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Posts posted by Nawtier

  1. I'm not as annoyed by seeing babies as I am about seeing some of the other types you see out and about in Bangkok.

    yeah....I would prefer a dozen kids around me to the types some guys bring to an upper class Italian restaurant to impress.

    At least my kids know how to use a spoon.

  2. Pay 100k and enter a contract where if you pull out of the deal....you loose the 100k....if they pull out of the deal they must refund the 100k plus the same amount as a penalty....so 200k in total...

    Is incentive for them not to pull out.

    800k way to much.

    I have paid 5% at most.......another time only 50k on a 4mil deal.

    For vendors to pay a penalty (double the amount of the paid deposit) if the pull out of the deal for whatever reason, is part of a silly little contract and should be crossed out before you (as vendor signs it) when I sell property and I noted that condition I erased it, otherwise no deal, on one occasion a keen buyer (Thai) insisted on giving a deposit to secure the sale, the deposit he offered was 20 K. with such a small deposit I did not bother to erase the penalty section, but with those massive deposits as outlined in the postings here, the deposit penalty section (should they exists) must be erased.

    A deposit from a potential buyer gives him a purchase priority, nothing more, thus the property is still open for sale with all the usual for sale signs and adverts in full view activity, thus a vendor can not accept this silly penalty section.

    So you were honest John from honest johns car yard hey ??

    I would never buy a property from you that is for sure.

  3. Cheers Bob...

    I had thought about a companion for him, but one cocky at the moment is enough.

    His feathers that he is losing are on his chest and under his wings......no big feather or flight feathers, only the small body ones.

    We are at home most of the time, so he sees or knows we are about all of the day.

    We put him in a cage at dusk only, all day he is out on his perch under a tree or on a 4m long perch where he prances back and forth.

    He is a very affectionate and quiet, as in nature, not noise, bird and gives you a kiss whenever you are near him.

    He is also squawking a lot in recent times, becoming annoying actually as we live in a very very very quiet locale so he is heard by everyone around as well.

  4. my missus and I like to put on a show with the blinds open.........anyone in Sukhumvit soi 24 area can view on sunday night around 11pm.......look to the east young men.

  5. Pay 100k and enter a contract where if you pull out of the deal....you loose the 100k....if they pull out of the deal they must refund the 100k plus the same amount as a penalty....so 200k in total...

    Is incentive for them not to pull out.

    800k way to much.

    I have paid 5% at most.......another time only 50k on a 4mil deal.

  6. My son had a filipino teacher in kindergarten....he came home speaking 'water' and such with a horrible septic accent......knoocked that outa him....he says it it should be said.......'worta'........'got any worta mate, a mans not a camel'

    20k baht for a nanny that can converse well all day in english is dam_n expensive.

  7. j. some guy on the phone from USA, trying to bark orders was no good... fortunately... our friend recovered and has lived to tell the tale.

    Granted, a designated 3rd party in thailand MIGHT be usefull... but where/how will they get authority?

    You dont sound too happy with the outcome.......were you in the will ??

    I would say good on the thai wife in this situation.

  8. Tell your wife to do as explicitly instructed as your request, on the advice of doc if same happens to you.

    Tell her if she does not, you will return and haunt her for the rest of her life, no matter where she moves and how many monks she gets in to get rid of you.......should work a treat

  9. I agree.....a mass murderer that liked to look at porn and even more alarming he like to look at videos of him watching porn.....

    Apparently another news release said he was in his undies and cotton socks when they charged into the fortified million dollar compound.....wonder if was viewing said porn at the time.......maybe he shot himself in the eye

  10. So the Seals found Porn in Osama's possession.......Go Seals....awesome intelligence gathering from a goat herders compound surrounded by impenetrable barbed wire compound scattered with goat pooh......oh and 2 highly trained surgical strike goat protectors.....

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