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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. If you bought for $40k, you should obviously not sell. No one in their right mind would buy BTC and plan to keep it for 4 months or so.
  2. I have clients in El Salvador and they are over the moon that the country has made Bitcoin its currency. Please don't guess but look at the facts.
  3. No, my life is beyond my wildest dreams! Sorry, I never meant to suggest you were as bad as the other guys that seem to be like packs of wild luddites, opposed to new technology they can't understand - cantankerous, pugnacious in their aggressive attacks on crypto. The hunt for crypto threads with some kind of sick, self-righteousness to ease their pain of not buying Bitcoin when they heard about 5 or 12 years ago, when it was $1. Better not to learn to live with new tech. and try to understand it, but hang out with other pensioners sipping their half-pint of bitter and nip o Bells' finest.
  4. OMG, you say BTC is risky and invest money in land you can't own and even worse in a Thai woman's name! What would be the icing on the cake is if she is 20 years younger. Never buy land in Thailand until you have been married for 10 years. Never get married until you have lived here for 5 years.
  5. What do you mean "losses"? My crypto holdings have risen roughly 1,000%+ in the last 2/3 years and even more in the last 6 years. I bought DOT at $4, just 18 months ago and took profits at $40, 45, 50. I bought EGLD at $7-$20, sold a fraction at $400+ to get my initial stake back and more. I currently get 100% + by farming my remaining EGLD/MEX. These are just two of my holdings. I had 4% of my portfolio in LUNA, which went to zero, which sucked but I can't complain. I had 5% in Celsius but withdrew everything 6 months ago. However, it looks like Celsius is may survive - I heard Goldman Sach is going to buy it! The big banks are getting into crypto and fooling you dinosaurs into thinking it is a bad idea, oh the irony...
  6. Now, I know you must be smokin something. This article is about how traditional gold buyers are starting to move over to BTC. The BTC market will surpass the gold one within 5 years, mark my words.
  7. Oh dear. Do you know why BTC was invented? Are you happy with the ethical banks and governments of the world? I expect you know the banks are trying to keep the price of Bitcoin down, for obvious reasons, but the can't kill the bitcoin. I like this guy, Da Vinci, who you would have laughed at 9 years ago.
  8. Many of our members are having memory issues. Bitcoin rose to be the same price as gold 8+ years ago and now is 10x But hey, lets look at the last 6 months
  9. Bitcoiners say HODL. This means you must keep it for at least 3 years. NO ONE who has done this has been disappointed. Cherry picking BTC haters love the volatility as they can fool themselves into thinking they were right NOT to buy BT in 2013 lol Go on give us a 10 year comparison!!!!!
  10. Can't you read? Did you even look at the link? I said 33% , not half. https://paxos.com/2022/06/22/what-todays-retail-investors-think-about-gold/ Why are you so against crypto? Ask your grandkids lol
  11. Please read the definition of a Ponzi scheme before you post drivel here. Here, although haters like you will not read it. https://cryptonews.com/guides/is-bitcoin-a-pyramid-scheme.htm#:~:text=A typical structure of pyramid,coin and technology behind it.
  12. I am not pushing. Like I said, posting a topic here is NOT going to change the price of BTC. Thinking otherwise is simply stupid.
  13. 2.5 years ago, it was hovering at $3500, I bet you said the same thing then. June, 2020 years ago, it was $9500. Is $20k so bad?
  14. I've got that guy on ignore, ironically he's the one making negative comments about crypto, he even is a frantic poster on the crypto forum!! It's ridiculous as obviously I couldn't care if anyone here buys crypto. This is last place I would go if I were wanting that; mostly retired guys who don't buy crypto as they don't know how or are already financially secure.
  15. About half of surveyed gold buyers report plans to acquire more of the asset, but a third of respondents believe bitcoin is a viable alternative https://blockworks.co/one-third-of-surveyed-gold-buyers-view-bitcoin-as-the-better-bet/
  16. Not cowards, perhaps a bit more evolved than you, and many Westerners. Would you call the Dalai Lama a coward, or Mahatma Gandhi?
  17. Don't think in terms of Thermodynamic laws but spiritual Laws, they are very similar, ie Karma and reincarnation.
  18. I don't see how, esp as not many Thais have Western names
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