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Posts posted by sidjameson

  1. 23 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    Perhaps I'm one of those "religious nutters"...but I support legalization of abortion.  There is no gift of God, given to mankind, more sacred than freedom of choice.  In matters where the Bible does not prescribe a clear standard (e.g. no stealing, no adultery, no murder, etc.), it is proper to allow each one to take personal responsibility for such choices).  While I would not choose an abortion, unless medically necessary, I do not feel it is my place to make this choice for someone else.


    Most of those who claim "abortion is murder" believe that this is the Bible's teaching.  It isn't.  In fact, all but one of the "abortion" texts in the Bible come out in favor of it.  Most people do not study carefully enough to see this.  If you search online in a KJV Bible, look for "untimely birth" and read all of those passages.  You will see that Job wished to have been one (an abortion).  You will see that King Solomon says it would be better for a man to have been an "untimely birth" than to have lived an evil life during which he fathered 100 children.  Wow. 


    DEEPER THEOLOGY (For those interested)


    The word "murder" in the Hebrew Bible comes from the word "ratsach" which is defined as the unlawful killing of a "soul" (Heb. "nephesh"--meaning a breathing creature).  The unborn hasn't yet taken its first breath.  It is not yet numbered as a person in the Bible, and not counted as a "soul" until after it is born and living independent of its mother.  Those who say life begins at conception are correct: it does.  But soulhood begins after birth, and it is of the soul that the Bible says "all have sinned."  If a zygote has a soul--how could it have sinned?  Without even a brain yet, it is not yet capable of having made a decision, much less a moral one.  Definitions are important.  An abortion is "killing" but it is not "murder" (and the KJV mistranslated "ratsach" as "kill" in the sixth commandment--most modern versions translate it correctly as "murder").

    How does a new born baby sin?

  2. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Good points. After looking around and traveling a bit last year, I still have not been able to find an alternative. None that appealing. If money was not an issue, that might be different. Thailand is great for many of us on limited incomes, who are not wealthy. I love my life here. I live a life I could only dream about in most other countries. 

    What's your opinion of the budget needed to make one part of "Thailand is great for those of us on a limited income" set?

    Asking because always respect your posts.

  3. 5 hours ago, connda said:

    Why do you live in Thailand?

    My wife of 14 years never wanted to live in the US and wants to remain in her own rural home which I've build for her until she dies.  <period>

    If it wasn't for that, I would not be here any longer.  I detest the government's racism, xenophobia, and sexism.  I stay to support my wife and extended family.  No other reason.  If she dies before me, I leave. 
    And I don't recommend Thailand as a place to attempt to live unless one is the type of person who is slightly masochistic and enjoys being a second-class citizen in a country where the elites quite literally detest you, and where you are very literally considered to be a national security risk to the welfare of the country and its people. 
    This is not a wholesome place to live unless you accept your place as being the brunt-end of Thai sanctioned racism and thinly veiled racial hatred.
    Some people have no problem with that.  They just segregate themselves in gated communities and pretend that all is well and implicitly endorse the racism aimed directly at them.

    0 to 10. 0 is nothing. 10 completely suffering at the hands of racism.

    What would you say a farangs lot is in Thailand today?

    And by comparison what was a black man's lot in your home country up to the 1990s?

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My healthcare in Thailand costs me 250bht every 3 months.

    50bht to use the government hospital, 200bht for 3 months of medication.

    Expensive housing?

    I couldn't rent a bedsit for the money I pay on my 3 bedroom house mortgage (11k/month) in the UK.



    PANO_20210505_104613 (1).jpg

    How much would your house cost to buy today please?

  5. I'm in my early 50s. Physically healthy, exercise, eat healthy, don't smoke, very moderate drinker.

    Yet I would say my libido has decreased around 70% or even 80% since my peak. Explicitly I ejaculate 75% less in a week than I once did. This has been a slow continual trend. Almost a smooth line downwards from mid twenties to now.

    I don't lose erections. I just have much less in the tank so to speak.

    One other thing. These days the nerve endings just don't seem to work so well. That's everywhere really. I used to feel more pleasure down below. But also boiling water can splash on my hand while cooking and I barely notice it. I once would scream like a baby. Lol 


    If other members have been thru the same and have found some way to turn back time I'd love to know.

    Personal experience with any herbal supplements?


    Anyone older experienced this and has seen it plateau on a bottom? I worry that if I extrapolate into the future I will be a desert by the time I am 60!




  6. 28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:



    From my POV Cambodia is too "wild west" for my taste and I think it's still not advanced enough in health care. Of course their retirement visa process is indeed wonderfully easy and cheap compared to Thailand. 


    As far as need for hot weather, well, I don't need it. I do hate very cold weather but my ideal is one of those "year long spring" climates such as in the Paisa region (Medellin but I've rejected that as too bubbly and high crime / Coffee axis cities (Armenia, Pereira, Manizales) / Bucaramanga areas of Colombia and the central colonial cities of Mexico such as  (especially) Queretaro, Guadalajara, and Guanajuato. 



    A priority for me is never needing a car or bike. That makes cities like Porto and Lisbon with excellent public transportation attractive. 


    Another downside is psychological. It's a little embarrassing and irrational but I find the sound of European Portuguese to be unpleasant. 





    I am in complete agreement with your comments. Therefore hope you don't mind saying where in Thailand you find more suitable? Especially living without car and bike.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 22 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    Getting towards retirement age have been contemplating retiring to Thailand for the past 25 years .


    Now I'm re considering.

    A number of things have happened since to make me think again.


    But before I get onto that I saw another post which again put it in my thoughts 

    The poster wrote similar to "saw bored lonely old farsang men sitting outside chunky monkey Bar "


    Which made me think ...are these farangs any happier now they made their move to Thailand / Pattaya?


    I'm working full time at the moment in Australia..I live in my own apartment alone in City close to everything ...have no family. Have 2 good friends only have a secure job which I worked for last 30 years ...


    So I start dreaming over the last few years if I moved to Pattaya how wonderful it will be .....but in reality ...


    I will rent a 1 bedroom condo

    I don't drink or smoke 

    I guess every morning go to gym...

    The rest of the day I guess chase bar girls 


    Chasing bar girls is like saying going to the supermarket and chasing apples. 



    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I've never found their previous occupation made any difference to their lack of morals, honour, loyalty or gratitude.

    But at least the (ex?) hookers didn't refuse me sex.

    On the other hand the liberal application of alcohol and cannabis helps me forget my anger and disappointment.

    Maybe you should give it a go ...........

    Have you ever thought that finding a woman who is as lovely and virtuous as your daughter (absolutely no sarcasm intended) might be a better way to go?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I agree to some extent. However, if I had alot more money, I would likely live two to three months a year on the Southern coast of Turkey, a few months of the year in Spain, a month or so in the US, travel around a bit, and then spend two to three months a year here. 

    Remove the US and thru Airbnb that life can be had very nice!y for US20k a year all in.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 06/03/2019 at 6:38 PM, A1Str8 said:

    All this never try to take the bar out of the girl is nonsense. I have seen many, i mean many, that were eager to leave with a man like you(based on your description), nice looking, well dressed, etc and never look back.

    The girlfriend of hers phoned her immediately when you showed up and she wasnt there, because Kate obviously told her friend, that wow, i really like this guy. Thats why they gave her the intel right away, your guy is here. If she wasnt into you, that would have never happened. You gotta watch the subtle signs, which they think you dont notice.
    Of course, do not by any means trust her and think that oh yeah, she loves me. But you already know that. But if you like her and she clearly likes you, why not see where it goes. You just have to get clear with yourself from the beginning: you wont make fool moves! as in no money to her family, no moving to isaan, nothing goes under her name, not giving her large amounts of money, not believing everything she says and not letting her control any aspect of your life.
    Here is how their brain works: if he is nice with me i am nice with him. if he gives me some money, i will be still forced to go with other guys. if he gives me more dough, then i wont have to. i can stop being a bar girl. if he leaves me, i will go back to the bar. if he cheats on me, i will take revenge. Pretty simple.
    All you have to do is clearly let her know by your actions and words the next time you meet her, that you are not one of these clowns that she can take advantage of. Have fun with her, get to know her  but keep a keen eye on her. Never mind what she says. By their actions you shall know them.
    And who cares if she is a slut. Every girl is, i know from experience. They just wont say it ,like these girls do. And what would you do if you were in their shoes? You either work at 7-11 and never make ends meet or use the only asset you were given and go with guys.
    Its actually quite easy to see, whether she is the type of bar girl, that would leave this job behind, the moment she gets a chance or the one that has no aspirations and is totally hopeless. Watch her behaviour. How does she conduct herself? Watch the things she does for others. Is she a shrewd little thing or a pleasant one to be around? Does she do drugs? A lot of them do. If yes, run. She wont quit. Its actually so simple to read people, especially women, because they are more emotional by design. Which is easy to read. 

    Though a fair bit of truth in this post. Question is, why would you possibly choose a bar girl to have a relationship with? You're in Thailand <deleted>. Young guys can find a girl who is at least a slightly better bet within a day or two. 

    Why back Burnley to win the premier League when you can back Man city? 

  11. I'm in the UK and mulling over a permanent move to Bangkok.

    The air quality is a big issue for me.


    I really don't know much, but have the idea air purifiers work for ones apartment and N95 masks work outside.


    Absurd proposition for living I know!


    So how much would keeping a 30m2 apartment cost upfront and running?

    Are there reusable masks and what do they end up costing in the long run?


    I don't need perfection but want to feel I'm not inviting an old age needing a ventilator.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  12. Thanks for the replies.

    This isn't a scam to get money from me. I'm sure of that. ( Caveat that nobody can be sure of anything )

    Gf owed the money before she met me. It's 330,000bht and it's on top of other loans. 

    She knows I won't bail her out.

    She owed the money long time already. It was verbal, year ago she signed paper to say she owed it. Paper gives impression it's interest free now but will turn into interest if not paid.

    She won't dump me, I know that.

    She was awful with money before I met her. But has been very responsible for the last 5 years. But the past is overwhelming her.

    She wants to pay it back. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Thaifly88 said:

    Transferwise borderless account is the way to go. You can keep multiple currencies for any amount you want. Send your British Pounds or Euro’s to Transferwise and then do conversions within the app to the currencies you require. When you want to use the money you then need to transfer it to a bank in Thailand (or wherever). 
    You can keep any amount of money in Transferwise, large or small. 

    And any charges for transfer bht from TW borderless account into Thai Bank? From either TW or the Thai Bank?

  14. 3 hours ago, SS1 said:


    +1 for TransferWise Borderless. Perfect solution to OP's problem and actually a brilliant service. You can also get a debit card for it if you've got a residential address in one of the supported countries. You can hold multiple currencies and transfer funds to Thailand when needed at excellent rates. You can also transfer money easily from Thailand to your borderless account if needed, using the K-bank app. 

    Is there anyway to avoid the Thai Bank extortionate ATM fee with this account?

  15. On 11/17/2020 at 1:39 PM, bwpage3 said:

    When I first visited Thailand in 1984, I thought it was heaven.


    Fast forward to 2020, it is hard to believe how far downhill Thailand has gone.


    It is money or nothing. All about the money

    Seriously, since 1984, which has gone further downhill, Thailand or you?


    You came here young and you found Thais treated you well.

    You are now over 50 and find Thais aren't interested all that much in you except for your wallet.


    That happens all over the world and in any decade.

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