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Everything posted by Neeranam

  1. Yes, but I think he was Thai due to his parents being PRs or getting citizenship under the previous rules, which changed around 1980. I'm sure @Arkadycould confirm.
  2. I don't know the seriousness of the Chinese Thais, but imagine it was a large scale gambling operation. One is not going to get their citizenship revoked for playing a friendly game of poker, for example, or for minor misdemeanors, I hope!
  3. That's right, when getting my Thai passport, I had to show my 'old' British passport. It was the same when changing my nationality in a couple of banks. Also, I had to give immigration my passport(obviously) when I went to cancel my visa. Showing your old passport is not against the rules, but making use of your 'former' nationality is. I've heard of ลูกครึ่ง making use of their other passport to get the Native English speaker salary, but they are except from this rule because they were born Thai, unlike Naturalized Thais. If I tried to get a job as Thai, Native English speaker, not sure what would happen, or of it would be risky.
  4. I'm sure in the mid/late 90's it was stronger than 6.3 %. I'd buy 3 large bottles for 100 baht, and drink them before going out for a session. I was very well on the way, which was hard as I was an alcoholic.
  5. Interesting. I never thought that would be a serious enough offence. In their case, revoking their Thai citizenship would leave them stateless.
  6. If there was a change in the law, if I committed a serious crime, made use of my old nationality, left the country for a few years, or if they just wanted to steal my assets.
  7. What do you think is an acceptable amount to give them? 6,000 baht is a large amount for many Thai people, actually much more meaningful than my Yank friends who got 35,000 baht from Sleepy Joe. Should the Thai govt. follow the example of the USA and just give money that isn't theirs?
  8. I am buying a house soon and want to put it in my name, rather than my wife's. If, for any reason, my Thai citizenship was revoked, what would happen to my house/land? Is this risk of losing my property worth worrying about?
  9. Wild night in there for my 30th birthday in 1995. I ended up with a girl with a glass eye. Surely thr woman with the limp isnt still there?
  10. I got one new taxi driver who didn't know where Sukhumvit road was. One **** stopped his taxi on the elevated tollway and told my parent to get out unless they paid him an extra 2000 baht. Many are scum and probablt desperate because of the lack of tourists. They are not going to cause a fight over 10 baht, unless they have tried to rip someone off and they refused to pay. I really can't believe people blaming the alleged foreigner.
  11. Any loving parent will poison a pit bull that is allowed to run wild. Good riddance, shame about the collateral damage.
  12. And I wonder if they actually saw his passport/visa. It is possible for foreign looking people to be Thai.
  13. Why all the comments about his Thai ability; he is a long-term resident. It is the taxi driver's fault and kudos to the alleged foreigner for having a backbone. I refuse to pay taxi drivers that try to rip me off, has happened many times in the past and hasn't always ended up nicely but I have my integrity intact. Total loss of face if they are challenged trying to rip us off. I wonder if the ones that blame the alleged foreigner would do the same in their own country, or or is just the Thais they are scared of.
  14. As a former alcoholic, this had me in tears a few times
  15. When I had my first slow damce and snig, aged 11 at a school summer camp, re 1975/6
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