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Posts posted by maswov

  1. I am not anti-American. I don't like how this DEA thing LOOKS, whether Thailand invited them or not. Of course Thailand invited them. I think all the PR should be about the THAI part of the operation as we are in Thailand. I don't like the appearance of my country basically overnight invading Pattaya with seemingly hundreds of ads all over town. It's embarrassing and if it was another country doing it, I would be freaked out.

    Your right!!! Cooperative operations between 2 governments is horrid, How can this be?? This is clearly a hostile takeover of Thailand where the American military will impose strict curfews and enforce reciting the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

    Also, why are the posters ALL in English? That is also very offensive. We are in Thailand and there isn't THAI text explaining the situation as well. Sorry, that is pure ARROGANCE, and the DEA is only reinforcing the reputation of Americans being arrogant by not being more sensitive to the LOCAL culture.

    This website is Thaivisa.com, not many Thai people need to visit this site, that may be why everyone has posted in english. As for being more sensitive to Thai culture, I am no expert, but I am pretty sure that Thai culture is primarily based on Buddhist philosophies. correct me if I am wrong but I don't believe murder, terrorism and drugs is an integral part of Buddhist teachings.

  2. Has anyone actually went to the website? Or just jump to conclusions and think you have found another reason to bash USA? Apparently the relationship between DEA and NSB has been ongoing for nearly 50 years. As for being "low key" that would be counter productive to the objective of public awareness.

    Curtailing drug trafficking in Thailand is not "sticking nose where it does not belong" it is hitting the problem at the root. The effects of this program could benefit the drug problem worldwide, it is not designed to keep the yaba whores off beach road. Look at the big picture.

    But then again maybe some of you guys prefer to have drugs on your streets and in your schools for your kids to enjoy.

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  3. I don't see anywhere in the article where it says the US is forcing this program. Perhaps the Thai government initiated it or solicited assistance from the DEA. It could be based on the success of the annual training that takes place during Cobra Gold. thai military is trained on combating and responding to various scenarios including piracy, natural disasters, and terrorism. Maybe there are deeper reasons for this that you are just not privileged to see the information.

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