One of the most Islamophobic posts on this forum, which gives harmful stereotypes. The actions of a few individuals, whether they are extreme or illegal, should never be used to generalize an entire community.
To so wrongly say “Sharia councils” are somehow representative of the entire Muslim population in the UK is inaccurate and misleading. These councils have no legal authority in the UK, and the vast majority of Muslims do not support the extremist views or actions that some individuals may express. The vast majority of Muslims condemn violence, discrimination, and abuse, just like people from any other faith or background.
You are using divisive language to associate entire groups of people with crimes they may not be involved in. This is classic fear-mongering, designed to create division and hatred between communities. The idea of linking Muslim communities to “hate preaching” or “honour killings” without any evidence just adds to negative, unfounded stereotypes.