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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Russian ruble goes down!

    And about isaan woman , I see them daily on the bus station with the mirror and tons of makeup , and when I ask pai nai

    Mostly the aswer is Pattaya !

  2. A not easy story to tell!

    It happens , when my wife was young around 20 year, she told me go with friends in Bangkok watching a American horror movie , proberbly the first in here life, there was a very bad scene, she got shocked where one victim to be in a sorry state, the arms and legs connected with a iron change connected to arm and legs

    With for horses 2 in each direction!

    Some one shoot with the gun in the air , and horses run away, all could imagine what happens, blood comes over the screen, and since this bad experience in early life , she always got fear attacks!

    She like animals very much, but only when animals are happy , when I look with here nat geo wild , and another animal attacks another , she cannot look and the fear attack comes back..

    Also she have fear about upcoming future , Iam not realy sure how I can handle this, and how a treatment looks like?

    Is it here some experts in Thailand that can help?

  3. Read now all posts here but some important facts missing about the rising of the coffee price!

    It's not only inflation!

    The plants of coffee trees of arabica etc have big problem with insect invasion in there country of origin!

    And this make world market prices higher!

    Want order hill tribe coffe online bit after talking about what I want order

    Shop not want give me the bank number!

    And about Starbucks , bought all beans in Geniva Switzerland , and don't pay any taxes , using same system like amaon!

    In Germany!

  4. What have the law that Falang cannot own a tuk tuk real funny ok I will buy in here name!

    But in backside I will replace name

    Thailand into Austria!

    And how about tuning the motor of full speed 80 km h

    Like most bk tuk tukin night time !

    Wife ask how much a go kart?

    Is it same atv?

    Yes face pretty funy and Iam for sure the attraction in lower isaan country!

  5. Next year I want buy a tuk tuk

    I think it's enough here,

    I allready see a company when I was walking last year in udhontani

    Of a tuk tuk factory, is around 40 k

    For a new one, I think there are not many company's avalible?

    Does all use the same motor , want let install a filter for better breeze!

  6. Thx for info!

    How many diffrent types of malaria we have here in Asia and in Thailand ?

    I read some Bangkok areas are more affected then other regions!

    Dr told me in hospital every malaria type need another type of treatment!

    Light symtoms first time I also got from Angkor watt, watching the tomb raider movie tempel 5 I clock sunset

    Some mosquito bite me, but. The

    Symthoms come 3 weeks later when I was allready in my home country hot and cold I feel, taking a hot bath 5 times a day and medication I got

    From tropical institute after blood and health check up to 3 week

  7. Hello!

    Just watching on all jazzira a report of malaria in Nigeria over 100 million case in one year, and how the treatment looks in local hospitals!

    Talking about a plant called artisima

    What is the full name of this plant?

    With less side effects comparing to a vaxine?

    Last year i got first time malaria symtoms and typhus together with 41 fever , staying one week in bangrunggrad hospital Bangkok for treatment!

    This year I got a injection against typhus , doctor told 100 Procent protection with injection, but with tablets only around 70 Procent!

    Must typhus be renewed after one year?

  8. My wife's visa still in waiting process

    If not come right in time

    Have to change the flight date with swiss!

    Ticket was booked online in the eu via versa direction bk Zurich

    Travel agency told must contact airline direct what is hotline number of swiss in bk in case of..?

    How many days flight date before must changed?

    Thai air here charge only 1000 b for change

    Swiss in eu or Zurich over 100 swiss frank is the price diffrence of change date on every airline nearly simular or much diffrent?

  9. Does someone here every do eye LASIK ?

    In my home country one eye coasts around 2500€ up to 3000€

    I know the laser machines are very exoensive most time 2 doctors must share the coasts , I still fear to do it in Thailand!

    If something goes wrong,no one here take responsiblity !

    Was one time in Florida!

    Here the LASIK was avalible in many shopping center!

    But many reports more sensitive

    Of direct sunlight

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