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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. It's Baang Keow
  2. I believe some foreigners have got free treatment at some hospitals as the pink card is known as a card for migrant workers, who have social security. The staff are confused. Look on the back and get your good wife to translate, it says you can't leave your province without documentation allowing it.
  3. I thought the pink card had no electronic thingy.
  4. You are still a foreigner after getting a non-Thai ID card.
  5. I get tik tok pop ups all the time, esp of one Thai woman who dresses scantily. I would like to comment but not sure of how to say 'nice legs, shame about the boat race' in Thai.
  6. Seems a bit strange asking my Thai wife to speak to the Thai dog in Thailand in English. As others have noted, dogs can understand 2 languages.
  7. Reminds me of a joke - After a talking sheepdog gets all the sheep in the pen, he reports back to the farmer: “All 40 accounted for.” “But I only have 36 sheep,” says the farmer. “I know,” says the Sheepdog. “But I rounded them up.”
  8. There are rude people everywhere. If I heard this, I would immediately complain about this "racist remark".
  9. Interesting, but this could complicate things in a tonal language. For example the word for sit in Thai 'nang' as said by my wife is a low/falling tone. When I tell him to sit, I use a higher/rising tone, which means 'movie' and he jumps up on the sofa looking for popcorn.
  10. I learned Hungarian once, very hard language but helped when I worked in Finland.
  11. My friend has a PhD in Bilingual Language Acquisition and I know what to do with kids - mum speak ONLY Thai and dad speaks ONLY English. Maybe this doesn't apply to dogs?
  12. Just wondering about training my dog. My wife is Thai and therefore speaks Thai to our dog. I speak Thai but feel more comfortable speaking English to my dogs. Will this be negative to our dogs if they are hearing two different languages?
  13. People rely on LINE for many things, like eating, communicating with teachers, etc. It is also the prioritized communication method for many other things. For example, where I live, if there's a cobra in my house, I call the relevant people with LINE. This could save my life, as well as other emergency services and as I mentioned the Covid Vaccines, one needed a smartphone.
  14. Obeisance does not necessarily mean respect, your Thai friends will know when to show respect, even if they don't mean it.
  15. Maybe not legal but could save your life. Wasn't it necessary to get a Covid jab?
  16. When you integrate into Thai society, you understand that when two people meet for the first time, one is expected to show the other some kind of obeisance to show that they accept their inferior rung on the hierarchical social ladder. It is sometimes quite easy to ascertain who is on which rung but more than often not; this is where the uniform makes it much easier, although still sometimes complicated. As farang, it's made simpler - we are not even on the bottom rung of the said ladder. As a teacher, this was obvious when the kids 'waaied' the janitor and cleaner but not the foreign teachers. When acquiring Thai citizenship, this totally screws people up, and many just can't handle it and want to run a mile, rather than apply the socially accepted obeisance.
  17. I d been using this forum to find information for many years but recently realize that the numbers just aren't here any more. Reddit seems to have taken over as well as Facebook groups. What other places are there to find fast information about things in Thailand?
  18. Much worse was done in UK schools, some posters here are losing their memories. Reminds me of my father who gave me a lecture about not having seatbelts in the back of my car and for smoking in the house, when as a kid he never wore a seatbelt and above the driver's seat was yellow from smoking.
  19. In this day and age, if you can't figure out how to use a telephone, you should not be allowed to look after kids. My mother-in-law is over 80 and even figured out how to buy Bitcoin. My father-in-law has Alzheimer's and can use LINE, but sometimes forgets who he is talking to.
  20. Do you have any idea how much these teachers get a month? If they are not allowed to do things like this, they will not work and kids will get no education. Did your teachers ever hit you?
  21. Who cares if the kid was embarrassed! I used to take the kids to the front of the class and make them put their arms out horizontally and place books on their hands. If they were bad, I'd tell them to stand at the from with the a bucket over their head, the one for taking in their milk. A lot of Karens here today.
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