I agree except that I believe Thailand is a 'higher' place in many areas other than financially - spiritually, for example. Also the community spirit; my mother told me she never speaks to her neighbours and doesn't even know some of their names. Actually, Thailand is better in many ways to my native Scotland in many respects.
BTW, there my daughter, who is a UK citizen had to pay more than other teenagers when getting into many places last year. She couldn't get a Young Scot card.
Also, my other one has to pay 13,000 GBP a year as a foreign student, despite being British.
Thais are Xenophobic, perhaps for a good reason, and the ban on foreigners owning land happened when Japanese were trying to buy up all of Bangkok, and the Chinese. Thais don't particularly like farang but tolerate us and I've had very little discrimination and racial abuse compared to what I would have as a Thai in the UK.
yet, this topic appears every few months and usually old expats who have been here a few years moan about not getting Thai discount when in fact they don't realize what side their bread is buttered.