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Posts posted by scotinsiam

  1. And, unfortunately, the officials aren't gonna do **** all about it, because why? because customers have no other choice. Bastards! I say, let's go back to don muang which at least had some charachter... and why on earth don't they have any pubs lik don muang?

    There are alternatives to waiting in queues for over an hour at immigration, simply try other Asian places, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia even China are all looking for tourists and I have been treated very well in each of them by their immigration people. They genuinely are happy to meet and greet foreign people - Thailand and its rather inward looking perspective is putting many people off. I am sick of being made to feel like a burden when I go there.

  2. Must admit I think the maxim 'If it looks to good to be true ...' applies here! Out of interest their website promoting the Thai end doesn't mention any TAT licence number that I can see, and similarly their UK website doesn't have any ATOL or ABTA licence numbers either, all of which I believe are mandatory to act as a travel agent here and in the UK. At least they were when I ran a travel business in Phuket in the 90's!

    I have a very funny feeling this is a scam, I could be wrong but I will wait and see.

  3. By going downmarket I presume you mean the replacement of many of Britain's finest (:blink: ) and the dregs of the rest of Europe with Russian families and package tourists from Asia.

    I can definitely see how harmful that could be for Pattaya's image :o

    I agree; but unfortunately I still see a lot of tattooed, English knuckle dragging morons staggering around wearing their Chang T shirts. Most also seem to have an 18 year old "girlfriend" following behind talking into her mobile. The sooner these dregs are sent home the better we will all be for it.

    May be it's these ''morons'' that are keeping the bars etc open how much do you spend at the bars do you help to keep them open,are you jealous that they have an ''18 year old girl friend'' may be you can't get one or don't like to spend money .Is that what the St Andrews flag does for you.

    And of course non of them will be Jocks its only the English do things like that.

    I have to agree you are correct :rolleyes:

  4. I find it almost incredible someone would even consider buying a Proton - they are unspeakably bad cars. They are beyond compare to anything other than perhaps a skip on wheels or some old British Leyland rubbish built in the 60s and 70s. The Mazda is by far a better car, however if you want to transport your loved ones in a Malaysian death trap by all means get a Proton. :bah:

  5. I dive all these sites regularly. I can say for sure the coral is in rough shape. The Irony is the divers are for the most part the most ecologically conscious groups of people out there. I am not a Thailand basher. In fact I usually read alot of this commentary with disgust at how much Thai bashing goes on by people who are living here as guests.

    That said, I can't help but think divers are being singled out because they are tourists. Almost no Thais dive. I wager at everyone of these sights the fishing boats (who are not supposed to be there anyway, yet always seem to be) are responsible for 100 times the pollution of the dive boats. I have seen it with my own eyes. The saddest thing, is the largest factor in coral death is sudden water temperature shifts, which are beyond the control of anyone sitting in a boat. If the close the Similans I can say for certain Thailand's already suffering tourist trade will take yet another hit from shortsighted politicians. Of course, they could always restrict access by raising the park fees? I wonder if that is being suggested.

    Speaking as a Diver myself and a resident in Thailand, I agree that there is no group of people more interested and aware of the environment than Divers. I am also lucky enough to meet quite a lot of Thai Divers - I will tell you I have NEVER once seen a Diver doing anything that would harm the underwater environment we love so much. I do however see a lot of discarded rubbish in the Sea (Gulf of Thailand) and It is not the dive boats.

  6. I thought I'd get e-mails when this thread got replied to. Must'a missed some checkpoints here and there.


    That'd be swell, though I guess I'm already too late for that little endeavor.


    Thanks for being random. I don't need random bottles of alcohol. I need this specific one. Specifically, I need a bottle of JD that can't be found on every single 7-Eleven.


    Careful what you wish for, you might get more than you bargained for...

    I just finished one of my silver select this afternoon, I enjoy it but much prefer the platinum reserve - will be drinking it in about 5 minutes, thank god for Labuan

  7. Yeah, the traffic can be a bummer, especially as New Plaza is one of the best places in central Patts for a relaxing drink.

    Problem is,there's no other way to get thru to Bookow from that end of 2nd Road.

    By 'relaxing' I presume you mean cheap :).

    No, I mean relaxing. The music is always at a good volume, in most of the bars you can choose yer own tunes there's very little hassle from hawkers or BGs, and most of the bar owners there come across as excellent hosts.

    Also, for a base for a holiday in Patts, it's location is superb.

    Nuff said!

    It is a cheap beer location full of alkies and losers - best avoided.

  8. By going downmarket I presume you mean the replacement of many of Britain's finest (:blink: ) and the dregs of the rest of Europe with Russian families and package tourists from Asia.

    I can definitely see how harmful that could be for Pattaya's image :o

    I agree; but unfortunately I still see a lot of tattooed, English knuckle dragging morons staggering around wearing their Chang T shirts. Most also seem to have an 18 year old "girlfriend" following behind talking into her mobile. The sooner these dregs are sent home the better we will all be for it.

  9. You guys bitch about having more then 2 on bikes and helmet quality, you go pay for an extra bike or car and a nice helmet for a poor thai family then. They don't even have mosquetto nets or shutters and any toilets in the NE let alone these luxuarys.

    Get real.

    I understand what you are saying but I think you are wrong. If they can afford to finance / pay / borrow / steal a bike they should be educated properly by teachers / monks / police / to wear a helmet - how many helmets have you purchased for the needy? I think a helmet will work out cheaper than a funeral service

  10. Hey now ... the Reds are strong and POPULAR most particularly in Thaksin's homeland of Chiang Mai! There were at least 100 of them at 3 kings monument tonight!

    Were they till sober?

    I am wondering if you are? Is English your second language? Why would you bother insulting people who support something? I can understand you may disagree with them, but why just comment as you have.

  11. Bad mistake flying in to Malaysia instead of Thailand. At least in Thailand she'd live.

    Yeah, she could pay here way out here if she had the money, especially since gestapo thaksin is not here to swing the sword.

    What a terrible waste of a life :(

    I have to agree - what a shame. I do not condone drugs and have never taken them but feel it harsh to kill a 26 year old - I know that is the law in Malaysia and can agree with it to a point but this girl would seem to be little more than a mule -

  12. What gets on my nerves are 7/11's. There'll be 6 staff, 8 customers. Yet 5 staff members are stood around doing nothing while all 8 customers que for 1 till...

    I agree 100% - useless staff. I normally wait and then just before I get served - they open up the next till and start serving Thais who were behind me. TIT

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