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Posts posted by tkramer

  1. 23 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    A masterstroke by the Shinawatras again.


    Egg on the face of the junta, headlines in the international press... 


    My word, I am in awe of the way they have gamed the junta on this one. 



    On the contrary, the powers that be have allowed for this to happen. 


    Thai officials are saying she departed two days ago.

  2. I do not know if I am in the right place, but my Thai wifes' family would like to invest in the neighborhood of $100,000. in a US property with at least a break-even rental return.

    What state or region do you recommend? My personal preference is for the 'west' as opposed to the 'east'.

    What say you veterans of US servitude...?

  3. We have discovered that my daughters complete bedroom set is infested with termites. It was a expensive set (Klasse) made with laminated particle board...what a mistake.

    I have decided that I want everything in 'metal'....metal bed frame...metal wardrobe...metal vanity.

    Who in Thailand sells such furniture?

    Any other suggestions would also be welcome.

  4. Barack Obama, ASEAN Summit, Rancho Mirage, California…addressing the ridiculous subject of LM without mentioning any specific country:

    "Across the region, we’ll continue to stand with citizens and civil society and defend their freedom of speech, of assembly and of the press. No one, including those in political opposition, should ever be detained or imprisoned simply for speaking their mind. That only stymies progress, only makes it harder for countries to truly thrive and prosper."

    Echoing the speech given by the US Ambassador to Thailand recently.


  5. Dear OP,

    I just happen to receive this today in the mail and so thought I'd pass it along. As you say, you have a rapid metabolism (a good thing). However, people with a serious illness (cancer, other) can also have similar symptoms. How's about a quick physical at the local Dr.'s office.

    For What It's Worth

    Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Fitness and Health e-Zine
    June 28, 2015

    Restricting Calories for Just Five Days a Month May Prolong Life

    A new study shows that restricting calories just five days a month for three months:
    * helped people lose weight,
    * reduced a number of risk factors for cancer, diabetes and heart attacks, and
    * improved markers for living a longer life and tests for immune function
    (Cell Metabolism, published online June 18, 2015). The study author, Valter D. Longo of the University of Southern California, says that "the research demonstrates the first anti-aging, healthspan-promoting intervention that doctors could feasibly recommend for patients."

    The Study
    Thirty-seven men and women participated in the three-month study. For 25 days in each month, they all ate their normal diets. For the other five days each month, 19 of the subjects restricted calories to between one third and one half of their normal intake (the fasting group), while the other 18 continued to eat their regular diet and did not restrict calories (the control group). The fasting group was fed 1,090 calories on the first "fast" day and 725 calories per day for the other four "fast days". Their food on these days consisted of vegetable soups and chamomile tea.

    How Might Intermittent "Fasting" Prolong Life?
    Nobody really knows whether intermittent low-calorie diets help to promote weight loss and to prevent disease, but after three months of this regimen, the fasting group had a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, heart attacks, diabetes and cancer, including lowered blood glucose, reduced markers of inflammation and weight loss.

    In similar studies, humans and animals have had a marked lowering of a hormone called Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), high levels of which increase risk for cancer and premature death. Intermittent low-calorie diets have been shown to extend the lives of yeast and mice. Mice in an intermittent fasting program had less belly fat which helped protect them from developing diabetes, more brain nerve growth promoting memory, and lower IGF-1 levels. Other studies published this year show that periodic fasting helps to prevent diabetes in those who are at high risk.

    Weigh Yourself Every Day
    Another study found that weighing yourself daily is one of the most effective ways to track your weight and do something immediately to help you lose weight or prevent weight gain (Journal of Obesity, June 2015). Weigh yourself at the same time of day each morning. If you are trying to lose weight, use your scales to monitor your progress. If you are trying to prevent weight gain, add a "fast" day wheneer you have gained a pound or more.

    My Personal Experience with Intermittent Fasting
    I am 80 and am 5'11" tall; Diana is 73 and 5'7". We have always exercised every day and not been fat, but when we retired six years ago, I weighed 168 pounds and she weighed 135 pounds. We have been following a program of modified fasting two or three days a week for the last three years. Today I weigh 139 and she weighs 118.

    Four or five days a week, we eat our typical plant-based diet with occasional seafood. Two or three days a week, I eat oatmeal for breakfast as my only regular meal. Then we snack on oranges and nuts whenever we are hungry. This works for us because we have only oatmeal, beans, fruits and nuts in our house. I eat about 1200 to 1500 calories on these "fast" days, while my normal calorie intake is about 3000 per day. We ride our tandem bicycle or our single bicycles very hard almost every day and I believe that our exercise program also helps us to maintain our weight.

    What This May Mean For You
    This week a new report from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey shows that today Americans are fatter than ever before. More than 75 percent of men and 67 percent of women over age 25 are overweight or obese (JAMA Internal Medicine. June 22, 2015). Many studies show that being even slightly overweight appears to shorten lives. Most weight loss programs fail to help people keep weight off after they have lost it. Fasting can cause hunger which is painful, so most people will not do it. I have found that a modified program of intermittent fasting with snacking is easy and relatively painless. I believe that future research will show that intermittent fasting helps to control weight and to prevent the diseases that are linked to excess weight.
    More at:

    Intermittent Fasting
    Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting

  6. I just attempted to do my 90 day report online via www.immigration.go.th

    and all I saw was the following:

    1. The foreigner makes the notification in person, or
    2. The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or
    3. The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.
    4. The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.
    5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.

    Did not see anything regarding online procedure...what am I missing?

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