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Posts posted by daiwill60

  1. Why is VISA bothered as long as they get their money? I dont understand their involvement in this.

    It's advertising of sorts " look what we have discovered, that you maybe cannot admit too. If you read this and realise that you are in the same situation, then you can come to us, we can help spread the bills", don't you get that ?

    I hear what you say and I agree with the sentiment. Trouble is that VISA wont help spread any debts for you

    I know that and you know that , but the general majority of debt ridden Thais don't maybe, and that is what Visa probably are depending upon in their attempt to woo potential customers by highlighting the story, JEEEZ !!!!

  2. An ex of mine once wanted to start selling Moo Ping because her brother used to make over 1000 bht a day when he did it, my question to her was how much does it cost to set up , how much does the stock cost to sell every day? etc etc . The Idea of hers soon disappeared when she could not, either understand the concepts of having to buy stock and that this then has to be paid for out of the 1000 bht a day, so she will not be making a 1000 a day, if that is how much her daily turnover is. Ay AY Ay

  3. Thirteen years old.

    What do you do with pimps and purchasers here?

    It's not forced prostitution here in Esaan. These teenage girls want the latest smart phone, iPad, designer clothes. ect. They put their name on a call list from the local "resort". It's an open secret here and the norm. The "resort" owners pay the police monthly to look the other way.

    I am troubled by your post, More than troubled really as there there is a perverse permissiveness for locale or external need.

    Teenagers want a good many things across the globe they cannot have, it does not excuse exploitative behavior when their vulnerabilities allow predators to take advantage. To rape and serve themselves. And at thirteen she barely qualifies as a teenager.

    Turning a blind eye may be common in Thailand but it is still a criminal act and moral abhorrence and needs incarceration. That child needs placement in situations where better guidance can be given and a chance at life.

    Away from influences such as your voice mediated pov. There is no mediated pov in these issues.

    Essan or Pattani

    And did you report it to whichever relevant body that deals with this , or just report it on TVN? If you know of this Pimay 1, surely it should be reported ASAP maybe to the big boss himself ??

  4. It's the assumption that the police think that they can get away with anything they choose to say that is so annoying. Those days are GONE, sirs, at least until you start to censor internet as do China and get rid of the social media.

    Take it you haven't read this bit of news then ?


  5. Ah well according to this , things must be improving as Thailand was second a while back, preceded by Namibia , I think, and now it is in Third place , and what happened to Namibia in 1st place ?

    Also do not forget that Thailand's body count only counts dead at the scene of an accident , and not those that don't survive the ambulance trip or hospital treatment, Government hospitals or others.

  6. Sooooo..... I'm confused. Is this the guy who was arrested by Thai police near the border, or is the guy the Cambodian police arrested at the PP airport?

    This must be their new strategy. Confuse till the international press lose its interest and stop to report about.

    New strategy??

    I think you may find that this is the same strategy used in many cases where ;

    1. They do not want to / or cannot / or are persuaded not to, pin the blame on Thais.

    2. They haven't a clue who did it and do not know where to start .

    3. Have completely confused themselves with all their own speculations and presumptions as to who did or did not do it, and would lose face if they admitted it was someone or a group, they had ruled out initially.

    By the way , how can the police, have the audacity to ask people to provide them with clearer pics that may have been taken of the bomber at the shrine ?

    Surely that would mean the policemen having to return some of their hard, deservedly earned ( cough !!! ) 3 Million baht, in order to reward a member of the public who had helped them in their enquiries to catch the bomber, wouldn't it???

    The reward money is spent already, have you ever heard of any Thai's who can save money in the bank?

    It was a tongue in cheek comment, and no doubt the local Toyota dealer will be rubbing his hands together as he orders new stock of fortuners

  7. Is this shit actually supposed to be English? Maybe now that the people that started this site have sold it, the English and overall reporting will get better. Right now it's a joke.

    Hey Tom , take a look at the bottom of the OP.

    I think you will see that it came from THAI PBS not Thai Visa, and has obviously been directly copied into TVN , but what any of this would have to do with K. Prem slamming down corruption, for whatever reasons he has, is way beyond me.

    WOW, talk about commenting off post

  8. Sooooo..... I'm confused. Is this the guy who was arrested by Thai police near the border, or is the guy the Cambodian police arrested at the PP airport?

    This must be their new strategy. Confuse till the international press lose its interest and stop to report about.

    New strategy??

    I think you may find that this is the same strategy used in many cases where ;

    1. They do not want to / or cannot / or are persuaded not to, pin the blame on Thais.

    2. They haven't a clue who did it and do not know where to start .

    3. Have completely confused themselves with all their own speculations and presumptions as to who did or did not do it, and would lose face if they admitted it was someone or a group, they had ruled out initially.

    By the way , how can the police, have the audacity to ask people to provide them with clearer pics that may have been taken of the bomber at the shrine ?

    Surely that would mean the policemen having to return some of their hard, deservedly earned ( cough !!! ) 3 Million baht, in order to reward a member of the public who had helped them in their enquiries to catch the bomber, wouldn't it???

  9. Why clutter the streets with tourists that do not spend any money, .. and bringing them to Utapao is no better than suvharnaphum as far as driving time is concerned. Sounds like it is time to get the hell out of Thailand. I'm sick of Russians and Chinese, that have no respect for Thai culture or customs and contribute little or nothing to the Thai economy. ... but are welcomed moreso than Westerners!

    Welcomed probably because there isn't much else left to welcome.

    Westerners like to spread their wings a bit more I guess and are also fully aware of what is on offer here these days.

  10. Kind of makes you doubt the credibility of the rest of the pics of the supposed, collected evidence at the home of this guy , who seemingly had forged passports and therefore is easy to pin the blame on as a scapegoat, case closed RTP basking in glory.

    Personally, I hope this is not the case here, but it can't have been an easy mistake to make , putting that picture in, and then describing it as found as part of the evidence, amongst the other parts found at the home of the suspect.

    And then threatening people with computer crimes action if they share it.

    Accountability in Thailand means you can say ning, song, sam.....etc.

    And now apparently trying to pin the placing of this photo on the media for slipping it in to the pics at the scene, in spite of discussing it as credible evidence live on TV during their broadcast mmmmmm!!!!! According to a report I read tonight.

  11. Kind of makes you doubt the credibility of the rest of the pics of the supposed, collected evidence at the home of this guy , who seemingly had forged passports and therefore is easy to pin the blame on as a scapegoat, case closed RTP basking in glory.

    Personally, I hope this is not the case here, but it can't have been an easy mistake to make , putting that picture in, and then describing it as found as part of the evidence, amongst the other parts found at the home of the suspect.

  12. "On Friday, four days after an explosion at the Erawan Shrine killed 20 people, police announced with much fanfare the beginning of "Operation Lock Down the City, Raid the Bandits' Nests,” with the objective of “X-raying” potential residences that might hold clues leading to the bomber and his possible “network.”"

    "On Sunday, one day before the bombastically named operation ended, a ceremony formally launching its show of force began with a parade of soldiers and police leading out from Royal Plaza in the Dusit district, complete with speeches, mounted cavalry and motorized convoys."

    Lockdown launched 4 days after initial crime - bit late there lads.

    X raying potential residences - been watching too many of the bosses' favorite TV cop movies now lads, so go out and do some real work to catch the perp's

    Show of force - or show of chest feathers in order to save just a little bit of face on the global scale? What a backfiring move that will turn out to be.

    Gonna need more than a few horses, motorbikes and police cars to sort out this mess Boys. Why didn't you wheel out a few photocopiers and show your fingerprinting talc at the same time, then the World may have been really impressed.

    Call in Inspector Gadget, he will sort you all out and get your man.

  13. Well surely he shouldn't be too difficult to find , being it was a public van full of passengers, many of which would have been Thai too I would imagine.

    If they do find this cowardly <deleted> eventually, after he has sobered up or rid himself of traces of Yabba or whatever, I wonder, being as the German guy was related and with close connections to someone famous in Thailand, I wonder if he will get away with a few days in a temple and a small fine, or will the family be looking for a big payout or long tem sentence ?

    RIP to the German guy.

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