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  1. I can confirm that counter withdrawal works with BKK Bank and Krungsri (Only MC free of charge). Check with cc company if they add a fee for counter withdrawal, in my case there was no additional charge.
  2. There will be no clear statement like ww income not remitted to TH is not exempted by the RD.
  3. The easiest way to prove 183 days outside of AUS or GER is to show the passport stamps of another country which you no longer have 😉 I agree in most cases you get an entry stamp from another country but in the case of an EU citizen you do not get an entry stamp for entering any EU country.
  4. I see eye to eye with Ben here, there is at least the risk that ww income could become taxable if not remitted for LTR holders if ww taxation came into place. As usual there will be no explanation or warning from BOI or TRD for the LTR visa holders and they COULD start enforcing years after ww taxation comes into place and then go back several years.
  5. The big downside is that you can no longer prove how long you stayed in Thailand to the IRS in your home country, but otherwise a big plus I agree. Not sure if IRS would accept a boarding pass proving when you left.
  6. Thanks for the explanation! So Thai Immigration is OK that I do not get an exit stamp at all? Are IOs not utterly confused if one arrives again in TH without an exit stamp? Thanks!
  7. Can you please elaborate how to use the e-gates? Do you get an exit stamp? Thanks! "Foreigners with ordinary passports and children and the disabled, although holding e-passports, must still go through manned immigration gates." from a newspaper.
  8. Now I have another reason for a second passport (of the same country in my case)
  9. Is it always the case that one can use the priority lane for 200 Baht? Thanks!
  10. The problem is that the main idea to have an LTR for me is to not pay tax. But in order to get an LTR I should pay tax in another country (need for tax statement) while I do not have to pay taxes if I do not realize the cap gains in the first place. In my case I can cross the threshold just with dividends but again they do not show on a tax statement because it is either withholding tax or dealt by the (German) banks directly.
  11. Anyone north of 500K or 1M USD should get an LTR without any hassle but I know TiT ...
  12. Thanks for your post! There will be no pension and no pension letter in my case just passive income in the form of dividends and cap gains. I can trigger cap gains whenever I want just by selling some positions hence my idea of showing the last 12 months with 2 months of 80K plus income and the other months like 8K a month. There more I think about it they would not let even Elon Musk get a wealthy pensioner LTR, as he has no pension and no steady income stream. 🙂
  13. Thx! I though it was 2 years financial data? There will be no income tax statement I can provide where cap gains show. I will go for wealthy pensioner LTR. Even if stay 2 years in TH before I cannot provide an income tax statement as cap gains are not taxable if not remitted TiT...
  14. https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/pattaya-tax-lawyer-pensioners-worries-and-overseas-transmitted-income-480825 "For example, whether use of foreign credit cards in Thailand is remitted income or not is still much debated." Do not shoot the messenger...
  15. While I hate statist government you are wrong on this one. Actually the government workers are worse off because their pension is taxed in their home country which usually has higher taxes then TH. The main concern was to keep as much tax in the home country while drafting the DTA. Example Germany: Pensioner living in TH would be tax tax free (if not remitted or no one cares even if remitted) but as GER reserves the right to tax the pension the pernsioner pays the very high German tax. Ergo Pensioner are worse off but the (home) state is better off.

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