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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. Basically, if there doesn't seem to be any implied threat or active unpleasantness, I just go on being myself.....If I glance & someone is "looking" at me, I'll smile then go back to what I'm doing..... Why let their problem project any power at me.....

    I'm not doing anything wrong, I dress approptiately & am not slovenly or overweight .....


    If they don't like me on sight = fk'em....

  2. I have 2 here & 2 in the US plus CC accounts with 2 banks....

    One time my US bank had a security breach on one account & issued a replacement card - new requirements were a 6 digit versus the 4 digit I'd had....The only problem = they only send the "new" pin code by separate snail mail....If I'd only had the one account I would have been high & dry for about 6 weeks waiting for the pin number to get here - thankfully it did....

    The 2nd account + online banking allowed me to move funds around and not miss a beat....

    Food for thought....

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  3. 49 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Deeply saddening but I also see the love this woman must have had for her husband we need assisted death if terminally I’ll very sad ???? 

    Tragic - it must depend on the timing....When it became my Mom's time I consulted with her Dr....He then increased the morphine and she slipped away in a quiet, peaceful slumber....

    This was in the US....

  4. It only took a couple of bicycle rides to convince me that I don't want to share the road with Thai drivers.... Especially on narrow streets....Not only do the car drivers seem to not care about bicyclists, the motorcy riders squeeze your space - some passing so close they rock you with their airstream.....A a difference in speed of 30+kph there's no doubt of the outcome should the two meet while sharing the minimal space....


    I put it at 50/50 on road/traffic conditions & some just want to buzz the tower & intimidate the farang rider.....

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  5. 3 hours ago, cdemundo said:

    I would say that most Americans think about Britain..... never.

    Other than a newsworthy curiousity once in awhile, this is pretty true....There really is no reason to....


    Everybody is busy just living their life in their own respective country.....


    Edit note - the bold is not intentional, it just appeared by itself....

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  6. 12 hours ago, NoshowJones said:

    I visited Graceland not long after he died, at that time you were allowed into the grounds but not the house.

    I visited again about ten years further on and the whole place was commercialised, you were allowed in the house, but not upstairs.

    Across the road were his two planes and you were allowed in them, it was some experience.

    Those were the best days to experience Graceland....They still had the Mom & Pop feel with the souvenir shop across the street & the gold records on display at the racquet ball court....

    It's on our next trip to do list, but it's more commercialized like a big convention center built around the centerpiece that is Graceland.... Each feature with it's own price of admission....

    My wife wants to see it..... I'll enjoy through her excitement....

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    What is your opinion about the MLK new statue ?

    If liking the new MLK makes you a racist , would disliking the new statue make you a non racist ?

      So, what is your opinion of his new statue ?


    Woke' MLK 'penis' statue insults black community: Coretta Scott King kin

    MLK was a flawed man that took on/championed some worthy causes that helped better the world....


    Admittedly, I am not an art critic....

    That being said, in every picture and angle that I've seen of that sculpture, it looks hideous.....

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  8. 53 minutes ago, kinyara said:

    Why do Americans go abroad when they love talking about themselves and their country so much ? Wouldn't it be much more enjoyable for them to remain in their own patch of global paradise. Not a thread goes by on here without an American trying to relate it somehow to their home country. I haven't read a single comment, just the headline and comment count is enough for me. ????.  



    I see this representative of most of the "declared" nationalities and not just "Americans"..... It's a pretty common observation in the expat universe.....

    There's several from the US on here that contribute without being braggadocios.....

  9. On the your & you're issue.... Predictive text/spell check is doing a very good job of applying these words incorrectly.....

    In proofing, (attempting to), anything I input I have found this word incorrectly changed and applied about half the time.....

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  10. 36 minutes ago, itsari said:

    His punch is worse than his bite .

    Bangkok bank have so many ATM machines out of order .

    Very frustrating to say the least .

    Grass on your countryman ? get real man 



    I went to use a BKK branch ATM today & there was a paper sign blotting out the screen with Thai script....

    I headed back to the parking lot & could see by the look on the guards face he was surprised by the quick visit....

    I said ATM no work....I got into my car & he came running to me....

    He had used his phone to translate the message...."The deposit machine is also an ATM"....

    He walked with me to the deposit machine = which indeed worked as a normal ATM....

    I thanked him a few times to show how pleased I was....

    In all the years I've been here, I didn't know that....

    Possibly it's the same at other banks....

    My Dad used to say "it's a good day when you learn something = so today is a good day....

    Hopefully, passing this along makes it a good day for a few of you....


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