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Posts posted by maswov

  1. 20 years is a bit harsh.

    And it would be interesting to see who can actually throw a burnig tyre at the building.


    Death penalty seems harsh for arson (20 years seems right to me) however given the nature of this specific incident it would not and should not be considered simple arson. This is violence directed towards the government which has the elements of treason.

  2. So we have to let the staff go while continue to pay their salaries - again.

    Alternatively they come to work and get OT paid.

    One question remains: where can I send my extra staff expenses for all those holidays and OT-extras within the Thai government because, despite asking my customers, they are not willing to pay extra.

    And yes, the floods were a man-made goofie by some government officials which opened the water gates of all those dams once they were at the brink of overflowing and not continuous water releases as of the beginning of the rainy season (like they do in all other countries on this planet).

    So in all fairness and common sense, the government will pay all these extras as it was their executive nameless staff who involved the costs.

    Or does common sense not apply here and we just shut up and pay - as usual?

    You shouldn't be in business if you can't figure out something that simple. The extra expenses for wages is listed as costs or expenses, that along with all of your other costs of doing business is subtracted from your gross leaving you with net profit. it is the net profit that you pay tax on, consequently less goes to the government.

  3. Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

    I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

    That's not an exploit, that's called business. If you read the whole article it says there are 20 girls working shifts throughout the day, that's 20 girls earning 5 times minimum wage which most business won't even pay that. (1500x20=30000....100000-30000=70000).

    The article also stated that they are in a mansion. I can't really comment on how much a mansion costs but I am sure it is more than the 8000/month I pay for my half of the rented duplex.

    Now they have a house and girls, oh wait they need the cameras, computers, transmitting equipment, lights, and all the props for the sets. I'm almost sure that stuff didn't come with the house or that they found it it on the streets.

  4. Is this survey for schools only? Do most of the Thai kids become misbehaved when they start university?

    They chat on phones, answer phones, talk to each other, walk off in the middle of the class to smoke, are absent every other day, come to class late, don't do their assignments, and some even apply/ repair their make-up in class among lots of other things. And all this in the middle of a lecture.

    It will be a bad thing to generalize as I have had a few really good Thai students. But on an average they tend to be as I mentioned earlier.

    Do you teach at Asian U?

  5. What about the Thai drug dealers that were buying the cocaine from him? Any thought to allowing him through customs, following him to his destination and busting the big guys?

    Of course not. The big guys are all standing behind him in #8.

    Who wants to bet the evidence disappears after our Swiss Steak is char broiled and prosecuted. Hypocrisy at its best; bad Foreigner...Good Thailand.

    You have that backwards, the farther down the line the guys are smaller, need to go the other way for the big guys.

  6. I don't have experience as a business owner here, but people are people no matter where they were born. What you say about pay and what you offer and what they want, maybe its the negotiation, start low and let them ask for more and concede to that. In the end you pay what you originally wanted and they feel like they have won.

  7. So isn't asking question actually doing something for your self? Shit that was a question. If one wants to do something they need to gather information to accomplish the task and wow what a fuc_king revelation the best resource for this is someone who knows already.

    If I were looking to buy a unique item i could drive all over Pattaya hoping to stumble on it or I can ask if someone knows where I can get it, which option would you choose? Shit another question.

    If I wanted to know the rate of acceleration due to gravity, I could conduct numerous experiments or i could look in a book or the internet, yes that is asking a question too. Which option would you choose?

    I guess we should not send our kids to school either since they are told things there and they ask questions, our kids are being setup for failure.

    dam_n I just realized the OP's name.. retiredusn.... not all of us retired navy are morons.

  8. As a midshipman in 1977, I went to the BUD/S Indoc Course, but I went Marines upon graduation, not Navy. Does that count? :)

    (Vice Admiral Bob Harward was one of our small group of 5 midhsipmen to attend the course, and he is now in charge of the joint task force from which the SEALS who killed bin Laden probably came.)

    Sorry buddy you still are Navy :P

  9. the problem is that the average Somchai will just change lanes without looking in his mirrors. ride the wrong direction to save fuel. not have working lights at night time.

    I dont think I need to say anymore!

    Yet it's okay for "average Somchai" to get in his beaten up old truck, with one headlight facing to the moon and the other lined up to blind oncoming drivers, no seatbelts, brakes last serviced when Prem was PM, pile the family onto the back and crab along the expressway with the front pointing 45 degrees to the direction of travel? Get real. How many average Somchai's own big bikes? How many big bikes are there in the country? Do you really think the expressways will become crowded with lane changing idiots riding the wrong way? You'll find the vast majority of big bike riders in Thailand are the safest road users. We have to be, with so many car driving idiots around.

    Car driving idiots? So the idiots on bikes (Most of them) who decide that a car travelling at 120kph in lane 3 overtaking a car doing 90kph in lane 2 which in turn is overtaking a car doing 70kph in lane 1 are all holding him up decides to pass between the cars in lane 2 & 3 but the car in lane 3 has passed the car in lane 2, indicates and pulls over to lane 2 and takes the biker out, then what? 99% of bikers are impatient and risk their own lives and other peoples lives with idiotic moves. Bikers expect everybody to move out of their way.


    All your bitches about bikers are done by cagers too. There relly is no difference people are people and do the same shit no matter what they drive.

  10. you yourself OP may be smart enough and responsible enough to be able to ride safely on the motorways, but please just imagine the mess that a lot of people would make if they were permitted to ride on these roads. I think that no bikes should be permitted on motorways regardless of size, because motorways are the nicest roads to be on while driving a car, no bikes around to dodge. imagine the death rate! :)

    That attitude is the root of the problem, a bike should be regarded no differently than a car on the road. While riding a bike you need to use the whole lane for various reasons. People that drive cars in Thailand don't realize that, too many times a car feels it it ok to share the lane with me and I am forced off the road or need to brake hard because of an obstruction I can't avoid due to my lane being occupied by a car trying to pass me or an oncoming car passing from the opposite direction.

  11. I served 20 years in the US Navy and have things from various countries from around the world. The one thing I suppose gets the greatest care is the kerosene lantern with the Pennsylvania RR stamp on the top that was issued to my grandfather when worked on the B&O RR.

  12. Schwarma-

    Where's good in Pattaya?


    Best one I found in Pattaya is an Egyptian guy on the corner of Pattaya Tai and 2nd rd.

    Nothing beats the shwarmas i have had in Bahrain and Dubai. For the kebabs here i get them without ketchup and mayonnaise, the garlic sause is not quite the yogurt sauce but its ok. I don't do pickles either. I don't eat beef so only chicken for me, in the middle east there is always an option for chicken or lamb so meat wise it is comparable.

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