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Posts posted by maswov

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    In North America its "Making Hay While The Sun Shines"

    No making hay in the USA. Gasoline pricing tracking close to oil pricing.;b++){var>

    There is an irony in that the one of the major causes for lower oil prices is America's fracking program but when oil falls below a certain point, fracking becomes unsustainable ($50-$60bbl?) and oil prices rise again.

    I think $80/bbl is the break even point.

    Increased US oil production has had an impact on prices but the main reason for the drop is Saudi, without OPEC support, has reduced prices with no changes production.

  2. I would eliminate the store bought dog food and go with rice instead. all the markets have "khao maa". Also I would give raw bone a couple times a week, it's good for the teeth and lots of nutrition. I have a Great Dane I have been feeding similar only mostly chicken, he doesn't like the pork guts too much, I should try the mince pork bone though that might be good.

  3. Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

    100 years ago and beyond America was growing and immigrants were needed. Now the system is overburdened and bringing in more unskilled immigrants probably will not remedy the problem, rather it would most likely make it worse. Immigration needs to be handled carefully to benefit the country as a whole. It's very noble to welcome all people to the country to benefit from the system, but doing so in a reckless manner such as this will collapse the system.

  4. I think you have bad info on not being able to sell the car or maybe just misunderstand. I remember with the new car rebate, people were saying that you need to have the car for at lest one year to remain eligible.

  5. It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

    Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

    British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

    French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

    Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

    Just what we think.

    Best regards,

    When I went to Australia we were told that tipping is not customary. In Freemantle I left a tip for the waitress and she chased me out to return the money I left on the table,

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  6. If you enter any country other than the one the passport is issued in then you must at some point leave the country with that passport. Regardless of whether the stamps are checked at immigration, you are still in the database as being in the country. If at anytime you ever go back to that country using the same passport there could be some problems. UAE actually contacted my Navy command about a guy who flew in to the country and left on the ship and never stamped out. A few months later they were looking for him to collect a hefty fine.

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  7. I have never heard anything about not being able to leave, but my language school told me that I need to get a cancellation letter from my university for my current visa for when I go to get a new ED. I really don't know why that is, seems to me the visa would automatically be canceled once you leave the country with no reentry permit.

    Now that I think about it she did say if I fly it is not an issue but if I do the border crossing I will need it. Made absolutely no sense to me at the time, but that is consistent with the OP's concern.

  8. are the loans regulated for what interest can be charged and rates? could be the wild west with the new credit people are getting and not understanding compound interest or what they are signing up for .

    I don't think anyone does compound interest here. I bought a Honda Brio and it turns out the used simple interest to calculate the payments. I think Kasikorn Bank handled the financing. Other loans I have seen are more like a bond, each month interest is due while the principle remain unchanged.

  9. yeah, dangerous init... they do random pee test here in pattaya to, so best not to ever smoke here or before you get here - think it stays in your pee 30 days according to my classmate at language school who works for the tourist police here in pattaya.

    If used regularly it can stay in your system for up to 30 days, occasional use is 24 hours.

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