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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. I would support the German far right too - preservation of German culture, sausages and all that leather short dancing . Seriously, Protectionism is essential to protect the economy. They are letting too many immigrants in, especially Asians now. I hope they support the British far right too. Some people see Nationalism as Fascism which it is of course, not. As a Brit, I'm saddened by the loss of British cultural identity in the UK, especially due to the Muslim 'invasion', which has caused social fragmentation, with some communities remaining culturally isolated and resistant to integration. I recently stayed in IBIS Whitechappel and thought I was in Bangladesh, which is the least favourite place I've ever been. As a Thai, I'm proud of what Paw Piboonsongkhram started, which was copied from the fashionable Nationalism in Europe in the late 1920s/early30s. He was responsible for the invention of Phad Tai(noodles of the people) developed to stop Thais buying Chinese noodles. Thailand has kept its cultural identity due to 'far right' policies such as foreigners can't buy land. Lessons were learned with the Chinese 'invasion' 100 odd years ago and that will not be allowed to happen again. The UK, US, and Germany could learn a lot from Thai immigration policy. As for the US, it's old enough now to have a cultural identity, and therefore must be preserved. Stopping the illegal immigration is a priority, where the last government totally failed and was a big reason they were not reelected.
  2. I am not. I think the main reasons are social media where people only get access to news that aligns with their existing beliefs. Dems believe all the nonsense they hear on CNN and Reps believe all the nonsense they hear on Fox. Also voters identify strongly with their party's policies when in fact they might have other thoughts on them, esp immigration, LGBT, guns, climate change.
  3. I agree, it's caused by the sore losers, who are now attacking anyone related to Trump. It's very undemocratic.
  4. I don't think he is interested in money at all compared with most, he just has a lot of it.
  5. Sounds strange. He's not African American or is he?
  6. Wouldn't you prefer these two calling the shots than Trump? I like both of them and know America will be better in the near future.
  7. For those in gay partnerships wanting Thai citizenship, DOPA discuss the new marriage laws here. . https://youtu.be/FX1SR1JyPIs
  8. If you need rehab, better to say what's you are. I know one in Khon Kaen, thanyarak hospital, also one in Bangkok, they are all over the counyry They are government rehab.
  9. Why do you say Trump and Musk.? Musk is not going to be VP.
  10. Thanks for the link, but this one doesn't say it was because they were Muslim. Strange that the daily Mail seems to be the only main newspaper that reported this, are they anti-Muslim?
  11. You said the above, when in fact it seems there is only one case, which wasn't even reported by any British newspaper. The reason for escaping jail was not because of his demographic. I am in no way defending the statutory rape of a 13 year old child. I've seen other cases of teenage males being spared jail for having sex with another teenager(under age of consent), and they weren't Muslim. There is a lot more to the case than you are telling. I'm surprised you're allowed links from Middle East Forum. But the judge said that because Rashid was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’. He told police he knew the girl was 13 but said he was initially reluctant to have sex before relenting after being seduced.
  12. I think my account is broken, people can't react to my posts.
  13. I see, thanks for telling me. I thought everyone was ignoring me!
  14. I asked him a question too that he is avoiding, after inferring many Muslims were raping children and not being jailed for it, just because of their religion. He can't support this absurd accusation with links. Spreading religious hate is not a good look. I like Tommy Robinson and think there are far too many Muslims being allowed into the UK and they shouldn't change our laws, but to be fair they are not and shouldn't be lied about.
  15. He was spreading false information , inferring that many Muslims are not jailed for raping children because of the fact that they are Muslim. Total racist nonsense. The ONE case he could find involved two teenagers having consensual sex.
  16. I'm not defending this, I'm stating the facts. Still waiting for the other cases of other rapists not being jailed for rape due to their 'certain demographic'. I suspect you didn't say Muslim for a reason.
  17. I believe you are giving false information. You said You missed out some important information in the ONE case you provided, perhaps deliberately. The sex was consensual and the judge gave reasons for not jailing the male student. If you could give the other cases, I'd appreciate it. I've searched myself but can't find any.
  18. Are you not allowed to say which demographic? Can you give an example where someone raped a child and was not jailed?
  19. Did you read the post he was replying to? Was it a Taliban gang in the UK child grooming case?
  20. Do you oppose/criticize Buddhist culture in Thailand too, where woman must cover up going into a temple and must never touch a monk? I try to live my life by "live and let live".
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