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Everything posted by gearbox

  1. Didn't you say before that you have 1 mil in super? Why do you have to live only on 20k?
  2. Indeed, I use Skype only to call banks or the government, it would be once per couple of months.
  3. Your question was wrong, it should be "Do the AN forum members want Russians here?" How about the Thais not working in the tourist industry or any other visitors like the Chinese, Malaysians or Indians? Low class stuff as usual here
  4. The Chinese manufacturers are beating the competition worldwide, and is only going to get worse: https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202411/21/WS673e9937a310f1265a1cecf3.html
  5. The American puppet is seemingly not happy that he lost control of the parliament as a result of democratic elections and declared martial law. Expecting swift condemnations from the so called "democratic" world...silence so far.
  6. One option is to pack it to look like sports equipment and purchase sports equipment baggage which is separate and also up to 40kg. I flew with real sports equipment with 60kg total baggage a few months ago.I doubt they would check if it is real sports equipment at the check-in counter. In the end it doesn't matter to them much.
  7. "Selling into the wonderful US economy..." The Chinese market is far bigger. Xi is going to whip him like a rented mule. The Chinese supply chains are currently strengthening, not weakening.
  8. The water at the Mae Nam beach is definitely not crystal clear, actually there is no beach in Samui with crystal clear water like some Indonesian islands or the Pacific.
  9. At least there is no GoFundMe begging this time.
  10. Upper Volta with rockets v2.0 in the making...
  11. Plenty of keyboard warriors on government benefits here taking stance against the government. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims in various countries, to which Australia exports goods. The earnings from these exports help to pay your OAP. We can't afford to piss off Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country and our closest neighbour. Australia has no stake in the middle east conflicts, we only get refugees from there.
  12. Bangkok looks pretty busy to me right now, Iconsiam was packed with foreigners. Lots of Chinese too, didn't see too many Indians.
  13. Not really...just the money tree will be shaken a little bit, not too much to scare the birds. There is one missing number from the article, how many handed over brown envelopes. In the end all 27000 companies would miraculously comply with the law.
  14. Another AI article....Bob is more entertaining.
  15. You are correct... Ukraine would be hit and the rest would be just watching. At most in Western Europe they would eat a bit of radioactive lettuce. However Putin would need big enough casualties or damage on the Russian side to justify it. Not likely at this stage IMO.
  16. You can quote whatever you want, but in reality the Thai roads and sidewalks are generally not suitable for people with mobility issues. Anyone can develop mobility issues especially at old age, so this is a risk factor which needs to be taken into account when moving to Thailand.
  17. Thailand is a developing country and some things are not up to the western standards. If one wants western standards, western prices, western governments and rules and western grandmas, he/she should have stayed home.
  18. I wouldn't count Eastern Europe. The salaries and the standard of living are rising faster there, and so are the rents and prices. Add to that the cold weather and you won't gain much.
  19. Of course you can live as a retiree, provided you meet certain conditions: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/residence-rights/pensioners/index_en.htm If you live 5 years you can get permanent residence, then health insurance and proof of sufficient funds are not required.
  20. USSR was preparing for nuclear war with NATO, not with Ukraine. They have tons of nukes(biggest pile in the world). For sure the former USSR wasn't relying on China and India for help, and the incumbent Russia doesn't need their help either.
  21. Nothing to judge here....be a man and own your problems. What world do we live in, where people are holidaying in remote countries and expecting others to cover their shortfall? I haven't seen yet any appeal from an Italian mama begging for her son...she would be disdained for life doing this. She'll do anything necessary to gather the money without begging the public.
  22. For those who can't afford to fork significant amount there is a risk distribution mechanism called insurance. Pay for proper insurance and follow the rules, there won't be any need to find 30k. Acquaintance of mine had bad accident in Samui, weeks in coma, after 2 months ICU and multiple operations he got evacuated to his home country. All in all the bill was probably in the vicinity of 10 mil baht, no issues with insurance payments.
  23. Pathetic are the freeloaders living on government benefits paid by our taxes.
  24. I have a kid around that age, and yes I can find 30k within an hour. I have something called dignity...i don't expect other people to pay my bills. Unless the parents are homeless they can take a personal loan with some guarantee. If they are that poor, their son has no business in Thailand, unless he has proper insurance.
  25. I was asked sometimes ago to contribute to a similar case by a friend who knew the family personally. Turned out mom and pop had well paid jobs, own house plus investment property. I politely declined.
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