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Posts posted by daiwill60

  1. As long as it is LEGAL for the police to put up a large poster, which says:

    Drunk Driving Fines:

    Thai 5000 baht

    Farang 20.000 baht

    I won't believe in any cleanup.

    PS. Of course I am against drunk driving, but the poster is real on the Dark Side in Pattaya-East.

    Just wish I could get a photo of it and post here.

    work in progress then is it??

  2. This story though it has a stisfactory out come form a health point of view, just highlights how prepared the Thai authorities really are for someone with suspect infections coming into this country, and their total lack of coordinating preventative measures when a suspect does actually arrive, then buggers off from his hotel, God help us all.

    In the end though a load of panic over nothing as it turns out . So <deleted> did happen in this case if he was he tested,?, because one report said he had similar symptoms to Ebola.

    How can anyone take future threats seriously when Peter keeps crying Wolf ???

  3. If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

    Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

    Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

    Exactly what will be happening,already stating his loneliness and isolation and wants to return to Pattaya. Apparently she dumps the kid on him for days at a time while she disappears. He was seriously considering returning to the UK before all this

    One of his friends contacts from UK regarding his welfare, his family there disowned him through his antics. I'm not physically involved nor wish to be

    And now is antics have come back and kicked him in the teeth by th e sound of it. When he took up with this girl, probably in Pattaya form what you say about him wanting to return there now, he probably thought he was on cloud 9 with her , but the reality is hitting now. Should have had more sense, now is stuck in pertitude. Tough Love, which at first may have seemed short time has now become long time.

  4. Correct me if I am wrong but if evey Thai produces 1 Kg of waste everyday then surely in a population of 70 million people that should equate to 70 million kilograms every day or 70,000 metric tonnes a day ??? Where does it all go ?? In the gulf of Thailand is my guess, looking at the crap that comes on shore in Rayong and probably other beahes south of Bangkok , after every storm. Where are all the rubbish tips in Thailand? I have not seen any evidence of any in the 3 1/2 years I have been here. in various locations ?

  5. Not surprising that the Thais restrained him first and not their bamboo wieldin brethren. pack animals with IQ's equal to boast

    Who are you saying are pack animals?

    The morons that rushed to defend the guy who had just struck the Danish guys wife...did you read a different article than I?

    Na , he just needed to say something, Bless him !!!

  6. At least he is getting an offer of some help from his embassy before anything else more tragic happens to this poor family. Imagine if he were a Brit??

    Such a sad story to hear , but he really needs to get out from that area and fast. No point giving a forwarding address to the police as that address could be bought for the price of a bottle of Lhaow Kaow.

    • Like 1
  7. What seriously?????? , phone call checking into people with know criminal records, staying at the resort, at the same time as the McCanns, is only recently been checked.

    Again, another big lesson to be learned by RTP investigators into the activities on the night of the Koh Tao murders. If they really want to solve the case, that is ????

    • Like 1
  8. Always amazes me how we hear about such events ( Auctions , festivals, gigs or other celebratory events ) the day after they happen. Considering the amount of marketing students studying in Thailand and those thousands that have qualified through whatever Mickey Mouse University course , they do not do very well at it really, do they? At least form a farang point of interest that is. Cannot speak from a Thai point of view as i cannot read Thai advertsing as any ads are invariably in Thai.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why are the proceeds of the auctioned off property going to the Police ?

    Wouldn't it be more beneficial for Thailand for the proceeds to go to hospitals and schools ?

    Good question. the quick answer: Police are first in line.

    Whenever there's a theft reported in Thailand, or recovered goods involving cash or valuables, police expect kick-backs. This auction is yet another manifestation of that mind-set.

    I've experienced it first-hand. I had a sum of money stolen out of my house. At first I didn't want to report it, because I had no trust in police finding thieves. But a Thai friend convinced me to report, so I did. To their credit, the local police caught the culprits and the cash (along with a personal item which could only have come from my house). However, the money wasn't returned to me straight away. It took about 3 hours of intense discussion before I got about 12% of the stolen cash back. You get one guess where the 88% balance went.

    May I ask why only 12% ?

    Was that 12% yours ? and who's was that 88% ?


    before I got about 12% of the stolen cash back. You get one guess where the 88% balance went.

    • Like 1
  10. How come whenever there's a crime here, people react like it's never happened before?

    When was Thailand a crime-free paradise? When was any country?

    I'd suggest the reaction comes when the crimes become more and more noticeable. If you care to read my previous post, it explains (at least) one point.

    As to when - reading OSAP-records for past 10 years you'll see a trend. Still noting that BKK is one of the safest SEA-area capitals, but crime on increase.

    OSAP.why do people post so many acronyms presuming everyone knows <deleted> they mean ???

    • Like 1
  11. Must be worth contacting ''The Guinness Book of records'' so as to confirm the result as the fastest ever conclusive D.N.A. test ever completed but possibly creative in its result(s)

    I personally do not believe the results , but DNA testing can be done fairly quickly actually, the delays are usually caused when batches sent by various souces are accumulated before a run of samples are analysed .

    Why does it take so long to get DNA results?

    DNA analysis involves four main steps: extraction, quantification, amplification and genotyping. Once a genetic profile is obtained, the data must be interpreted and peer reviewed. Each of these steps is detail-intensive and time consuming and may take up to several hours for a single sample.


  12. The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

    Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

    As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

    Sorry to nit-pick but,

    Let it Be was a McCartney composition...


    Think you will find that it is actually accredited as a McCartney composition, as were most of the songs of the Rolling Stones ooops sorry a typo BEATLES.

    Yes it was probably majorly a McCartney composition but all songs, as far as I am aware, were always a combination of at least two, three or all of the fab four. John Lennon would have had some input in Paul's songs and vice versa. So give the kid a chance. Looked it up on Wicki and yes it is solely attributed to McCartney and evrything I just typed is &lt;deleted&gt; but it took a long time to type, so I am not deleting my effort wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

    (Be interesting to see what this post now develops into).

  13. In Thailand they can show people with guts hanging out, then on soapies, slapping men, slapping women, verbally abusing, shooting people is ok.. Plus making police to be dingalings... Yet they fuzz out someone smoking or drinking in the soapies, movies etc...

    Obviously they know that images have some effect on people... Perhaps they have it back to front.... coffee1.gif

    I also thought that they fuzz out anyone holding a weapon to someone else, a measure done that obvioulsy doesn't work eh? In all cases drinking, smoking or murder.

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