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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. LOL it is definitely illegal in the nanny state, you can camp only in designated camp sites near the beach but never on the sand, and sometimes you get charged 50-80 AUD for a couple of square metres of camping site.
  2. AFAIK there are no laws in Thailand in regards to wild camping. Obviously it is illegal to camp on private land without asking the owner. The beaches in Thailand are owned by the king and are public property. I've camped on quite a few beaches straight on the sand (he'll need sand pegs), in official camp sites of the national parks, and on secluded remote beaches on the south islands. Ao Yon and Panwa are not secluded, there are plenty of hotels there, no facilities and as TiT the owners around may call the police to move him out. Much better to head south to the camp sites of the Tarutao National Park, the camp sites have good facilities and he'll meet plenty of interesting travellers.
  3. From what I remember your home country has more or less 1 week of summer ????
  4. I've done it twice (well once Samui to Langkawi), definitely the eastern side, nice cycling along the sea, if you have time cycle to Kota Bharu and then to Penang.
  5. The top 2% in the US have net worth cut off of 2.2 mil, yet the OP just casually tries to buy a house worth more than 4m USD. The numbers don't match... https://finance.yahoo.com/news/know-im-rich-140000452.html
  6. Right... probably they should listen to the British government propaganda outlet and engage the British to build a railway for them. The Chinese built the railway for 6 billion USD, the cost of the British HS2 so far is 106 billion pounds and counting....the railway to be finished in 7 or more years. Or better engage the Aussies, the cost of the city to Parramatta metro ballooned from 6 billion to 30 billion AUD before they even started to work properly on it. That's a 18km metro line.
  7. Thai international hospital, 250 baht, takes less than 30 min. Tell them medical certificate for retirement visa, they've done many.
  8. You can apply for non-O extension, but that won't necessarily mean you are also a tax resident of Thailand if you don't stay more than 6 months here.
  9. The truth is every gubement in the world would like to grab as much money as possible, and Thailand is no different. Especially after the COVID money splashing there is need now to collect more. For those threatening to leave the number of greener pastures is constantly shrinking. A few days ago Portugal announced similar measures. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/03/portugal-to-scrap-unjust-tax-breaks-for-foreign-residents Taxes can be avoided in countries like Democratic Republic of Congo, but there are other issues to deal with...
  10. This sounds very reasonable, did you have any polyps removed? I had one today in Sydney, in one of the Ramsay Health care private hospitals, the only significant expense was paying $500 AUD excess for my Medibank Private policy. Full anaesthesia and polyps removed. The receptionist asked me to view and acknowledge various hospital charges there, eye popping ICU stay per day, 5180 AUD, that's around 120k baht.
  11. Why would I blame EU...I blame the unelected Brussels sprouts who act against the interests of the EU. I have an EU passport as well, curious to find out how many of the warmongering trolls here urging EU to get more involved are EU citizens. It is a simple fact that Russia invaded Ukraine, another simple fact is EU is a big loser as long as this war goes on.
  12. Yes the Brussels unelected puppets are ruining Europe again. Sadly the fix is coming either from the far right or the far left. Last weekend one of these types won the Slovakia election. The interesting part would start if the far right wins either in France or Germany.
  13. One potential issue I could see with your "separation" or "divorce" is if your Thai wife does it for real and claims half of your assets and more, plus child support. AFAIK the Thai women in Oz have their own forums and discuss these things, they even refer experienced lawyers to do the job. You may say"mine is different", but there are precedents. So your 2 year stay may becoming longer....
  14. This is not how it works, tax residence is separate from the usual concept of residence. I'm an Australian tax resident although I may spend as little as 1 week per year there, and by the looks of it I'm also a Thai tax resident if I stay more than half an year here. Different countries have different laws wrt tax residence.
  15. It all depends what information the two countries share. And this is not public info. I've seen people who got issued tax return adjustment notices in Oz as a result of data matching with foreign governments wrt foreign income. On the other end there is a tick box on the Oz tax return "do you have more than 50k assets overseas?", I know many people who have but never bothered to declare, nobody had any issues so far. My strategy would be to declare nothing and minimise any bank transfers, let's see if either of the countries issue me a notice.
  16. The OP has little idea what he is talking about. Consult the specific DTA with your country. Most DTAs are structured so people get tax credit for tax already paid in a foreign country. For example say the marginal tax rate in Australia is 45%, and in Thailand is 30%. If I earn interest 1000 baht in Thailand the Thai govt will tax me 300 baht (30%). When I file my tax return in Australia and declare income in Thailand of 1000 baht, the govt under the DTA between the two countries will give me a tax credit for tax already paid in Thailand of 300 baht, and will charge me extra 150 baht covering the difference to the 45% Australian tax rate. If there was no DTA then both Thailand and Australia would charge me their respective rates, 30% in Thailand and full 45% in Australia. I get regularly tax credits for tax withheld, and get charged extra tax to cover the tax rate differences for income earned in New Zealand.
  17. Actually the Chinese economy is doing quite well, for first ever time in this years' Fortune global 500 companies rankings the Chinese are number 1 with 145 companies. What Xi is doing is repositioning the economy towards high added value industries and it shows - this year the Chinese have a decent chance of being number 1 car exporter to Australia. The Chinese are slowly gobbling industries one by one. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/China-tech/China-leads-high-tech-research-in-80-of-critical-fields-report
  18. Sweden and many European countries are just collateral damage. In a hindsight they should have closed their borders. Barring France with their colonies, most of the recent Muslim immigration to Europe is a result of wars, coups, regime changes and other interference by the US and their vassal state UK in north Africa, Middle East and Afghanistan. Merkel foolishly opened her welcoming arms, the Euro politicians should have loaded these refugees on cruise ships and dump them in Florida - they created the problems, let them have them and pay for them.
  19. That depends on many things. Some types of income are only taxed in the country of payment, for other types one gets credit. From the above document: "Subject to the provisions of Article 19, pensions and annuities paid to a resident of one of the Contracting States shall be taxable only in that State." On the surface it looks like the Oz pensions are exempted, but note the word "resident", many people choose to be non resident of Oz wrt tax. For dividends and interests there is no such exclusion, if tax is levied in Oz it can be used as a tax credit in the other state, and any tax shortfall after the credit is applied should be paid.
  20. Murky waters...I've read somewhere today at some Oz web site that in case of DTA if you are not resident in Oz for tax purposes, then you get taxed by the country of residence, which may be Thailand. Sounds fairly logical. Too many contradictory docos.
  21. Superannuation pensions are not taxable income, they can be taken tax free by non-residents.
  22. Well for those from Oz stuck somewhere outside our gubement wouldn't let us in unless double vaxed. My preference was Sinovac but was not available, AZ was getting some bad press, so I got Pfizered. In the hindsight I would go only with Sinovac or AZ, but I had to travel.
  23. Well those annoying Chinese got lucky in the end to get vaccinated with inactivated vaccines like Sinovac. The AN propaganda trolls have written thousands of of posts ridiculing and belittling them. When China was opening up last December it was like "OMG, many millions are going to die!" What happened? Pretty much nothing.
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