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Posts posted by pgrahmm

  1. 3 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    Another thing I have noticed through the years... though some lady boys can be beautiful, the future is mostly sad. You don't often/ever? see a beautiful lady man. 


    One acquaintance every once in a while sends me photos of his ladyboy GF - I met her maybe 15 years ago.. now she looks like a truck driver. But one of the lovely quirks of life is that I think we see our partners as they were when we first met them. I see my wife that way. And it has been over 20 years... 

    If I could she'd be thinner....

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, DJ54 said:

    Can you post a picture what they look like and I’ll look for some. Local are hard to determine when ripe and seems spoilage. HAAS is my favorite when in S. California they were decent prices… one of the imported brands here seem to have roots instead of fruit.

    Similar to this more slender than round.....

    images (23).jpeg

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    The bolt is inside a shroud, the biggest thing I can grip it with is a pair of 200mm pliers. Mole grips, pipe wrenches just do not have enough room to get the jaws in. I have used the helicoil system before and it works well, certainly worth considering once I get this bolt out. You are correct too about the stripping, the truck had been taken to B-Quick tp have the fluids replaced on the day I bought it - Bquick had used a windy gun to do up the bolts and when I tried to break it free it just stripped out. Apparently, they used the same windy gun on this drain bolt as they used on my wheel nuts! It took a two metre bar to loosen the damn lug nuts - unbelievable.

    I had very poor experiences there - like crushed parts from racking & axles that fell out after R&R for servicing CV  joints....0 for 2 vehicles....

  4. There should be some rubber expansion plugs that can be used....They are designed for stripped drain plugs, inspection plugs, & freeze plugs..... I've used them successfully in the past on the old crappy Ford crankcase plugs.....

    There is no pressure build up to worry about as the diff splash lubricates.....

    I'd go to ProAuto on Hang Dong Rd.... Speak to Tonn....


    There has to be suppliers here....In the states any Napa Auto or parts store carried them..... There's a few different designs.....One is a push in type where you push a screwdriver into the rubber to stretch/thin the diameter & it pops in & out using the same method....Others have turn bolts that sandwich the plug expanding it to seal..... That's what's shown....

    I'm sure there's some other ways others have devised.....


    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Intermittent fasting seems to work but the guys i know who do it don't eat the best diet at all but get away with it until they stop fasting. Personally i don't like starving myself, prefer eating whenever i want 

    I eat meal #1 at about 9am - meal #2 by 2pm.....

    On some days (once every 2 weeks?) my daughter will make some popcorn/french fries for a snack & I will grab some.....

    After establishing this initial routine/habit I found myself not craving food/snacks....

    As a result I have lost about 24 kilos & my BMI is sitting right at 2.....

    I'm 6'4"/195cm so I wasn't sporting a gut when I started, but I was more rounded....

    If I took it to the next stringent levels I probably lose more weight, but right now I feel good and eat anything I want....

    The man in the mirror also looks improved...

    No starving/cravings 98% of the time....

    • Like 1
  6. Intermittent fasting brought the weight down to 95 from 117 (195cm)....We eat about 9:30am and 2pm....

    The wife raises veggies & fruits in our small garden & makes sure I eat my "greens".

    I bicycle about 5k in the evenings saying hi to the neighborhood puppy's & teach them a few tricks with doggie treats....

    I bought a home gym and workout 6 days a week + a few light dumbbells - sometimes 2 a day = Sundays off....Nothing overly strenuous & reps of 40-60-100 go by quickly depending on which exercise.....At first I was using less reps with heavier weights but I didn't like stretching the machine cables too much....

    Breakfast usually is the standard eggs, bacon, toast, veggies....

    I make our bread & make our large pizzas 2x large baking sheets....

    No smoking....Saturday nights we'll karaoke accompanied by some Rum & Coke....


    Weeding sugar and coke Zero out of my life....Water works just fine....


    I ride the bike rather than walk because for too many years or rigorous team sports (until 71) have worn the knees & hips to a frazzle.... I've done 1 hip replacement & really want to avoid doing the other hip & a knee....They don't bark unless I over stress them....The bike seems like the best alternative.....

    Daily vitamins & that's about it.....

    Not as much as some do, but more than others....

    At 74 = still flexible & no real aches and pains.... Pulse rate at 58 which is unchanged over the years - I take that as a good sign = less wear & tear.....

    I generally avoid most fried foods....



  7. I hope not = I hate those other 4.....????????


    Jim Rohn was a required seminar in many Foutune 500 companies back in the day (mine included)....

    Without Googling I think one series was Adventures in Achievement.....

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