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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Are you generalizing about all Muslims ?
  2. Were the Muslims operating these gangs religious fanatics? I highly doubt it.
  3. Strange that the US military would recruit an ISIS supporter. I know that ISIS were formed because of the destabilization of Iraq, caused by guess who? Yes, the US military who invade Iraq claiming they had WMD, which they didn't. Many Iraqis feel the aggressors were terrorists. Perhaps the US soldier saw some similar things from the Afghans?
  4. You dodged the question and threw in an insult at the same time.
  5. The US definition of terrorism is different that other countries. The UK focuses more on activities that are a threat tonational security, could be political, religious, or ideological
  6. I knew in 2016, he was cognitively impaired. Can't believe you still think he is fit, he is being hidden away from the press and has been from the start due to his inability to answer questions. Lest press interview ever!!
  7. Yes said 24 hours once he became president. The war would be started if he had been president instead of senile ol Joe, who didn't even know what day it was. Are you one of the deniers that he is unfit?
  8. I thought there is progress in Ukraine.
  9. It was basically everyone who doesn't like Trump. Indeed, shame on them.
  10. You maybe missed that the unemployment during President Trumps reign was due to Covid(a direct result) - distorting the truth, Unemployment just before the pandemic(Feb 2020) was 3.5% a record low. Most of Biden's recovery was due to policies of Trump, including Operation Warp Speed, which accelerated vaccine development. Inflation was reduced, again because of Covid and you forgot to mention the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates ridiculously! Under Trump, U.S. oil and natural gas production reached record highs. Not sure why you credit more energy produced than used to Biden, he wasn't president in 2019 when this happened for the first time in many years. Google "America First Energy Plan"
  11. I was posting this here over 4 years ago, the antiTrump supremacistsvdenied it.
  12. A knife against a Pitbull wouldn't really help in my opinion, my gun's noise scares away all dogs.
  13. I was thinking the same or large balloons.
  14. I've heard you say this before. 😗
  15. I run in an area where there are trouble dogs. I carry an air pistol my backpack for emergencies.
  16. The police should have shot them. These dogs are a menace to society.
  17. Couldn't they have risen above that wall at the end and then landed in the sea?
  18. I'm rather surprised you like him., due to his controversial book. He was a great man.
  19. You got to protect your country.,
  20. While restoring the empire and boosting his personal image might be part of Putin’s reasons, his actions are also tied to concerns about security, Russian identity, and influence in the region. It is a complicated situation.
  21. A great man, and wrote some wonderful books. IMHO, the least corrupt US president. RIP.
  22. Does anyone know if a Dual national - Thai/British would have a case to say that he not living abroad?
  23. โอพี is used in speech I know. I think จขกท is used in writing.
  24. Are there any parents here who have never hit their kids? I spanked mine just a couple of times when they did something dangerously bad.
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