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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Why would they not want treat?
  2. What disturbs me is that the US knew this attack was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. Also, they supply the weapons to Israel.
  3. Some say the ball is in Iran's court. BS, all that is needed is a ceasefire in Gaza, and end to the Genocide and the recognition of a Palestinian state- come on Israel, it's entirely in your hands.
  4. Iran is a peaceful nation who have never started a war. What country are you from? Do they start wars? Maybe the US told Israel to bomb them so they can have another Iraq, which of course was criminal by the US.
  5. Israel are insane or suicidal by attacking Iran a second time. They were warned and now I hope Iran launch everything they have at them and the US stay out of it, as it has nothing to do with them, as usual.
  6. wow Well I heard they are all going to be sent to Rwanda in the future, bizarre if true!
  7. I am taking Omeprazole, I didn't know it helped with this bug.
  8. Thanks, I'm taking Amoxicillin and Clarithromicin
  9. Interesting, thanks. Just wondering if I get rid of it with my antibiotics and my wife has it , could I get it again easily?
  10. That sucks as that was a reason I was thinking of delaying.
  11. Bring back the Krays, E. London would be very different. I thought I was Bangladesh when staying at IBIS Whitechapel!
  12. Similarly in Scotland, especially kicking someone when down. There are repercussions. Must be British thing. Now in Scotland, this square go culture is a thing of the past, i heard.
  13. I wish prayer was compulsory when I was at a comprehensive school in Scotland.
  14. Interesting, it would also happen in Finland, Spain, Portugal, France, Philippines, China, and Vietnam.
  15. I've been to the doc and got some medicine to take to get rid of this. I'd never heard of it before and have no idea where it came from. Maybe a recent procedure on my oesophagus?
  16. You don't know what Thainess is. I used to teach Civics at a Thai High School; Thainess is in the curriculum.
  17. Exactly, the Thai bashing is out of order. Trying to imagine a couple of Chinese, or Muslim, or whatever being aggressive at a Scottish festival like Hogmany. We aren't going to say he Mr foreigner let's have a square go, especially if they were bigger, like most foreigners are to Thais.
  18. Don't most countries do the same when foreigners or immigrants are involved?
  19. I just got a voluntary class 2 payment from the government(343 pounds) and see that if I pay this for the last 2 years, I'll only have 5 years more to pay to get the full amount. Also just noticed that I can delay my pension. Does anyone here do this and or what are the benefits?
  20. Wow, they are not even allowed to kiss in public in Thailand.
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