consoles !

    France amazon fixed postage on most items also small 15€ send ps4 cheaper then the Germans!

    India amazon impossible to order same on china!

    And strange on Japanese amazon I was unable to log in with my password!

    When you ask amazon stuff why automatic added import tax is so much diffrent depend on item sometime nearly same then item price itself the hotline stuff is not familiar with this questions a sign

    That hotline workers are only trained

    For standardized questions!

    All overview best deal to order on amazon uk!

    Winner of the system!

    More questions send pm!

    Now I must go order something again because Iam so happy when the postman come , and bring me exactly that what I want!

  4. I visit many Easter celebrations every where in the world from Lourdes on France to Mexico City, feeling the power of believing in the air!

    Instronental music of orchestras on our maintain church in my childhood it was amazing

    Because I visit to many country's proberbly I got more sensitive ,and compare everything with everything , when you don't know the diffrence then is normal!

    For me the style of Thai Carolic church looks trashy and not unique , also the load speakers using remembers and looks for me like a show master presentation , of the American god channel, the aggressive and loud tone , Is a kind of brain washing idiology that I don't like!

    There is no space for silents between , all the bible talk

    And when there is no silence a cannot connect and talk with god,

    Connection lost !

    It looks for me the priest or what ever is on I time pressure !

  5. Yesterday friends called me, and told me a very sad story!

    A man near my hometown married a Thai woman!

    Together have a 10 year old son, 4 year ago the Thai wife disappears with the child back to Thailand , the husband never seen his own son again,one time the wife called , and says when you send money with western union, every month I allow you to talk with your son, he not send money since for year no contact to wife or son !

    The wife has only Thai passboard , but child born 10 years ago has dual citicenship

    Thai embassy rejected to follow the case!

    So what option the man have, in case of abduction?

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