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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. I spent a frustrated year or longer trying to get consistent results/satisfaction with my first bread machine - a Russell Taylor.....

    I ordered this Biolo Mix machine from Shopee & was stunned by the immediate good results along with shorter bread making times....

    Now my family & neighbors put in requests for bread.....

    The results are close to 100% success to the point where I know I somehow screwed it up if it didn't turn out.....

    I read all the reviews carefully of each machine I considered & this machine had much more positive feedback.....

    Along the way I learned to add ingredients differently than either machine's instructions.....

    I recommend this Biolo.....

    Shop prices as you'll find a wide variance for the same machine.....Lazada started carrying the machine shortly after I bought mine.....


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  2. 54 minutes ago, ubonr1971 said:

    what are they like with snakes?

    The Ridgeback can snap into aggressive bite mode & can get more aggressive with age....My FIL has them and I trust them zero percent....

    My youngest daughter has permanent facial scars from one of his ridgebacks - just rocked up and bit her straight on the face....

    They apparently bond close during growth years....Anyone outside those formative years needs to beware.....

    She was about 4 then ... Fortunately most of the scars follow her lip lines.....

    Study up on this breed....As my FILs dogs aged they had to be quartered/penned off as they became very unpredictable.....

  3. There is an online pharmacy in Bangkok that can post it to you....


    Found it - Medisafe Pharmacy in Bangkok....


    I have used them before, but have forgotten the name.....I can get a better price locally - but - their prices are discounted....

    Perhaps somebody can fill in the blank or add others....

  4. I'm not sure of the fault line situation in Thailand, however, that could easily be what the aftermath would look like.....

    If you've experienced a 7.0 quake in person, it's something you don't want to see again....

    From the brick and mortar construction, to the rebar & cement framed condos + cement power poles & high rise thinly rooted water towers....Let alone the minimal road construction & earth dams that have dried out do to droughts....

    Not a pretty picture....

  5. 2 hours ago, poyai111 said:

    5 years ago I purchased a pull-up bar (doorway fitting) for around 150 baht and a stationery bicycle for around 5000 baht. Both have served me well. Strength and cardio equally addressed. Bicycle was designed for short legged Asians (no disrespect) so seat height had to be raised by the addition of a short section of broom handle.

    That could be uncomfortable ????

  6. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    My Mrs was going on at me not to except calls on my mobile because if you answer questions they can take money from your bank account by hacking your mobile or whatever, don't know what the ell she's going on about. 

    That is currently taking place....My wife warned me 1st - then I read an article where this was taking place....

    There have been some instances in Thailand....

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    I was in a McDonalds in Thailand and a young American teenager bought a McDonalds and he got seven Baht back in change from the cashier , cashier being a middle aged man .

      The American kid  picked the seven Baht up, and proudly said the the cashier "This my friend is for you" and handed the seven Baht over to him , he seemed to be expecting the cashier to be overjoyed and thankful for the 7 Baht

    To bad they don't have those money for orphans, dogs, causes, etc on the counter like they do in the US....The cashier could've just dropped it in there....

    Some of the antics of others can just take a smile away.....  

  8. 7 minutes ago, Saphan said:

    Also ask to see the manager and make a complaint. Tell the manager the waiter should be fired.

    It did cast a pall for a short time on our last half day, visiting local markets....

    It made everything look & feel a little different.....

  9. 15 minutes ago, Saphan said:

    Did you pick up the coins? 

    I don't really remember, she might have....I was starting to get <deleted> off because of the treatment.....More for how she was feeling wounded.....

    I kind of think she might have..... It was all strewn across the table....

  10. 53 minutes ago, Saphan said:

    Like France and Italy?

    On a trip to Paris, my wife & I stopped at a nice outdoor / indoor cafe like they have for lunch....The waiters we're almost stereotypical in dress and manner.....The meal was nice and we were getting ready to leave..... I'd already paid & given a nice tip, however my wife didn't want the coin change as we were flying out and counted, stacked it nicely at the center of our table as a nice gesture to leave for our waiter.....

    He came to our table, looked at the change, picked it up and flung it across the table.....He then took his stereotypical movie like poofy waiter self, turned on his heals and stalked away.....

    My (Thai) wife was wide eyed astonished as I was half laughing & half ticked off....She looked at me and all she could think of to say was "that's perfectly good money".....

    I laughed, but felt bad for her at the same time as she genuinely thought she was doing something very nice for this other person....

    She does not tip in Thailand (very rarely if a birthday or celebration)....

    I can still envision the shock & look on her face....

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