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Posts posted by scotinsiam

  1. What goes around comes around. Have you seen the Russians prostituting their Russian women in Pattaya, makes me sick.

    You are saying you would feel better if they were prostituting erm erm lets say Ukranian women instead of their own ?

    As long as they don't go bringing any welsh woman over .. that's one of the main reason i came to live in Thailand in the first place whistling.gif

    I have it on good authority that the Welsh mafia are in the process of shipping back street whores from Swansea to Pattaya, I am assured they have been trained to drink you under the table then ransack your apartment.

  2. There may be flooding, but I doubt it will be worse today than flooding that has been experienced in Bangkok in the past. I remember hearing stories of swimming on Sukhumwit!

    I've always somehow avoided them (knock on wood), but I agree with LaoPo that it is a "when", not "if", scenario. Every year we talk about how they should expand the city sewer system, manage the khlongs better, and stop people from clogging up the sewers with their garbage and cooking refuse (all those street stalls pouring hot fat, etc down the sewers). Every year, nothing gets done.

    I still think that Thailand would be smart to follow Malaysia, and create a new capital somewhere that won't sink and is on higher ground. At least infrastructure can be maintained where it will be needed to coordinate a response if everywhere else goes down.

    I vote Pattaya for the new Capital of Thailand - yippee

  3. It took them all this time to figure it out????

    What happened to all the warnings on that exact same topic months ago?

    so the 15% tax worked and purchases have decreased-great, what happens if it keeps decreasing? or they do not think that far ahead?

    It is like a good rush. Everyone is looking to invest their money someplace and since US is not a good place they are putting their money in emerging market in Asia, including Thailand (stock market, property, etc.). But they don’t know that what they have discovered in Thailand is not real gold it is only fool’s gold


    Thailand is'nt somewhere I would rush to invest in currently - but it makes for interesting reading.

  4. Hi people

    I was hoping for some advice on renting in CM - I would like to be within reasonable walking distance of loi Kroh rd / night bazaar area. Prefer if it has WIFI, sat TV and a small pool would be great if possible. I am looking to rent on a monthly basis for perhaps 5 or 6 month either a swhilst searching for a condo to purchase in CM.



  5. How is she 'financially independent' if she's asking to borrow 40,000 pounds to pay off a mortgage?

    The banks here would easily allow her collateral or refinance on property if she so owned it.

    BTW what sort of girlfriend thinks it's OK to ask her boyfriend for 2 million baht or so?

    well thanks for nothing..

    I said I did not want any advice on this - - none of your business

    why is it some people see this forum as a way of boosting their own egos?

    Dude your on the internet asking for advice on giving your girlfriend 40,000 pounds, what exactly are you expecting?

    Nothing to do with my ego, I'm not the one having to offer up 40,000 pounds to my girlfriend. If you want to keep that fact to yourself then I'd suggest that you don't start a topic about it on a public forum.

    i'm not a dude by the way.... and iI am not asking for advice on that at all - you just dont get it do you - If you are a senior member then this forum just lost my respect

    Dude just give the chick the money and enjoy yourself, the implications are you may get f*cked over whether married or not and whether in Asia or the West - good luck Dude

  6. In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

    Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

    good call. Lets kill some more. Its not like the war on drugs hasn't already killed enough. You should read some case studies on Portugal and the effects of De-criminalization.

    Great idea! What other crimes should we kill people for?

    I think that drug mules that are forced to do it, or do it out of sheer desperation should be beheaded in public. Set examples to people who it will affect in no way.

    An eye for an eye makes us both blind.

    Do you think the middle east camel f*ckers would give anyone mercy? No kill the piece of crap

  7. So now Pattaya is full of self made millionaire down to earth Alan Sugars? lmfao what planet do you people come from?

    Many of these cheap charlies are pouncing, incapacity benefit claiming scum bags who've never done a days work in their lives. Pattaya is full of them if you don't know that or not aware of that then your about as switched on as broken headlight.

    There are many good people here and on the other hand the ones that continually go on and on about ridiculous ways of saving a few baht are a total waste of space.

    If i ever saw anyone kick a beggar out the way i would kick "them" up and down the soi "Mr Barret"

    You are my hero - what a guy. :wacko::sick:

  8. There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

    It is the nastier side of the human condition.

    I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

    Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

    The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.

    I need to address your statement. I have lived in Thailand for over 5 years and a lot of the time in Pattaya. I think you are being ridiculous to generalise about everyone who is there, and your remark about tourists who come here also include my parents who have visited me here - please feel free to PM me and we can meet up to discuss this.

  9. Nasa Vegas is a sh*thole and anyone that is staying there is obviously on a tight budget or oblivious. There are literally about 30 better options within a 20 km radius.

    correct its a pigsty around 700Baht per night I think, sorry but no idea who the "rapper" dude is - <deleted> music anyway but a funny story. Amazing Thailand :rolleyes:

  10. There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

    It is the nastier side of the human condition.

    I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

    Yes there are people reading this who are disgusted that this filth is allowed to go on - I agree there must be a market for this or they would not sell it - perhaps the Police should be following and arresting the buyers of this filth and then taking down the stall holders, but here in LOS money and influence trump decency.

  11. Very clever and cunning!

    good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

    and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

    anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

    How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

    Try rereading the story again and again until it sinks in :whistling:

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  12. What a turn around.. They should give this guy a medal of the highest order.. Like the earlier post said "thais getting screwed by farang, unheard of". Look what happens in thailand everyday we get screwed over in every sector, it's so refreshing to read a story like this and see the boot on the other foot.

    Maybe if this did happen more often thais might treat us fairly, equally, the same same, that's all I ask.. Very good story, maybe a leson for the thai people.. :jap:

    pathetic response - maybe Thai hookers and pimps in seedy towns do rip off Farangs, but you can't really equate them to people who have travelled 1000s of miles to work to feed their family back home in Thailand.

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  13. A great hero who sacrifice for his country and people should be rewarded. Well done BiB, keep up the good work of upsetting the desert boys.

    Begone foolish troll begone! Ah fuc_k it, putting you on ignore so I dont have to read your deliberate provocative posts, you must be attention starved to post like this so regularly, and stop pretending you are some young girl and not some fat old falang!

    Nothing trollish about that. Read it again. I read it as sarcasm. Could be wrong.

    I also thought sarcasm :rolleyes:

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