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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Best to stay under the radar...... ie do nothing until made to, 95% of things you worry about never happen...
  2. You can use it to your advantage if you know which organizational structures they fall under. For example, Dept of Labour and Immigration rarely communicate, so you could leave a job and keep your visa until the end. My point, they don't interact like in other countries.,
  3. I mean they are completely different organizational departments. During times of military govt, do you remember any problems? RTP = Office of the Prime Minister. RD = Ministry of Finance
  4. Only if there are more than 3,000 inward transactions or over 2 million baht a year. For foreigners who are tax resident here, if their account was opened after August 16, 2023.
  5. Not true, there are casinos here already that we all know of. It is so easy to gamble online, play slots/poker etc. There are illegal poker clubs advertised on social media, owned by senior policemen - I've been to one.
  6. I meant show the document for some other reason. I wasn't talking about banks, but RD and Immigration. Police and Government don't like dealing with each other and avoid it if they can. Thai banks do not give information to RD unless huge amounts are being remitted, no pension-sized ones. I don't need a visa extension, I'm Thai. A RD officer does not know about a foreigner, unless they stupidly go there and ask them iof they can get a TIN to pay tax.
  7. As they are not going after foreigners, they are more like to make all Thais show such a document. Not going to happen, completely different departments. Granted, some clever rogue Immigration police officers might see a chance to milk some farang with "mug' written on their forehead .
  8. The person you quoted should not come here and criticize the Government. As a Thai, I vote for this move to help transgenders using the Universal Health program if needed.
  9. You are referring to immigrants as animals. Are you an immigrant in Thailand?
  10. Seems like someone has got to him already.
  11. One of the tactics used in Nazi germany was to disproportionately highlight crimes committed by Jews, portraying them as inherently criminal, deceitful, or dangerous. This was to dehumanize them and spread antisemitism. One of the tactics of people here is to disproportionately highlight crimes committed by Muslims, portraying them as inherently criminal, deceitful, or dangerous. This is to dehumanize them and spread Islamophobia. Some news sources disproportionately highlight crimes committed by ethnic Muslims, framing them as representative of the entire community. This selective reporting is responsible for stereotypes, nore Islamophobia, and creates a "them versus us" mentality. Narratives like these lead to the scapegoating of minorities, just as they did in Nazi Germany, and can be exploited to justify hate crimes against these communities.
  12. Round them up Trump style and deport them all. What is stopping them kicking out illegals?
  13. Similar to what happened in Germany but this time is Muslims who are being deported. What a shift and we all know who controls the USA.
  14. He'll not be allowed to mingle with other prison
  15. What has their religion got to do with it? Oh, another Islamophobe, thanks for showing you're a bigot. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.batimes.com.ar/news/amp/argentina/islamic-group-accuses-milei-government-of-censorship-as-tv-show-is-pulled-from-air.phtml
  16. Not true, why are you lying? You are coming across as hating one particular religion, which is a religion of peace.
  17. Good sentence, not that it matters, he will be the prime target in jail and someone will get to him in the next few years.
  18. Is it that bad? Dangerous to society, I disagree, diversity is good for society. Assimilation or integration and at what levels, this is of course important. Where I live in Thailand, there is very little integration with the local culture, even from those marrying locals. Should they, I, abandon their cultural identity? I say no, I maintain my Scots identity, I celebrate Hallow's Eve, BUT integrate into the local society. Look at the Irish in Boston, or the Mexicans in LA, or the Brits in Pattaya Saying certain populations "propagatelike rabbits" is a baseless and offensive stereotype. Integration is a two-way street that requires mutual respect and understanding.
  19. Thaksin was in the driver’s seat, or at least fiddling with the steering wheel during the Tom Yam Kung affair. When the baht was floated in July 1997, triggering the financial meltdown, Thaksin was the Deputy Prime Minister under Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, with a responibility to oversee economic affairs. So, he was basically running the economy; he had much more influence than Thanong Bidaya, the Finance Minister who technically made the call to float the baht. But...... Thaksin who was already a telecom mogul, made a fortune during the fallout. With the baht in freefall, companies with deep pockets (and some savvy foresight) scooped up assets at a bargain. Coincidence? Sure, if you believe in fairy tales.
  20. They are not allowed to complain about certain things. Square Head cost the country much more than others, especially when he was Deputy PM causing the Tom Yam Gung affair.
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