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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. We've used Straight Talk purchased through Walmart.....

    When we go we RV, so need it for calls, reservations, etc....

    Straight Talk uses all available cell towers making it useful & the RVer's choice for day to day.....

    If you plan on YouTubing & posting videos needing lots of data usage, you might need to go with a carrier's plan....

  2. Yes, I feel safe here.....We do lock & bolt the doors....

    Our dog would make anyone pause that might think about coming into our yard.....Our MuBaan does not have a guarded gate, but in the years here = zero threatening incidents.....

    When house hunting I passed on the biggest/nicest house in small villages.....We can travel 4-6 months a year & coming home to an emptied out/plundered house was one of the reasons I passed.....


    I've lived in the PI.... It's definitely not safe in multiple ways.....

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Dr Morgan seems to be very popular....

    Health Care Medical Clinic in Hang Dong...

    Check out their FB page....

    They also publish health updates & current maladies & medication/vaccine availability.....


    • Like 2
  4. Local delivery off a water supply truck....Both the big 5 gal & 1 liter??? bottles that come in crates....

    No idea what "name", there's about 3 services that come around & the wife decided which to use....5 crates & 6 big jugs each visit....

    • Like 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, riclag said:

    We lived in a three decker (3 floor apartment house) .My moms parents on the 1st , My family on the second. Aunt & Uncle family on the third.

    I was standing in my crib crying for my mom for what seemed like a long time. I eventually laid back down and cried myself back to sleep.

    Till this day it brings back ,sadness .

    Wow crazy huh ???? 

    Did they ever find her?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. Bread machines can make cakes, puddings, sticky rice, jam/jellies, yogurt, or bake....The first machine had a rice wine recipe....

    I have made cakes & it works....A drizzled pound cake does fine, but other cakes taste like cake but looks bread shaped.....

    I've tinkered with the idea of baking bread & cutting lengthwise to make bread based quick pizza.... It's easy to make & tuck a couple of loaves in the freezer for my "on demand" daughters.....

    Even without all the preservatives laced in commercial bread the homemade bread lasts up to a week bagged in the fridge.....

    For what they can do they are a fine kitchen addition....

    In the future I'll always have one based on just taste & freshness alone....

    We do have the mixers, air fryer, oven, food processor(s) - simple & complex, a blender that could grind down a Christmas ????....But why go through all that stuff when, in under 15 minutes I can have the bread of my choosing in process....

    I personally don't want to spend hours in the kitchen doing what I can do in minutes.....I like & was raised on sourdough & I can come pretty close....


  7. 2 hours ago, ubonr1971 said:

    From what Ive read on this breed it sounds a terrible idea to take a 4 yr old  bangkaew. Typical hopeless thai family wanting to be rid of their dog. Not good for the dog either

    It is a farang family & this is their trained family pet they have to part with....Nothing indicated anything different....

    Given the tone of the listing & the accompanying pictures I would have no trouble accepting it, and the dog on face value....

    It's a nice looking/presented pup & I thought briefly about checking further.....

    We just don't have the space to take in another....

  8. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    Yeah, I was looking on Lazada and was those.  They run in the 5K to 6K THB range.  Thanks for the info.  Any recommendations on recipes?

    Garlic oregano french bread is a fav + Mango Hawaiian bread seem to be the 2 front runners.....I thought the cinnamon raisin turned out ok, but response was lukewarm....Those are the 2 that seem pretty standard.....


  9. 1 hour ago, pagallim said:

    I have an oven that I use almost on a daily basis for roasting and baking.   In particular, bread and rolls, nothing beats the smell of freshly baked bread in the house.   Pies, pasties, and some desserts are easy too.


    Some Portuguese custard tarts ("Pastel de Nata") that I made today, and some recent rolls and bread.   The versatily of an oven far outweighs those of a bread making machine.




    We have a full sized oven along with the bread machine....Great to have both...I make 2 or 3 full tray pizzas at a time.....5 minutes of kneading in the bread machine makes things flow along nicely....

    There's more than a few things a bread maker can be used for.... 

    It's nice to have both on tap....

    Making a family fav bread takes less than 10 minutes to compile the ingredients & turn the machine on....Then on to other things.....

    • Like 1
  10. I spent a frustrated year or longer trying to get consistent results/satisfaction with my first bread machine - a Russell Taylor.....

    I ordered this Biolo Mix machine from Shopee & was stunned by the immediate good results along with shorter bread making times....

    Now my family & neighbors put in requests for bread.....

    The results are close to 100% success to the point where I know I somehow screwed it up if it didn't turn out.....

    I read all the reviews carefully of each machine I considered & this machine had much more positive feedback.....

    Along the way I learned to add ingredients differently than either machine's instructions.....

    I recommend this Biolo.....

    Shop prices as you'll find a wide variance for the same machine.....Lazada started carrying the machine shortly after I bought mine.....


    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, ubonr1971 said:

    what are they like with snakes?

    The Ridgeback can snap into aggressive bite mode & can get more aggressive with age....My FIL has them and I trust them zero percent....

    My youngest daughter has permanent facial scars from one of his ridgebacks - just rocked up and bit her straight on the face....

    They apparently bond close during growth years....Anyone outside those formative years needs to beware.....

    She was about 4 then ... Fortunately most of the scars follow her lip lines.....

    Study up on this breed....As my FILs dogs aged they had to be quartered/penned off as they became very unpredictable.....

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