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Posts posted by maswov

  1. She left the baby in the bath for minutes while she got dressed.She will be prosecuted I guess but she will live with it for the rest of her life.Terrible accident happens all over the world every day,you cant let those kids out for your sight for a minute but still with all the regulations etc here kids still drown in back yard pools every year

    That is not an accident, that is dereliction. Why would you decide to get dressed in the middle of giving your 2 year old a bath?

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  2. You will lose in terms of your home currency and that only matters if you intend to liquidate and send the money back. If the market price for the condo is unchanged than you have neither gained nor lost any baht. The only difference is you would have spent less of your home currency if you had waited.

  3. Lunatic operating a motor vehicle.

    Lunatics entering a freeway lane and interfering with a lunatic operating a motor vehicle.

    Lunatic drives off the road for reasons only a lunatic could know.

    Lunatics die. Had they not been sleeping on the job, they would have been doing the same thing the other lunatic had done to make the lunatic in the motor vehicle panic and drive off road.

    Lunatics all.

    You simply cannot write this stuff. Endeavoring to put this all in a logical and practical sense is about as futile as taking a one millisecond snapshot of an exploding sun, and trying to explain it away as nothing more than a sun spot... whilst ignoring the before and after.

    I reckon if I were to walk out in front of a motor vehicle and wave a gun or a wand, that the motor vehicle in question would also veer and lose control. I've had these dumb asses do just that about three times in the last 3 years.

    They are all lunatics, and when the results or consequences are reported, and the reporter endeavors to make it like we are in a developed country, and omits all the "befores" and "afters"... then, yeah! sure! one gets that knee jerk reaction to feel sympathy.

    Point being, the fault lies with the police.

    I'll bet their traffic cones began about 40 meters before the stop point, rather than 300 meters, in order to allow people to begin slowing to enter the check point area. I've seen construction on freeways here. They place their traffic cones about 40 meters just before where they are using the lane for their labors. One barely has enough time to swerve to get over and avoid hitting a bunch of dumb asses standing around a Toyota sitting in the fast lane.

    I may be off, but I doubt it. Name the consequences, and tell me Lies Thais are involved, and I'll call all bets off, with no limits.

    EDIT: Before anyone loses a guitar string, I have read too many stories about these check point, and how the police unholster and shoot out tires and do all other idiotic things in order to get the motor vehicle to pull over... yes! even such stupid things as walking right out in front of the vehicle. They aren;t interested in having check points in order to ensure the safety of the roads, and hence to have several officers waiting in their cars, trucks or on their motorbikes to pursue and apprehend. 5 meters past any check point it is free and clear.

    These check points are nothing more than for lunatics to extort money from other lunatics, and perhaps a small percentage of innocent victims simply wanting to get from point A to point B.

    I never heard of any police check point in the USA having tents so the lazy, extorting bastards can sleep off their whiskey whilst on the payroll and then wake up refreshed and with a headache in order to badger and harass the general public for tea money.

    Apologies, but I simply don't buy it.

    It's OK to slow down before you get to the cones, you won't lose any points for that.

  4. In the thread to the main story Police said he wasn't drunk but lost control because he was driving too fast but the headline says he was trying to run the roadblock. If driving too fast maybe panicked and lost control is quite different from the deliberate act of driving fast to get through the roadblock and should upgrade charges in respect of the deaths but TIT.

    The BIB should have waited but never do before running off at the mouth to the media.

    Maybe he was driving to fast because he was trying to run the roadblock.

  5. Regarding refrigerators and freezers, I was always under the impression that it was more efficient to keep them as full as possible since the units continue cycle on and off. If your freezer/frig had the room to store 1 or 2 gallon jugs then would it cost less than running an AC?

    I do agree that it would be silly to purchase a freezer just to make ice since it would probably be cheaper to buy ice directly from ice making shops.

    I for one only use fans both here, and back in the days of NYC hot summers. I believe a major part of the discomfort healthy and fit people experience is that they don't try to acclimate to the indoor temperature even if it means using the AC closer to 75-80F. I can easily bicycle in the afternoon in this weather because I'm not going from an AC room of 70-75F to outdoor temps of 90F+.

    Back in NYC during the summer heat, I always wondered how many more degrees the city gets due to the heat produced by huge number of ACs unless the AC produces the same amount of heat as it extracts.

    It doesn't really matter how full it is, rather the amount of heat that is put in the box. For example if you have a plate of food at room temperature, the amount of heat is less than the same weight of food just after cooking. Keeping the freezer full does reduce the volume of air that is exchanged when the door opens thus being less air to cool, however the heat does immediately start to transfer to items inside the freezer. Surface area is a factor in the amount of heat transferred as well, so many items with a lot of surface area would would allow for greater heat transfer into the box.

    You are correct that the unit will cycle on and off. Every time a motor turns on there is a spike in power, it is brief but it does increase peak power and will increase energy consumption. ACs and refrigerators with variable speed compressors will minimize that.

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  6. I would say the driver of the Jeep is probably at fault. Khao noi, khao talo, nernplubwan, etc all cross the railroad tracks and have a flashing red light which means stop. traveling along the railroad is flashing yellow meaning slow down and proceed with caution. Most people including farangs ignore the flashing red and continue like they are on the motorway.

    What a crass remark. Who hit who? From what was reported the Fortuna hit the Jeep.

    There seems to be the same mentality in Thailand as in the Middle East i.e. the locals are the best drivers in the world.

    Put the blame were it is due and stop making stupid comments

    the fortuner hit the jeep which was crossing an intersection in which it was supposed to stop. That has nothing to do with where the people were born it has to do with following the road signs. Maybe you don't understand the concept of order and discipline which is why you find the comment to be stupid.

  7. his refrigerator has other food in the freezer part..adding 6 bottles of water doesn't add the types of cost you are referring to…that i know of…what am i missing here?..its not like he bought a freezer to put 6 bottles of water in..he just uses the fridge freezer

    When the water bottles are put in the freezer what he is doing is adding a heat load. Now the compressor in the freeze must turn on to remove the heat from the water and the warmer air that entered the freezer. All the heat that was removed from the water is now back in the room along with additional heat generated by the compressor. Now the room is warmer than when you started, not a very efficient system.

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  8. I would say the driver of the Jeep is probably at fault. Khao noi, khao talo, nernplubwan, etc all cross the railroad tracks and have a flashing red light which means stop. traveling along the railroad is flashing yellow meaning slow down and proceed with caution. Most people including farangs ignore the flashing red and continue like they are on the motorway.

    Always good to see a judgement with any evidence whatsoever.

    I did say probably. The evidence would be the jeep was going in the direction which is supposed to stop and the fortuner was not.

    Enhance you reading comprehension skills, your quality of life will improve greatly.

  9. Its a neat idea and good if you want to take some cooling outside, it is not very practical for indoor use though. If you consider thermodynamics, the thermal energy (heat) will transfer from the warming location to the cooler. In and AC system the air blows across the evaporator and the heat in the air is transferred to the refrigerant and cooler air remains in the space. Then in the condenser, which is outside, air blows across the coils removing the heat from the refrigerant.

    In this system 1st you must make the ice. When you put the water in the freezer you will remove the heat from the water and it will be released into the room via the refrigerator's condenser. Then you will take the ice and use it to remove the heat from the room, but where does it go? It stays in the room. Put the water back in the freezer and repeat the cycle.

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  10. I've been bitten twice by dogs in Thailand (both times in Chiangmai). I had the first three rabies jabs (out of five), and was told that the remainder were not necessary if the dog which bit you was still behaving normally. In one case I didn't know, so had the other two jabs; in the other case, I saw the dog daily (and knew the owner), and it was behaving normally, so I stopped having the jabs.

    That was bad advice. The shots directly into the wound(s) is what kills the active rabies if any. That needs to be done within 24 or it will be ineffective. The series of shots is the vaccine to prevent infection, just like what is done to dogs when puppies. The series needs to be complete to be effective as well, and if the dog did have rabies it would be dead by the time the series is complete.

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  11. maswov, on 16 Apr 2014 - 17:41, said:maswov, on 16 Apr 2014 - 17:41, said:

    Go to the vet and get Frontline. You should have been using this every month anyway even if the dog lives in the house.

    OK, I have to ask, where is "up country?" If on Phuket it could be Ranong, Bangkok it could be Khon kaen. I'm in Mukdahan so it could be Nong Khai. I might add, I've been in Muka for 18 months, so far, no fleas or ticks, so am guessing I am not "up country."

    I am not sure where the OP was talking about specifically but I have hears people refer to Issan as upcountry. It really doesn't matter where it is, fleas and ticks are everywhere and frontline really works well.

  12. Firstly, if you are desperate enough to go to a bar and use prostitutes you are breaking the law, despite prostitutes being easily available everywhere it is illegal. If you don't break the law then there is no reason why you should be scared as far as I can see.

    pretty sure its not illegal, even tho farang repeatedly say it is. some aspects of it are, such as under age and soliciting, but prostitution itself isnt as far as I know

    Solicitation for prostitution is illegal in Thailand as you state. The wording of the law is clumsy and the fines are low unless the girl is under 18. It is also illegal for bar owners to run brothels, but then again the wording is weird and hard to define.

    I'm not sure how a girl sells her body without solicitation or not in a club, but I can see how the laws can be twisted to get any girl off of a charge or arrest them either way.

    Has been a while since I read the law but if I recall correctly the solicitation law supersedes the prostitution law however the solicitation law never mentions prostitution being legal or illegal. Since the previous law had been superseded there is no guidance on whether prostitution is legal or not. The solicitation law says the solicitation is illegal in public places. So would it be illegal if it took place inside of a bar or in the short time room?

    Solicitation by definition is offering money for someone to perform an illegal act, but we normally think of prostitution only and I am sure that is what is meant in the law. So until we have clear guidance on whether prostitution is legal or not, there is nothing wrong with offering money for sex.

  13. And you only get one side of the story. I work as a volunteer police officer in Pattaya and here these stories all the time. It's so easy to know when people are leaving something out of the story. Just like liberal media, take out what you want and piece it together to tell the story you want told.

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  14. When you admit you are wrong you lose face in this culture. Saving face is one of the most important aspects of Thai society, however you will find people in every culture that do not like to admit they are wrong.

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