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Posts posted by scotinsiam

  1. If you take a motorcycle you need paperwork to take it into Laos as an idiot I know found out to his cost, He planned to drive a Honda scooter back to UK first stop Laos - and as it turned out last stop also! lol He was allowed to leave Thailand on friendship bridge but NOT allowed into Laos with the bike - he also did not have a multi entry to get back into Thailand lol

    • Like 1
  2. i went to carryboy on hang dong road just after TESCO on the left side, and the second carryboy was to leave the first carryboy go to the first UTURN and after you make the UTURN you will see the second carryboy on the left side. prices were from 22-35,000thb.

    Thank you, I will take a look when I am back in town.

  3. Thanks to everyone for the replies, I am definitely going to try to purchase from the Kimchi lady mentioned above, I am not Korean but work with them and also live in Korean accommodation at work, I am sure I am addicted to it and eat it daily!

  4. hey thanks just got back from 2 different dealers both on hang dong road, too expensive for me

    the guy with the used one if you can pics to my email <removed> and you phone number i would like to take a look

    Where about in Hang Dong were the dealers? I assume they were no carryboy? I am looking for someone to fit a roller cover to my new Ranger Wildtrack


  5. I have been searching in vain for Kimchi in the supermarkets around town, I used too get it in Brunei in large jars but can't seem to come across it here. Has any one seen it in the stores?

    thanks in advance


  6. I won't be bothered to explain a charitable contribution made by an individual or business and a "promotion" by a

    business and a charity to ostensibly to raise funds for a charity. The question I initially posed was a request to

    understand how much the VFW was getting from this promotion? That is totally legitimate, particularly in light

    of how some of these "promotions" work ( one of the world's largest charity fundraiser is the Girl Scout Cookie Sale

    in the USA- do a little research and find where more than 90% of the purchase price ends up going).

    What I got was an answer and a feeble attack on my education and sanity. Stupidity and simplicity make a good


    Why are you so upset about Dukes reducing the normal price of their Pizza and also giving something to charity? I may not be as clever as you so can't get your logic - I was able to graduate in less than 20 years however. lol - well done Dukes - I love your Pizza by the way

  7. There are many "retired" economists here who enjoy ranting their theories and proving why they are smarter than the rest and trying to predict the future I suspect many people here just want to have enough for their daily living. No point running them down. When it comes to $$$ the simplest theory work Save hard, spend wisely and be content. Happiest way to be a human being

    Lawrence, its all well and good to make such noble pronouncements, but that assumes that Farang will even be employed in Thailand in 10 years time, and it also makes no room for those of us who have worked our entire lives and have no particular desire to drag our sorry butts onto a Skytrain every morning. There IS a school of thought here in Oz that says men go downhill a lot faster than women in retirement, but that was for a generation that didnt seem to know mjuch beyond work other than smoking, drinking and gambling. My experience is that they threw themselves into each of those pursuits with reckless enthusiasm, but our health system is paying for it as I type this.

    (those in specialist industries such as oil and gas may smirk at my prediction above re Farang working in Thailand, but I guess time will tell)


    I do work in O&G and see the issues also, years ago there were expats all over the world working in the industry. Now due to many factors this is no longer the case in many locations - Now it is normally only some specialized trades and upper management roles held by "Western" people.

    I think the next generation of "Western" people looking to work in expatriate roles will find it much more difficult. I am glad I am not a teenager in the UK just now.

  8. I watched an article on Thai TV news showing the injuries to this very unfortunate girl.. alas I think no amount of surgery or counselling will ever help this girl.. she will be mentally traumatised for the rest of her life, & reminded of her wounds each time she looks in the mirror.. I can only hope in the future she can find the comfort of a good man & possibly husband to have some semblance of a normal life.

    I've seen burn injuries at very close quarters & this is simply appalling.. the pain & suffering she must have experienced must have been horrific !

    What in the name of God or Buddha made the couple inflict injuries like this to an innocent young girl I will never understand.

    Also why in the name of god or Buddha were they given bail, of course they would run..??

    Every man & women in Thailand should hunt this pair down, I hope the authorities see sense this time & keep them locked up until prosecuted to the full extent of the law, which unfortunately is not enough to repay them for what they have done..

    Well said Sir, my thoughts exactly - stories like this really sadden me, It is difficult to believe anyone could do these sort of things to another human far less a defenseless child. I hope the saying an "eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth" comes true in this case when they catch these bastards

    • Like 1
  9. I refuse to travel with Air Asia now, too many bad experiences with them, it has pushed me to my limit, so now I just won't book with them.


    'If anyone tries to tell me that AA don't take every opportunity to screw you over I will say your full of bs and one day you'll get your come uppance.'

    You summed up my thoughts exactly.

    Air Asia show no regard for their customers. My most recent dispute with them, I call it a dispute but their live chat would not even talk about it and the customer service tel line the same, I would have had more joy talking to a brick wall. Air Asia would not let me change the date of my flights.

    I was happy to pay a bit extra and change the dates, plenty of time for them to do it and make some extra money and keep me semi happy, but no they are deaf to their customers, I agree they just want to screw you out of your cash if they get the smallest chance. I 've had it with them, after sending there way thousands of dollars over the years

    I get no respect as a customer, I don't won't to deal with a business that I support but gives nothing back to me and treats me like dirt. Sums up a lot of different large companies but Air Asia is the poster child for this type of company.

    I travel a lot in Asia both for work & leisure - last month for example I had 10 flights messing around on my time off, I totally refuse to use Air Asia - I hate their website, their so called offers and their attitude. I happily pay extra to proper airlines and get decent service.

    If they are cheap on customer service do you think they are generous on maintenance costs?

    • Like 1
  10. Very informative thank you. Does this mean that you pay VAT on the Excise and Interior Duties? I am just trying to work out how much profit the dealer makes on my upcoming Vigo Champ so I can negotiate more goodies easier.

    The salesperson gets 7-8% comission from the sales price...

    no they don't ... do you really believe that? lol

  11. I have to wonder about your conclusions. There are a fair number of tourists, but not a lot of the kind that spend much money. In general, from what I have observed, the Chinese are very frugal. Of course, some businesses are still doing well, but over all, I would say not anything like a few years ago when more free spending Westerners were flocking here.

    A friend who owns a place (and is Chinese himself) mentioned the frugal nature of Chinese tourists to me.

    He was more specifically speaking about the independent ones rather than tour packages.... he said that all they talk about when sitting around together chatting in their own lingo is how to save a baht in every conceivable way.

    He seemed genuinely embarrassed about how stingy they are.

    thank God.... That will give us Scots a break now...lol

    • Like 2
  12. Actually Brix at Hotel M already has great, clean toilet facilities (some of the most interesting in CM-- and I know my toilets) plus it's clean and airconditioned. What it lacks are customers, especially during the "off season". In fact, this year they shut down fro 2 pm - 5 pm during the low season, which I don't remember them doing before. It was always a great place to "hang out", meet people to talk, make phone calls, etc, in cool comfort all for the price of a cheap bottle of water.

    So, from a business sense, I guess it makes sense to turn the restaurant into a BK, but I'll miss have a quiet, clean, cool place with a good toilet to meet people to chat.

    Hi Nancy,

    I agree that Brix is a nice place to chill out and relax, I did not know it was closing in the afternoons last year, I suppose that tells a story. I like the place but have to admit it is never busy (which as a customer I like) I imagine if a multi national comes in with a good offer the owner would take it.

    I will need to find another afternoon place to relax with a wine or two!

  13. This not about the food, it's about homogenisation of the environment. Life's a lot less rich if every place you go looks the same (and if the food tastes the same too then that's another black mark in my book).

    Sure, the locals like this stuff. They've seen it in the movies and on TV until they're convinced it'll make them happy and attractive. Just like all the whitening creams in the pharmacy...

    I have to agree, I am from the UK and if you were to be taken blinfolded now and left in a high street there you would find it very difficult to figure out where you were. I really hope this High Street cloning process does not get popular here

  14. I stopped reading the original post after the third spelling mistake.

    A post loses,I think, a certain amount of credibility

    when it is littered with an alarming number of misspelled words.

    Mind you, it looked as tho the poster was about to dump on Thailand or parts of it,

    so I'm thinking I didn't miss much.

    Some excellent punctuation and spelling here as well.

  15. Chareon Muang Rd. Near JJ Bakery opposite Kasikorn Bank.

    Mahidol Rd. near Airport plaza heading towards Chiang Mai Land/Superhighway next to Fortune Dental

    Saraphi on the Superhighway Rd, heading into Chiang Mai.

    Doi Saket Rd 118 heading towards Doi Saket

    Love my CNG truck. have saved over 150000 bt on fuel this year

    Never had a problem getting any in CM area but we could use a few more stations here for a town this size

    Mae Rim and Hang Dong maybe

    What do you have ? the Mitsubishi?

    I was thinkiing of getting the new Honda City CNG but as I am not mobile yet did not realise there are maybe only 4 stations around town.

    thanks for all the answers gents


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