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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. 19 hours ago, chalawaan said:

    A liver scare finally sorted me out last year. 


    After 4 months off the sauce I was back to baseline with my prior test results at 4x the "high" readings, according  to the doc.

    I can't find the exact medical terms right now. 


    I lost a load of weight too!


    I still think I've done permanent damage, something still twinges in there every day... But that's all it is for now. 


    FWIW I went cold turkey, I was overseas at the time too.  


    Separate to the current situation above (and this is not medical advice, nor endorsed or recommended) but I took some magic mushrooms down in Koh Lanta a few years ago, and the wonderful unexpected side effect was they removed the desire to drink immediately for about 18 months, then it gradually wore off, and during Covid I was back at it!


    I was also dry for about 5 years from age 28, just sorting out my spiritual life, and I was a big binge drinker since late teens before that, your typical young Scots/Irish yahoo! 


    I'll just add this PS:

    I've been fortunate enough to just stop anytime, I well know many cannot!

    My tragedy is, I simply never wanted to stop. I'm a bit of a nihilist in that regard. During 2021 I was putting away 72 cans a week (three cases) and the odd cocktail, shared bottle of vino, with the missus. 

    Just curious...if you knew you had a year left to live...no matter what...would you drink or abstein?

  2. 3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    What are you talking about? Many have made lots with crypto. 

    More foolish to join a crypto forum and  say it is no good. 

    From who? Crypto isn't like an apple tree producing its own wealth. The money that some have made has come from someone? Who?

    • Like 2
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  3. On 6/4/2023 at 10:54 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Thailand is still reasonable. It used to be cheap. Has not been cheap for a long time. But, it is still reasonable. I know people who pay 10,000 baht a month for newer 3 bedroom houses in nice towns. In major cities in the US? $2000-3800 a month. That is 120,000 baht!


    In Mexico in nice areas, expect to pay $1,000 per month, and up for a nice condo or a small house. 


    10k for a house.

    50 bht for a meal.

    1000 bht an internal flight


    If that's only reasonable what is cheap?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, NORDO said:

    The majority of Asian women are predators.  Westerners appeal to them because the women feel its a pathway to more freedom, financial sources, equality, education and lifestyle.  They know the Westerners are not as likely to screw around and beat them like their Asian male spouses do.


    The Asian ladies know the legal  and monetary value of a marriage certificate.  They understand pensions and retirement funds.  Some are far more adept in how to extort these from a legal marriage.


    Legal marriage has nothing to to with love and life-long companionship.  It has been promoted through Preachers and Politicians in order to  establish power and financial gain.


    Marriage is a conceptual wet dream from the past...if you are contemplating a long term relationship, then treat it like the business arrangement it is.   Write up a prenup followed by a contract to establish the basis of the relationship and how your lives will evolve together.


    You don't need a scum-bag, bottom feeding. short-pekered preacher or politician to profit from your marital demise.

    Trouble is that attitude...well can't imagine anyone is really happy when you walk thru the door.

  5. 15 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    One day your rose coloured glasses will clear and by then it will most likely be to late for you and like many become trapped. In your eyes I probably know nothing but with only first landing in Thailand in 2002, living island life on Kow Tow which then was a paradise (not anymore), living the Bangkok life and also rural southern Thailand and things are not rosey  at all. TAT are a joke, Thailand should be a holiday wonderland and not far off perfect but greed and theft of funds it regressed instead of progressed. Roads and infrastructure are non existent (being disabled and holidaying in Thailand is a no no then there is the Mafia in the form of police, taxi military and the risk of being attacked or bitten by rabid dogs or thai men oh and the deadly roads. If I did not have family there I would never set foot in the place but hay I know nothing.

    Kho Tow has many more tourists than 2002. How is that not success from Thailand's point of view?


    Are you seriously saying you believe Thailand's tourist numbers will be lower in 2030 than 2019? 

    • Confused 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, stoner said:

    is this some of that rich and deep culture i was told i had to respect the other day ? 


    i could not even begin to imagine this happening at home. look at the stark difference on how ambulances are treated here vs back home. 


    as i said before the road of cars splits like the red sea back home and is expected when ambulances approach. here you got to worry about getting jacked while you are laying on the road dying. 


    shame to all persons involved with this. 

    If you feel this way about Thailand and how can those type of thoughts not lower your well-being? Why wouldn't you move to a more comfortable country?

    • Like 1
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  7. 49 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

    The objective is if he is ready for travel and the family has lined up medical travel, then should go asap….


    He should not be held hostage for bill payment…that is not medical care…

    So who ultimately should pay for his treatment? Don't say the government.....that's a proxy. If you want to say government then describe the actual tax payer that should pay. 

  8. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    There’s nothing wrong with the hospital wanting payment. But, IF the hospital operates dual-charing (double pricing) and is charing this boy more because he is a foreigner then I see something very wrong while the family struggle to make ends meet to cover the cost of treatment. 


    The hospital has done a wonderful job of keeping him alive. 


    I hope Thailand resolves its ‘insurance’ issues for tourists... there are very clear and obvious solutions but Thailand doesn’t seem to want to take firm steps towards those resolutions. 


    I’ve repeated the following on this forum before: 

    The Tourist Medical Burden on Thailand in cost terms is 0.04% of the income from tourism. 

    It wouldn’t take a lot for Thailand to ‘write off’ these emergency cases.


    Thailand is proposing a 1000 Baht departure tax - it wouldn’t take a lot for the funds from this to go towards ’tourists insurance’ to cover emergency medical treatment (note - emergency medical treatment, not elective treatment). 


    Thailand ‘could’ do more to place itself in a more welcoming position, present better optics and further work towards improving tourism rather than the repeated articles where we witness the underlying attitudes that Thailand considers tourists a burden rather than the financial benefit they bring to the country. 



    Thailand covers medical bills as you suggest then the unintended consequence of this is nobody bothering with medical insurance when visiting Thailand.

    • Like 1
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  9. 9 hours ago, bignok said:

    I don't know why you make up lies about what others have seen.


    Had relatives in old people's homes. There were people over 90yo. At least 40% were fat.

    Could it be that they weren't fat until the very last month's of their life? In a home means lack of mobility and once you're in a home and probably the 6 months prior to it piling on the pounds would be fairly common I think.


  10. 19 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Sounding a wee bit shallow to me.   


    So if you met a person who made you laugh, and held an intelligent conversation, a best friend, you're saying you'd pass on her/him/it, if not meeting the 'trophy wife/partner' requirement.


    hmm ... 

    Would you have picked your current if you weren't a single dad?

    I accept that being in love with your daughter makes a rational choice of partner more acceptable.

  11. 13 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Sounding a wee bit shallow to me.   


    So if you met a person who made you laugh, and held an intelligent conversation, a best friend, you're saying you'd pass on her/him/it, if not meeting the 'trophy wife/partner' requirement.


    hmm ... 

    Yes. They'd be a great friend. 

    Wish it was different but I require physical attraction.

    • Like 1
  12. On 5/12/2023 at 10:32 AM, KhunLA said:

    Really depends and as always ...

    ... Choose wisely


    Yes, companionship does cost, unless you are the one being supported financially.


    Take sex & emotional attachment out of the equation, and as a single parent, courting, living with, and marrying #4 ???? on paper, damn good investment:

    ... tutor for daughter

    ... maid/housekeeper

    ... gardener/groundskeeper

    ... translator

    ... personal shopper

    ... cook

    ... tailor

    ... hotel reservationist/negotiator 

    ... handy person, she can; solder, weld, plumb, operate hand tools


    All for the price of providing a roof over head, bed to share & transport...

    ... all of which I had anyway.  Additional cost, feed & clothe, which she makes hers own and my clothing anyway.


    Best added plus, now I can invest in land & RE, results...

    ... living in TH 'rent free' for over 20 yrs


    OK, I'm at her beckon call as her sex toy ...

    ... the things I have to put up with, it's degrading.

    All means nothing if she isn't attractive. Not saying yours isn't but I've met guys describing situations like this and I wouldn't do it.

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