The yellow book is better than the ID card, perhaps.
When getting citizenship, you need the yellow book. They are not interested in a pink card. It is associated with migrant workers.
Not exactly true, many people laugh at farang having the card that they have only seen Burmese/Lao building labourers have.
Also, if you are law abiding, you need written permission every time you leave the province you are registered in.
Pretty much. Why go through the hassle of getting it when you can just go to immigration every 5 years, and actually, you could do it the same time as your extension or 90 day reporting.
If you are working, you can show your Work Permit, if you are not working, you have all the time in the world.
Absolutely, double standards.
But back on topic, Thailand NOT taking part in sanctions is totally the right thing to do, why should we allow politics amongst other nations to affect us?
They don't integrate or assimilate into Thai culture, so obviously can't understand the cultural nuances. They probably watch CNN and read TV instead of the local news.
The only thing that people I know would go for is the education, well apart from Geography ???? The richer, of course would choose the Uk, especially Scotland for the best unis/schools.
Exactly, and also the direct communication style is not liked by Thais, we think they are loud and arrogant, unlike the Brits, who are polite and reserved.
It's not, when I inquired they said I needed 16 million baht to invest to get a retirement visa in the USA. No need for yanks to invest here to get a 1 year visa.
It's one of the easiest countries in the world to get a visa. What are you talking about?
Try going, as a Thai, to USA, UK, etc for a holiday. Retirement, forget it, unless you have 16 million baht to invest(US).
The Russian war has nothing to do with Thailand.
I teach some Russians and they should not be outcast just because of their leader.
Were americans blocked when they invaded Iraq?
Were Chinese blocked when they invaded Tibet?
No, so why should we bow to the woke governments of the world?
I've seen two accidents when people have stopped, therefore I don't stop. When you stop, the pedestrian has a false sense of safety and they get hit by someone driving around your stopped car.
Ever heard of "community spirit"?
I am always wary of those who self-righteously criticize English teachers. I bet you would secretly love to do it but don't have a degree.
Is only recently that the UK had equality. My Gran couldn't vote when she was in her 20s.
Women's lib was 70s.
Still a glass ceiling in Thailand for women in many industries.
I agree, it's the culture, but can't expect all cultures to be aligned.