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Posts posted by maswov

  1. The HHV of ethanol is 84,000 BTU/gal and benzene is 124,000 BTU/gal so that puts ethanol closer to 68% the efficiency of straight benzene. I don't doubt your results but 2 tanks in an uncontrolled environment can hardly be considered a satisfactory test. The loss of power for a daily driver is negligible unless you have something to prove to the countless morons on the road trying to keep up with them.

    Fossil fuels won't last forever, that stuff should be saved hot rods.

  2. Credit card is OK to use but if you are not careful the charges can add up. I use cards that have no international transaction fee and give reward points. The exchange rate doesn't seem to be much different than when I ACH money here. I never use the credit card for cash advances since most cards charge a higher interest rate for cash advances and there normally is no grace period so interest starts to accrue immediately.

  3. Sorry, had to stop when you said "... the empirical evidence does not support the conclusion while the hard statistics do." Those statistics are not accurate as many of the accidents are settled with a cash transactions without insurance involvement or police reports made. As they say, if it is not on paper it did not happen.

  4. Just checked Amazon web site and they won't ship it to Thailand.

    Some stuff will ship, it's hit or miss. I ordered some LED grow lights last month and they were delivered by normal post.

    Import duty is hit or miss too. I was not charged anything for the lights and some Jeep parts I ordered around the same time. Last year I ordered the same parts for the Jeep and was hit with 2000 baht duty.

  5. Sorry, but I have to disagree with the comment about Mike’s being authentic Tex-Mex or that their food is similar to what is purchased in Tijuana. It is just not true. I lived in San Diego for over 40 years of my adult life and had a factory for 20 of those years in Tijuana. I have traveled extensively in Mexico and can tell you that Tex-Mex is completely different than Mexican food served in Mexico; including Tijuana. Mike's is an “ok” expensive Asian Mexican food restaurant, but nowhere near authentic. I have not eaten Mexican food at Tequila Reef’s here in Pattaya, but I have eaten it in Angeles, PI. My experience was the same as usual when at a Mexican restaurant here in Asia; just not that good. I agree with the other comment that too many corners are cut. I would image it is to make big profits during the high season and to save money during the low season. It is not that difficult to find good recipes on the internet to make good Tex-Mex food. If Roberto’s would only open up a franchise in Pattaya you would all be able to enjoy good Tex-Mex…….

    Thanks for the tip about Phnom Penh. I’ll make my way to the Taqueria Corona Restaurant on 51st Street. I hope your report is right. That would be a treat.

    The reason it's not authentic tex-mex is because it is more mexican rather than american style. Other than the lack of seafood it is actually pretty close.

  6. Maybe. It spiked when the Fed announced interest will remain low. Possibly the increased oil production in the US will strengthen the dollar but at the current prices oil produced from fracking would be sold at a loss.

    For some fracking yes, but other flacking is being done at the $32 to $40 per barrel now. Fracking costs have come down a lot from the days a few years ago when they needed around $80 a barrel to be profitable.

    That's cool, last figure I heard was $60-$70/bbl

  7. Sprays are good, and continue to tell him no. If you are the pack leader in his mind he will want to please and not do anything to upset you. Also make sure he has plenty other things to chew on and play with, An old t-shirt tied into knots is good when they are teething. Also with a puppy you really should keep him in a crate when you can't watch him, take him out to play, piss, shit, etc. and when tired out put him back in the crate to sleep.

  8. What I particularly appreciate about them is that they generally play strictly by the rule book and don't invent any inconveniencing local rules, in stark contrast to other offices as reported extensively on here.

    Normally I haven't had any problems there except one time I went in with visa questions regarding starting language school as I was finishing up at the university. I was given a hard time about why I want to learn Thai and why I didn't do it while I was studying at the university. After a few minutes she said they won't do any extensions for language school and that I should go to Pattaya.

    Probably would have went smoother if my timing was better. It was actually the same day the new rules about ED extensions came out, so I don't think anyone really knew what to do.

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