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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Strange questions, why wouldn't she be able to get the assistance she needs?
  2. What does he expect for breaking the law in Thailand, "the Bridge" on Netflix? We don't need your advice, we read the penalties when we came here.
  3. Not true. Anyways, Thailand is a developing country, it's rather pathetic those coming from rich Western countries, especially those that we allow to retire here in paradise so easily, complain about the locals getting discount. Do you really want equality? if you are from USA, then let's make you invest 16 million baht in order to get your long-term visa. I thought not, you can't burn your cake and eat it at both ends.
  4. Indeed. It's only the oil. Trump said he will get of of Syria, despite all the oil the US has been stealing for years.
  5. The other message says "you cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL" Maybe a new forum rule?
  6. My Aussie friend lives in Thailand and showed his Victoria DL, I think to get the local discount. It is the same as Thailand giving discount to locals. Well overpriced anyway. I think those from Victoria get cheaper than Aussies outside.
  7. Thanks, seems it is just some people I can't initiate a message but I can reply to those who sent me a message. Maybe they have messages blocked.
  8. I've seen this for the last 2 days trying to send a PM: - Actually I can't copy and paste the image but it says "you are only allowed to send 0 messages a day - please try again later"
  9. I'm talking about a blue card.
  10. If married to a Thai, it's easy - work for 3 years earning 40k, I was an English teacher. Applied and got it in 3 years, slight delay due to Covid. Don't even need to speak any Thai these days. Those saying it is hard are living in the 90s If not married, yes, it's longer but quite simple, maybe not easy.
  11. Do they want Thailand to become woke? Tourists don't care, it's the long-term expats that make all the fuss.
  12. US culture is better - and locals get discount at Disney World. The OAPs that retire here have nothing better to moan about than locals getting discount they don't get, maybe adds up to $10 a year. They forget that as a Thai I need to invest $500,000 to get a long-term retirement visa - they pay 2000 baht, or many I know do it illegally for $500 through an agent.
  13. I'd tell my wife to go by herself, I don't want to go.
  14. Yes, and so do I as I jumped through many hoops to get Thai citizenship too. If foreigners work here, there is a simple path to getting citizenship but in reality many can't be arsed, and don't even make the effort to learn the language.
  15. My daughter is a British citizen and pays the foreign student price in the UK.
  16. When playing Royal Melbourne Golf Club with my Aussie friend(who lives in Thailand), I was charged 5,000 baht more. It is not discrimination, stop moaning. Discrimination is when I(a white Thai) am not allowed the Thai price at a local golf course because of the colour of my skin, or when I am not allowed to buy a condo as they don't want farang there.
  17. Really, surely not. I know Geography is probably around P5, but reading?
  18. Many of the Yanks I know are anti-Trump supremacists. Really, they actually think they are more intelligent than half the US voters!
  19. They are as corrupt as each other. Fool the USA for getting involved, let them fight their own wars.
  20. I guess you don't know that he is not President yet. God bless the USA and soon it will be powerful again, stop giving money to useless causes. Eradicate the powerful lobbies as well.
  21. Never took you for liking Trump. He's going to stop the Ukraine war by stopping all aid to the little scam man in Ukraine, the most corrupt country in the area.
  22. You never. I said you were by saying I wasn't Thai because of my skin colour. I asked you if you think Elon Musk is an American, which you are avoiding to answer. Jeez. Racial attacks should not be allowed.
  23. Rich foreigners breaking the law and being caught serves them right. Would you laugh if say oil rich Arabians broke the law in your country and we're caught? I did things legally, which wasn't easy to buy a house, it took me many years.
  24. Different laws. Surely you don't want reciprocal immigration laws? If I want a long term visa to the US, for example, as a Thai retirees, I need to INVEST 17 million baht whereas a foreigner can retire in Thailand by just showing 800k baht in tn bank for a few months or buying an illegally acquired visa from an agent for $500. Do you really want recipricosity? Do you know how hard it is for a normal Thai to retire to the UK?
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