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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. In Samui island the stuff was very sceptical , and English bad, forces me to leave my bags outside!

    At stuff counter

    One week later I visit same shop again, but this time with my bags together inside the shop , only 1 minute later a stuff member follow me all the time , and thinking I could put something in my bag without paying!

    This never happen to me in any other store in Thailand !

    Coz of this episodes I will never visit home pro again!

  2. Want visit this place last year

    But locals told my wife in a teavel agency everything looks same same in Lao then my boss divide it not to go!

    When Falange say all on the net say this a beautiful place she also not belive

    Maybe I must go alone

    Are airplanes operating from bk airport?with Lao airline with 2 crash in 2 year not want fly!

    And last question in a book I read

    That monks in Luang Prabang not must cut there hair like in Thailand !?

  3. Why is it nesarsary contact dating site ?

    Useless when he was using a fake profile

    but when She allready send with western union

    She have the real name of the man

    Western union rules in eu are very strict only when name and passport

    Mach he got money

    With this name and bill from western report to uk police

    • Like 1
  4. Just want try allready ordered!

    You only think it's illegal? But not realy?

    The eu want make da import ban , to boost there gen manipulated money profit , but not yet done !

    This could mean the plants import also not allowed? I allready ordered my red bananna try!

    Iam a friend of the try and error prinzip!

    If I not try everything out I want do . I canot stop think about it, no matter what it is!

  5. For my iPad I use a seperate simcard first 2 month was all ok

    With the 86 b a week 12 call package Mao Mao pack but now it's need 30 secounds to open website!

    Strange you tube works with only 384 kbit on one 2 call with out any problem with enough speed to load backup data in advance !

    Much better then on the true h flat rate 384 kb is around 10 kb slower then ais

    Dtac here only edge cannot test there 384 kbit flat

    Today I could not open any attachment on yahoo or gmail on iPhone or. iPad the download stops cannot load attachment on PC no problem !

    Want edit the topic mai to mao

    Was the auto correction on iPhone

    But not found any option to edit the topic title ?

  6. Thx for info, and mostly added the diffrence of flight price to the changed date from first flight, but the bad thing if a flight cheaper , then that one you booked before you change

    Not give you the money back!

    Of the cheaper diffrence

    Hotline told change of flight only 24 h before departure possible when schengen visa should delay, I concider also the option to chancel flight and book a new one proberbly cheaper in this case airline must refound you around 50 Procent of flight coasts plus airport taxes, and booking a new flight proberbly cheaper , then loosing 50 Procent of the flight price

    Under eu law I can claim back flight taxes , coz ticket was booked in eu

    40 Procent cheaper then here in Thailand , Iam not sure if claim back of airport taxes also would work in Thailand !?

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