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Posts posted by maswov

  1. On 5/31/2019 at 7:39 AM, djayz said:



    At the moment my better half is growing fruit bearing raspberries, blackberries



    Which species are they? Are they really fruiting here?  If so I would like to buy some cuttings.

  2. Weeds aren't random.  To most of us they are invasive but they do have a purpose and different weeds will grow depending of the soil conditions.  In compacted soi weeds with deep taproots will be more prevelent to help break the soil up and in soild depleted of nutrients you will see nitrogen fixers show up.  If you can identify the weeds you have they will let you know what is going on with your soil.  

    I am currently working on an area about the size you are working with.  Two years ago it was rows of cassava and after the harvest I had a tractor level it out and once it started raining the grass and weeds started growing.  Last year I started in one corner lightly tilling with a hoe and mulching in with the grass I cut with a bushcutter from the rest of the area, banana plants, rice straw, cardboard boxes, sugarcane leaf, and pretty much any organic material I can get ahold of.  I put in a some mulberry and moringa trees to get started and some acerola as a hedge along the road.  I have some yellow lemon trees I started from seed that will be planted soon along with some other ideas I have.  I also planted some annuals like sunflowers, tomatoes,  and amaranth.  

    I am starting in one area and expanding it as I go.  As the planted area grows, the grassy area shrinks leaving less material to use as mulch.  To compensate for this you can plant things like lemongrass, citronella grass, and comfrey that help keep the weeds down and can be used to mulch in around the trees.  I also grow cowpeas, swordbeans, and peanuts in that help fix nitrogen and provide a lot of organic material.  

    If you are raising chickens as well, they love grass and weeds.  I am not a fan of free range chickens if they are raised near the house, I prefer an adequate sized run.  You can let them loose but I think you lose a lot their benefits that way.  There is also mobile chicken tractors that you move each day and the chickes can take care of the grass and weeds systemaytically.  


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  3. Problem of driving at night is that a lot of people out drive their headlights and most of them do not even know what out driving their headlights mean or how to figure it out....

    I don't know what that means either. Can you translate to English?

    Overdriving your headlights means driving too fast to be able to stop in the distance lit by your headlights. Automobile headlights are only effective for a certain distance. On average, with low beam headlights, you can only spot objects in the road for a distance of about 160 feet in front of your vehicle. With high beams, you can see about 450 feet ahead. Those distances dont take into account the age, visual abilities of the driver, or road conditions. Your headlights cant light objects over hills, around curves, or dips in the road and theyre even less effective in rain, fog or snow.

    Lets say youre driving at 40 mph on a dark road using your low beam headlights when you see an object in the road ahead. On average, once you see the object ahead, it will take you 1.5 seconds to fully react and hit the brakes. Once you hit the brakes, it will still take time for the vehicle to come to a complete stop. At 40 mph, it takes approximately 189 feet (includes your reaction time) to bring a car to a complete stop. Remember that your headlights only allow you to see 160 feet ahead so, at 40 mph, you wont be able to stop in time to avoid hitting the object in the road.

    When driving on a dark road, its best to use your high beam headlights but the law requires you to dim your headlights within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle (in the US). Remember also that the glare of the headlights from an oncoming vehicle can blind you to objects behind that vehicle. When driving in rain or snow and especially in fog, its best to use your low beam headlights. In foggy conditions, your high beams will only reflect back off of the fog and make it even more difficult to see ahead.

    Speed limits are posted for ideal conditions such as a clear day on dry roads. At night, no matter what the posted speed limit may be, its best to slow to a speed where you can stop your vehicle within the space lit by your headlights.

    Never heard it phased like that. I just call it driving too fast.

  4. Had a similar situation to yourself...I paid 6 months rent in advance...the house was sold after 3 months...met the new owner and stayed in the rental the remaining 3 months...gave me plenty of time to find another place...never could get my deposit back thou...it will be coming next week...trust me...

    The deposit is supposed to be transferred to to new owner of the property as well. Regardless of being a new owner or the original owner, if they are Thai it is difficult to get the deposit back in any situation, they believe the funds belong to them.

  5. Get real.. this is Thailand. If the owner sells then the contract becomes null and void, because your contract is with the previous owner.

    In thailand the contract does not specifically give you any rights at all, it would assist you if you take the owner to court.. which you won't do because it's too slow and expensive to be worth the trouble.

    Bottom line is simple, if the owner sells and the new owner wants you out, then you are out of luck.

    Obviously you have no idea how the law works. Yes Thailand has laws too. Pick up a book and read sometime before you blow smoke out of your ass.

  6. According to the police, a kilogram is worth about 3 million baht. Amazing how police exaggerate the value of drugs just to make their busts seem more important. According to online research, 1 kg in california is about 500,000 baht. That is a 600% exageration

    That is probably street value after it has been cut. If this is coming straight from Columbia, the dealer hasn't cut it yet. I am basing that off of what I paid per gram on the street about 30 years ago, 500k would be about right assuming price increase.

  7. Of course you can deposit cash into someone elses account instantly, that is a no brainer

    But if I want to transfer funds using my USAA accounts to another persons bank account in the US, then I have to do a trial deposit, wait for it to be done, verify it and then make a transfer (takes a couple of days). and that is a long drawn out process

    In Thailand all I do is give my SCB or Bangkok Bank the persons account number, I will get an OTP immediately and then can transfer as much as needed once I input the OTP and the amount I want transferred. That certainly is not backward

    This process is only if it is your own account with a different banking institution. I tried to do this with my sister's account, had her tell me what the trial deposits were and verified. Looked good at first but then they locked my account. I had to go through some verification to unlock my account and was told the accounts must belong to the same person.

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