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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. On some eu shops I can pay with kasikorn cyber banking without any problem some nor accept it

    But know have a real funny story

    Ordered with k. Cyber card in a German garden shop let deliver the parcel to my home country but after 3 weeks the parcel never areived

    In meantime I contacted the shop

    Problem with kk payment maybe wrong number! Now want send me the bill again, I told now allready payed by kk if there would be a wrong number I would not able to make ordering process finish

    Anyone have simular problems before?

  2. Called the swiss hotline but the slowly speaking stuff was very obtuse

    Unable to access any ticket information by airline coz ticket was booked in a travel agency online

    Called travel agency aswer this not normal also airplane should have this information giving ticket number

    But aswer was always same from here I can do nothing I don't see anything in system now travel agency must check and call be back!

    This time the swiss perfection service failed, or in other words the after sales services could be improved!

  3. Hello!

    Does a detox foot spa realy

    have any benefit to better healthy?

    Where I can buy this mashine in Thailand ?

    One time I got a treatment in ayorveda spa in Chiang may within

    5 minutes water change to brown color

    In my home country I allready bought a mashine years ago , but strange

    The water never change the color

    Some special salt is needed to add

    But 5 farmacy I asked in the eu , don't know also what kind of

    What is regular price of detox mashine in Thailand ?

  4. Proberbly not possible to set any monthly limit of coasts on a prepaid sim?

    Normaly on postpaid sim

    2000 baht is standart limit set by operator

    And when you not have money on prepaid

    Normaly no one can charge you

    Only when someone undergoing the guidelines , because some operators

    Let you go into a minus credit

    Also on prepaid , then you pay after recharge

    Something here not detailed enough in the background information

  5. Why no one ask here the question how is it possible to pay without credit card, when I ask the hotline how this kind of people operate to make money on million range with in app purchase or SMS fake spam

    How this people operate?

    If it would be easy everyone could make it, but the guidelines for this are a big secret and hotline also don't know

    Only got learned how to say a aggressive You must pay !

    If you not pay mr. Thaksin come back from Dubai, and bring you to the court!lol!

  6. Funny story !

    Yesterday I payed my true h bill was 913.25 satang, but the ladyboy on counter scanned the barcode , but not put the 25 satang inside

    This is a strange process, because normally the computer should put automatically in the system the right amount!

    Called the hotline stuff don't know

    How to do wait 20 minutes

    Normaly must pay 25 satang your number will be suspended when you not pay sir

    Waited again and enjoy hotline music

    We can set on your next bill cicle

    But I think not sure I could loose my old promotion

    Coz stuff do something wrong

    Someone have allready this problem first time for me!

    The tesco bill not showed my telnumber and a confirm massage

    Payment done also not come like on 7

  7. This night I found something interesting out in this endless ringing case was watching American NASCAR racing until 4,o clock morning then my PC monitor switch automatically to stand buy !

    Exactly at the same time the telephone begin rings again

    So it must have donething to do with power line instability or whatever

    Even I could reproduce the ring tone

    Simply connecting my dreambox to the same power cord like the voice over ip box used and volla it rings again no I let the technican talk? Instability of power supply?

  8. This can happen every where , also on Siam reap when I was walking around same area children wants money!

    I go in the next backery,

    And bought ice cream and cakes back

    Next day same again to same poor people , and I eared a smile that comes from hearth!

    I never give money, only food I think it's better!

  9. Must always call in that center your flight starts in this case Bangkok!

    The international price pressure is very strong!

    Also when the tax of Zurich airport is one of the highest in the world , I hope not same dilemma happens like with Thai that customers go away coz of higher price! Even in Zurich thai woman was also working at counter for Thai!

    But it's cheaper for them to get locals work, its something names economy optimization , how to save coasts, to maximeize the profit, no matter who do the job, it only must be cheap at end of the bill calculation !

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